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Cosmos monitor slackbot


  • quickly report any potentially concerning happenings on the cosmos network
  • specifically check on any number of validators we specify
  • integrate with Slack
  • set it and forget it
    • easy to configure and deploy
    • reliable and resilient
    • won't fail silently
  • don't be annoying / too noisy

Things to look for

  • one of our validators is not signing blocks
  • one of our validators has double signed a block
  • our node is unresponsive, is responsive but not receiving any new blocks, or is behind
  • significant changes in voting power for one of our validators
  • significant change in number of peers for our node


Global state

  • last block height successfully checked
  • last successful "interval check" (less frequent check)
  • validators we care about, address and lastVotingPower for each
  • blocks[] we have yet to check

GET /block

  • ensure successful response received. alert slack in case of error
  • if same as last block seen, alert and return
  • calculate number of blocks between last block seen and current. individually query each one, then do the following for each, in chron order:
    • report any evidence (depending on config option, only report if evidence involves our validators)
    • report if any of our validators in last_commit.precommits appear 0 or >1 times

GET /dump_consensus_state

  • alert if any of our validators not in result.round_state.validators.validators
  • alert if round >= 2
  • alert if substantial increase or decrease in number of peers (ideally don't check this every minute - maybe make separate route and cron job)
  • alert if substantial increase decrease in voting power - check both against previous block and yesterday (if exists)
  • alert if consensus is in round 2 or greater

Get /num_unconfirmed_txs

  • alert if >= 100 (100 might be the max possible or possible to report)

Get /status

  • alert if result.sync_info.catching_up = true

What I would do next

  • Unit test, because I always like to. Between TypeScript and my manual testing, I feel confident that there is no major flaw. Slack should be alerted of any errors that come up.

  • monitor block-by-block - GCP cloud scheduler can only do every minute (~8 blocks)

  • Watch and decode all individual transactions to watch for specific things - i.e. AddrA sent 1234 tokens to AddrB.

  • Specifically detect slashing events. Everything that causes slashing (for our validators) should be reported, but would be ideal to know exactly when and how much someone gets slashed.

  • E2E test. Would be cool to actually run a testnet node and periodically spin up a test monitor, programmatically simulate all the situations we can, and assert that the monitor attempts to notify slack in the right ways.

  • Subscribe to Tendermint security mailing list and forward those emails to slack - ideally no code (new gmail acct -> subscribe to mailing list and connect with slack -> set up native forwarding integration)

  • Maybe monitor governance events

  • Figure out a solid and cheap enough persistent websocket client

  • See what monitoring is / should be done locally on our node and integrate it with slack as well.

  • GUI for tweaking parameters, visualizing status, etc.

  • Terraform

  • Check on multiple trustworthy nodes to compare info

  • Pagerduty. I did already set up GCP to email me of any failures.

  • general module for parsing json results into correct TS interfaces (auto-detect and cast things like numbers, dates, etc, map json property names to TS property names)


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