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# This is an EXUDYN example
# Details:  3D rigid body tutorial with 2 bodies and revolute joints, using Marker-style approach
# Author:   Johannes Gerstmayr
# Date:     2021-08-05
# Date:     2023-05-16 (updated to MainSystem Python extensions)
# Copyright:This file is part of Exudyn. Exudyn is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Exudyn license. See 'LICENSE.txt' for more details.

import exudyn as exu
from exudyn.utilities import * #includes graphicsDataUtilities and rigidBodyUtilities
import numpy as np

SC = exu.SystemContainer()
mbs = SC.AddSystem()

#physical parameters
g =     [0,-9.81,0] #gravity
L = 1               #length
w = 0.1             #width
bodyDim=[L,w,w] #body dimensions
p0 =    [0,0,0]     #origin of pendulum
pMid0 = np.array([L*0.5,0,0]) #center of mass, body0

#ground body
oGround = mbs.AddObject(ObjectGround())

#first link:
#create inertia paramters (mass, center of mass (COM) and inertia tensor at reference point)
iCube0 = InertiaCuboid(density=5000, sideLengths=bodyDim)
iCube0 = iCube0.Translated([-0.25*L,0,0]) #transform COM, COM not at reference point!

#graphics for body
graphicsBody0 = GraphicsDataRigidLink(p0=[-0.5*L,0,0],p1=[0.5*L,0,0],
                                     axis0=[0,0,1], axis1=[0,0,0], radius=[0.5*w,0.5*w],
                                     thickness = w, width = [1.2*w,1.2*w], color=color4red)
graphicsCOM0 = GraphicsDataBasis(, length=2*w)

#create rigid body; we could use other formulation, e.g., by selecting nodeType = exu.NodeType.RotationRotationVector
b0=mbs.CreateRigidBody(inertia = iCube0, #includes COM
                       referencePosition = pMid0,
                       gravity = g,
                       graphicsDataList = [graphicsCOM0, graphicsBody0])

#revolute joint (free z-axis)

#markers for ground and rigid body (not needed for option 3):
markerGround = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyRigid(bodyNumber=oGround, localPosition=[0,0,0]))
markerBody0J0 = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyRigid(bodyNumber=b0, localPosition=[-0.5*L,0,0]))

# revolute joint option 1:
mbs.AddObject(GenericJoint(markerNumbers=[markerGround, markerBody0J0],
                            visualization=VObjectJointGeneric(axesRadius=0.2*w, axesLength=1.4*w)))

#revolute joint option 2:
# mbs.AddObject(ObjectJointRevoluteZ(markerNumbers = [markerGround, markerBody0J0],
#                                   rotationMarker0=np.eye(3),
#                                   rotationMarker1=np.eye(3),
#                                   visualization=VObjectJointRevoluteZ(axisRadius=0.2*w, axisLength=1.4*w)
#                                   ))

#second link:
graphicsBody1 = GraphicsDataRigidLink(p0=[0,0,-0.5*L],p1=[0,0,0.5*L],
                                     axis0=[1,0,0], axis1=[0,0,0], radius=[0.06,0.05],
                                     thickness = 0.1, width = [0.12,0.12], color=color4lightgreen)

iCube1 = InertiaCuboid(density=5000, sideLengths=[0.1,0.1,1])

pMid1 = np.array([L,0,0]) + np.array([0,0,0.5*L]) #center of mass, body1
b1=mbs.CreateRigidBody(inertia = iCube1,
                            referencePosition = pMid1,
                            gravity = g,
                            graphicsDataList = [graphicsBody1])

#revolute joint (free x-axis)
# #alternative with GenericJoint:
# #markers for rigid body:
markerBody0J1 = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyRigid(bodyNumber=b0, localPosition=[ 0.5*L,0,0]))
markerBody1J0 = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyRigid(bodyNumber=b1, localPosition=[0,0,-0.5*L]))
mbs.AddObject(GenericJoint(markerNumbers=[markerBody0J1, markerBody1J0],
                            visualization=VObjectJointGeneric(axesRadius=0.2*w, axesLength=1.4*w)))

#position sensor at tip of body1
sens1=mbs.AddSensor(SensorBody(bodyNumber=b1, localPosition=[0,0,0.5*L],
                               outputVariableType = exu.OutputVariableType.Position))

#assemble system before solving
if False:
    mbs.systemData.Info() #show detailed information
if False:
    mbs.DrawSystemGraph(useItemTypes=True) #draw nice graph of system

simulationSettings = exu.SimulationSettings() #takes currently set values or default values

tEnd = 4 #simulation time
h = 1e-3 #step size
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.numberOfSteps = int(tEnd/h)
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.endTime = tEnd
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.verboseMode = 1
#simulationSettings.timeIntegration.simulateInRealtime = True
simulationSettings.solutionSettings.solutionWritePeriod = 0.005 #store every 5 ms

SC.visualizationSettings.openGL.multiSampling = 4
SC.visualizationSettings.general.autoFitScene = False


# uncomment to start visualization during simulation
# exu.StartRenderer()
# if 'renderState' in exu.sys: #reload old view
#     SC.SetRenderState(exu.sys['renderState'])

#mbs.WaitForUserToContinue() #stop before simulating

mbs.SolveDynamic(simulationSettings = simulationSettings,

# SC.WaitForRenderEngineStopFlag() #stop before closing
# exu.StopRenderer() #safely close rendering window!

#start post processing

if False:
    #plot sensor sens1, y-component [1]