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# This is an EXUDYN example
# Details:  This example performs an optimization using a simple
#           mass-spring-damper system; varying mass, spring, ...
#           The objective function is the error compared to
#           a reference solution using reference/nominal values (which are known here, but could originate from a measurement)
#           NOTE: using scipy.minimize with interface from Stefan Holzinger
# Author:   Johannes Gerstmayr
# Date:     2020-11-18
# Copyright:This file is part of Exudyn. Exudyn is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Exudyn license. See 'LICENSE.txt' for more details.

import exudyn as exu
from exudyn.itemInterface import *
from exudyn.processing import Minimize, PlotOptimizationResults2D

import numpy as np #for postprocessing
import os
from time import sleep

#this is the function which is repeatedly called from ParameterVariation
#parameterSet contains dictinary with varied parameters
def ParameterFunction(parameterSet):
    SC = exu.SystemContainer()
    mbs = SC.AddSystem()

    #default values
    mass = 1.6          #mass in kg
    spring = 4000       #stiffness of spring-damper in N/m
    damper = 8    #old: 8; damping constant in N/(m/s)
    u0=-0.08            #initial displacement
    v0=1                #initial velocity
    force =80               #force applied to mass

    #process parameters
    if 'mass' in parameterSet:
        mass = parameterSet['mass']

    if 'spring' in parameterSet:
        spring = parameterSet['spring']

    if 'force' in parameterSet:
        force = parameterSet['force']

    iCalc = 'Ref' #needed for parallel computation ==> output files are different for every computation
    if 'computationIndex' in parameterSet:
        iCalc = str(parameterSet['computationIndex'])
        # print('iCAlc=', iCalc)

    #mass-spring-damper system
    L=0.5               #spring length (for drawing)

    #node for 3D mass point:
    n1=mbs.AddNode(Point(referenceCoordinates = [L,0,0],
                         initialCoordinates = [u0,0,0],
                         initialVelocities= [v0,0,0]))

    #ground node
    nGround=mbs.AddNode(NodePointGround(referenceCoordinates = [0,0,0]))

    #add mass point (this is a 3D object with 3 coordinates):
    massPoint = mbs.AddObject(MassPoint(physicsMass = mass, nodeNumber = n1))

    #marker for ground (=fixed):
    groundMarker=mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodeCoordinate(nodeNumber= nGround, coordinate = 0))
    #marker for springDamper for first (x-)coordinate:
    nodeMarker  =mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodeCoordinate(nodeNumber= n1, coordinate = 0))

    #spring-damper between two marker coordinates
    nC = mbs.AddObject(CoordinateSpringDamper(markerNumbers = [groundMarker, nodeMarker],
                                              stiffness = spring, damping = damper))

    #add load:
    mbs.AddLoad(LoadCoordinate(markerNumber = nodeMarker,
                                             load = force))
    #add sensor:
    sensorFileName = 'solution/paramVarDisplacement'+iCalc+'.txt'
    mbs.AddSensor(SensorObject(objectNumber=nC, fileName=sensorFileName,
    # print("sensorFileName",sensorFileName)


    steps = 1000  #number of steps to show solution
    tEnd = 1     #end time of simulation

    simulationSettings = exu.SimulationSettings()
    #simulationSettings.solutionSettings.solutionWritePeriod = 5e-3  #output interval general
    simulationSettings.solutionSettings.writeSolutionToFile = False
    simulationSettings.solutionSettings.sensorsWritePeriod = 2e-3  #output interval of sensors
    simulationSettings.timeIntegration.numberOfSteps = steps
    simulationSettings.timeIntegration.endTime = tEnd

    simulationSettings.timeIntegration.generalizedAlpha.spectralRadius = 1 #no damping


    #evaluate difference between reference and optimized solution
    #reference solution:
    dataRef = np.loadtxt('solution/paramVarDisplacementRef.txt', comments='#', delimiter=',')
    data = np.loadtxt(sensorFileName, comments='#', delimiter=',')

    diff = data[:,1]-dataRef[:,1]

    errorNorm = np.sqrt(,diff))/steps*tEnd
    #errorNorm = np.sum(abs(diff))/steps*tEnd

    #draw solution (not during optimization!):
    if 'plot' in parameterSet:

        print('file=', sensorFileName)
        print('error=', errorNorm)
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib import ticker

        plt.plot(dataRef[:,0], dataRef[:,1], 'b-', label='Ref, u (m)')
        plt.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], 'r-', label='u (m)')

        ax=plt.gca() # get current axes
        ax.grid(True, 'major', 'both')
        plt.legend() #show labels as legend

    if True: #not needed in serial version
        if iCalc != 'Ref':
            os.remove(sensorFileName) #remove files in order to clean up
            while(os.path.exists(sensorFileName)): #wait until file is really deleted -> usually some delay
                sleep(0.001) #not nice, but there is no other way than that

    del mbs
    del SC

    # print(parameterSet, errorNorm)
    return errorNorm

#now perform parameter variation
if __name__ == '__main__': #include this to enable parallel processing
    import time

    refval = ParameterFunction({}) # compute reference solution
    print("refval =", refval)
    if False:
        #val2 = ParameterFunction({'mass':1.6, 'spring':4000, 'force':80, 'computationIndex':0, 'plot':''}) # compute reference solution
        val2 = ParameterFunction({'mass': 1.7022816582583309, 'spring': 4244.882757974497, 'force': 82.62761337061548, 'computationIndex':0, 'plot':''}) # compute reference solution
        #val2 = ParameterFunction({, 'computationIndex':0, 'plot':''}) # compute reference solution

    if True:
        #the following settings give approx. 6 digits accuraet results after 167 iterations
        start_time = time.time()
        [pOpt, vOpt, pList, values] = Minimize(objectiveFunction = ParameterFunction,
                                             parameters = {'mass':(1,10), 'spring':(100,10000), 'force':(1,250)}, #parameters provide search range
                                             addComputationIndex = True,
                                             tol = 1e-1, #this is a internal parameter, not directly coupled loss
        print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

        print("optimum parameters=", pOpt)
        print("minimum value=", vOpt)

        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D  # noqa: F401 unused import
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        #from matplotlib import cm
        #from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter
        import numpy as np
        colorMap ='jet') #finite element colors

        #for negative values:
        if min(values) <= 0:
            values = np.array(values)-min(values)*1.001+1e-10

        [figList, axList] = PlotOptimizationResults2D(pList, values, yLogScale=True)