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# This is an EXUDYN example
# Details:  Example to calculate rope line of reeving system
# Author:   Johannes Gerstmayr
# Date:     2022-02-02
# Copyright:This file is part of Exudyn. Exudyn is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Exudyn license. See 'LICENSE.txt' for more details.

import exudyn as exu
from exudyn.itemInterface import *
from exudyn.utilities import *
from exudyn.beams import *
from exudyn.robotics import *

import numpy as np
from math import sin, cos, pi, sqrt , asin, acos, atan2
import copy

SC = exu.SystemContainer()
mbs = SC.AddSystem()

#+++  MOTION PLANNING and TRAJECTORIES  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#**function: Compute parameters for optimal trajectory using given duration and distance
#**notes: DEPRECATED, DO NOT USE - moved to robotics.motion
#**input: duration in seconds and distance in meters or radians
#**output: returns [vMax, accMax] with maximum velocity and maximum acceleration to achieve given trajectory
def ConstantAccelerationParameters(duration, distance):
    accMax = 4*distance/duration**2
    vMax = (accMax * distance)**0.5
    return [vMax, accMax]

#**function: Compute angle / displacement s, velocity v and acceleration a
#  t: current time to compute values
#  tStart: start time of profile
#  sStart: start offset of path
#  duration: duration of profile
#  distance: total distance (of path) of profile
#**notes: DEPRECATED, DO NOT USE - moved to robotics.motion
#**output: [s, v, a] with path s, velocity v and acceleration a for constant acceleration profile; before tStart, solution is [0,0,0] while after duration, solution is [sStart+distance, 0, 0]
def ConstantAccelerationProfile(t, tStart, sStart, duration, distance):
    [vMax, accMax] = ConstantAccelerationParameters(duration, distance)

    s = sStart
    v = 0
    a = 0

    x = t-tStart
    if x < 0:
    elif x < 0.5*duration:
        s = sStart + 0.5*accMax*x**2
        v = x*accMax
        a = accMax
    elif x < duration:
        s = sStart + distance - 0.5*accMax * (duration-x)**2
        v = (duration - x)*accMax
        a = -accMax
        s = sStart + distance

    return [s, v, a]

#**function: Compute joint value, velocity and acceleration for given robotTrajectory['PTP'] of point-to-point type, evaluated for current time t and joint number
#  t: time to evaluate trajectory
#  robotTrajectory: dictionary to describe trajectory; in PTP case, either use 'time' points, or 'time' and 'duration', or 'time' and 'maxVelocity' and 'maxAccelerations' in all consecutive points; 'maxVelocities' and 'maxAccelerations' must be positive nonzero values that limit velocities and accelerations;
#  joint: joint number for which the trajectory shall be evaluated
#**output: for current time t it returns [s, v, a] with path s, velocity v and acceleration a for current acceleration profile; outside of profile, it returns [0,0,0] !
#**notes: DEPRECATED, DO NOT USE - moved to robotics.motion
# q0 = [0,0,0,0,0,0] #initial configuration
# q1 = [8,5,2,0,2,1] #other configuration
# PTP =[]
# PTP+=[{'q':q0,
#        'time':0}]
# PTP+=[{'q':q1,
#        'time':0.5}]
# PTP+=[{'q':q1,
#        'time':1e6}] #forever
# RT={'PTP':PTP}
# [u,v,a] = MotionInterpolator(t=0.5, robotTrajectory=RT, joint=1)
def MotionInterpolator(t, robotTrajectory, joint):

    n = len(robotTrajectory['PTP'])
    if n < 2:
        print("ERROR in MotionInterpolator: trajectory must have at least 2 points!")

    i = 0
    while (i < n) and (t >= robotTrajectory['PTP'][i]['time']):
        i += 1

    if (i==0) or (i==n):
        return [0,0,0] #outside of trajectory

    #i must be > 0 and < n now!
    q0 = robotTrajectory['PTP'][i-1] #must always exist
    q1 = robotTrajectory['PTP'][i] #must always exist

    return ConstantAccelerationProfile(t, q0['time'], q0['q'][joint],
                                       q1['time'] - q0['time'],
                                       q1['q'][joint] - q0['q'][joint])

useGraphics= True
useContact = True
useFriction = True
# kProp = 10
dryFriction = 2*0.5
contactStiffness = 1e5
contactDamping = 2e-3*contactStiffness

wheelMass = 1
wheelInertia = 0.01

rotationDampingWheels = 0.01 #proportional to rotation speed
torque = 1

#create circles
#complicated shape:
nANCFnodes = 1*50
stepSize = 5e-4
tEnd = 10
preStretch=-0.002*0 #not needed here, system is open!
circleList = [
              [[  0,-3  ],R,'L'],
              [[  0,0   ],R,'L'],
              [[  1,0   ],R,'L'],
              [[  1,-3  ],R,'L'],

#create motion profile:
point0={'q':[0],  #initial configuration
pointLast={'q':[0], #add this a second time to stay this forever
        'time':1e6} #forever

#create geometry:
reevingDict = CreateReevingCurve(circleList, drawingLinesPerCircle = 64,
                                 removeLastLine=False, #allows closed curve
                                 numberOfANCFnodes=nANCFnodes, graphicsNodeSize= 0.01)

del circleList[-1] #remove circles not needed for contact/visualization
del circleList[0] #remove circles not needed for contact/visualization

if False: #visualize reeving curve, without simulation
    gList = reevingDict['graphicsDataLines'] + reevingDict['graphicsDataCircles']

oGround=mbs.AddObject(ObjectGround(referencePosition= [0,0,0],
                                   visualization=VObjectGround(graphicsData= gList)))

#create ANCF elements:

gVec = np.array([0,-9.81,0])      # gravity
E=1e9                   # Young's modulus of ANCF element in N/m^2
rhoBeam=1000            # density of ANCF element in kg/m^3
b=0.002                 # width of rectangular ANCF element in m
h=0.002                 # height of rectangular ANCF element in m
A=b*h                   # cross sectional area of ANCF element in m^2
I=b*h**3/12             # second moment of area of ANCF element in m^4
dEI = 1e-3*E*I #bending proportional damping
dEA = 1e-2*E*A #axial strain proportional damping

dimZ = b #z.dimension

cableTemplate = Cable2D(#physicsLength = L / nElements, #set in GenerateStraightLineANCFCable2D(...)
                        physicsMassPerLength = rhoBeam*A,
                        physicsBendingStiffness = E*I,
                        physicsAxialStiffness = E*A,
                        physicsBendingDamping = dEI,
                        physicsAxialDamping = dEA,
                        physicsReferenceAxialStrain = preStretch, #prestretch

ancf = PointsAndSlopes2ANCFCable2D(mbs, reevingDict['ancfPointsSlopes'], reevingDict['elementLengths'],
                                   cableTemplate, massProportionalLoad=gVec,
                                   #fixedConstraintsNode0=[1,1,1,1], fixedConstraintsNode1=[1,1,1,1],
                                   firstNodeIsLastNode=False, graphicsSizeConstraints=0.01)

#add weights
node0 = ancf[0][0]
nodeL = ancf[0][-1]

bMass0 = mbs.AddObject(ObjectMassPoint2D(physicsMass=massLoad,
                                visualization=VMassPoint2D(graphicsData=[GraphicsDataSphere(radius=0.1, nTiles=32)])))
bMassL = mbs.AddObject(ObjectMassPoint2D(physicsMass=massLoad,
                                visualization=VMassPoint2D(graphicsData=[GraphicsDataSphere(radius=0.1, nTiles=32)])))

mbs.AddLoad(Force(markerNumber=mBody0, loadVector=massLoad*gVec))
mbs.AddLoad(Force(markerNumber=mBodyL, loadVector=massLoad*gVec))

#add contact:
if useContact:

    gContact = mbs.AddGeneralContact()
    gContact.verboseMode = 1
    gContact.frictionProportionalZone = 0.5
    gContact.ancfCableUseExactMethod = False
    gContact.ancfCableNumberOfContactSegments = 4
    ssx = 32#32 #search tree size
    ssy = 32#32 #search tree size
    ssz = 1 #search tree size
    #gContact.SetSearchTreeBox(pMin=np.array([-1,-1,-1]), pMax=np.array([4,1,1])) #automatically computed!

    halfHeight = 0.5*h*0
    dimZ= 0.01 #for drawing
    # wheels = [{'center':wheelCenter0, 'radius':rWheel0-halfHeight, 'mass':mWheel},
    #           {'center':wheelCenter1, 'radius':rWheel1-halfHeight, 'mass':mWheel},
    #           {'center':rollCenter1, 'radius':rRoll-halfHeight, 'mass':mRoll}, #small mass for roll, not to influence beam
    #           ]
    sWheelRot = [] #sensors for angular velocity

    nGround = mbs.AddNode(NodePointGround())
    mCoordinateGround = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodeCoordinate(nodeNumber=nGround, coordinate=0))

    for i, wheel in enumerate(circleList):
        p = [wheel[0][0], wheel[0][1], 0] #position of wheel center
        r = wheel[1]

        rot0 = 0 #initial rotation
        pRef = [p[0], p[1], rot0]
        gList = [GraphicsDataCylinder(pAxis=[0,0,-dimZ],vAxis=[0,0,-dimZ], radius=r,
                                      color= color4lightgrey, nTiles=64),
                 GraphicsDataArrow(pAxis=[0,0,0], vAxis=[0.9*r,0,0], radius=0.01*r, color=color4orange)]

        omega0 = 0 #initial angular velocity
        v0 = np.array([0,0,omega0])

        nMass = mbs.AddNode(NodeRigidBody2D(referenceCoordinates=pRef, initialVelocities=v0,
        oMass = mbs.AddObject(ObjectRigidBody2D(physicsMass=wheelMass, physicsInertia=wheelInertia,
                                                nodeNumber=nMass, visualization=
        mNode = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodeRigid(nodeNumber=nMass))
        mGroundWheel = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyRigid(bodyNumber=oGround, localPosition=p))

        mbs.AddObject(RevoluteJoint2D(markerNumbers=[mGroundWheel, mNode]))
        sWheelRot += [mbs.AddSensor(SensorNode(nodeNumber=nMass,

        #add drive with prescribed velocity:
        def UFvelocityDrive(mbs, t, itemNumber, lOffset): #time derivative of UFoffset
            v = 10*t
            vMax = 5
            return max(v, vMax)

        def UFmotionDrive(mbs, t, itemNumber, lOffset):
            [u,v,a] = MotionInterpolator(t, robotTrajectory=RT, joint=0)
            return u

        velocityControl = False
        if i == 1:
            mCoordinateWheel = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodeCoordinate(nodeNumber=nMass, coordinate=2))
            if velocityControl:
                mbs.AddObject(CoordinateConstraint(markerNumbers=[mCoordinateGround, mCoordinateWheel],
                                                    velocityLevel=True, offsetUserFunction_t=UFvelocityDrive))
            else: #position control
                mbs.AddObject(CoordinateConstraint(markerNumbers=[mCoordinateGround, mCoordinateWheel],

        if i > 0: #friction on rolls:
            mCoordinateWheel = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodeCoordinate(nodeNumber=nMass, coordinate=2))
            mbs.AddObject(CoordinateSpringDamper(markerNumbers=[mCoordinateGround, mCoordinateWheel],

        gContact.AddSphereWithMarker(mNode, radius=r, contactStiffness=contactStiffness,
                                     contactDamping=contactDamping, frictionMaterialIndex=frictionMaterialIndex)

    for oIndex in ancf[1]:
        gContact.AddANCFCable(objectIndex=oIndex, halfHeight=halfHeight, #halfHeight should be h/2, but then cylinders should be smaller
                              contactStiffness=contactStiffness, contactDamping=contactDamping,

    frictionMatrix = np.zeros((2,2))
    frictionMatrix[0,1]=0 #no friction between some rolls and cable
    frictionMatrix[1,0]=0 #no friction between some rolls and cable


simulationSettings = exu.SimulationSettings() #takes currently set values or default values

simulationSettings.linearSolverType = exu.LinearSolverType.EigenSparse
simulationSettings.solutionSettings.coordinatesSolutionFileName = 'solution/coordinatesSolution.txt'
simulationSettings.solutionSettings.writeSolutionToFile = True
simulationSettings.solutionSettings.solutionWritePeriod = 0.005
simulationSettings.solutionSettings.sensorsWritePeriod = 0.001
#simulationSettings.displayComputationTime = True
simulationSettings.parallel.numberOfThreads = 4 #use 4 to speed up for > 100 ANCF elements
simulationSettings.displayStatistics = True

simulationSettings.timeIntegration.endTime = tEnd
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.numberOfSteps = int(tEnd/stepSize)
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.stepInformation= 3+4+32#+128+256
#simulationSettings.timeIntegration.newton.absoluteTolerance = 1e-4
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.newton.relativeTolerance = 1e-6
#simulationSettings.timeIntegration.discontinuous.iterationTolerance = 10
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.verboseMode = 1
# simulationSettings.timeIntegration.adaptiveStepRecoveryIterations = 9
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.adaptiveStepRecoverySteps = 40

simulationSettings.timeIntegration.newton.useModifiedNewton = True
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.generalizedAlpha.spectralRadius = 0.5
simulationSettings.displayStatistics = True

SC.visualizationSettings.general.circleTiling = 24
SC.visualizationSettings.nodes.defaultSize = 0.01
SC.visualizationSettings.openGL.multiSampling = 4
SC.visualizationSettings.openGL.lineWidth = 2

# SC.visualizationSettings.general.useGradientBackground = True
simulationSettings.solutionSettings.solutionInformation = 'elevator'
# SC.visualizationSettings.general.textSize = 14

SC.visualizationSettings.window.renderWindowSize = [1024,2000]

if False:

#visualize contact:
if False: =True =True = True

if useGraphics:

if True:
    doDynamic = True
    if doDynamic :
        exu.SolveDynamic(mbs, simulationSettings) #183 Newton iterations, 0.114 seconds
        exu.SolveStatic(mbs, simulationSettings) #183 Newton iterations, 0.114 seconds

if useGraphics and True:
    SC.visualizationSettings.general.autoFitScene = False
    from exudyn.interactive import SolutionViewer
    sol = LoadSolutionFile('solution/coordinatesSolution.txt', safeMode=True)#, maxRows=100)
    SolutionViewer(mbs, sol)

if useGraphics:
    exu.StopRenderer() #safely close rendering window!

    # if True:
    #     from exudyn.plot import PlotSensor
    #     PlotSensor(mbs, sensorNumbers=[sAngVel[0],sAngVel[1]], components=2, closeAll=True)
    #     PlotSensor(mbs, sensorNumbers=sMeasureRoll, components=1)