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# This is an EXUDYN example
# Details:  Stiff flyball governor built with kinematic tree (IFToMM benchmark problem);
#           Ref.:
# Model:    Flyball governor with kinematic tree
# Author:   Johannes Gerstmayr
# Date:     2022-8-22
# Copyright:This file is part of Exudyn. Exudyn is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Exudyn license. See 'LICENSE.txt' for more details.
# *clean example*

## import libaries
import sys

import exudyn as exu
from exudyn.itemInterface import *
from exudyn.utilities import *
from exudyn.graphicsDataUtilities import *

import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA

## set up MainSystem mbs
SC = exu.SystemContainer()
mbs = SC.AddSystem()


color = [0.1,0.1,0.8,1]
r = 0.2 #radius
L = 1   #length


background0 = GraphicsDataRectangle(-L,-L,L,L,color)
oGround=mbs.AddObject(ObjectGround(referencePosition= [0,0,0], visualization=VObjectGround(graphicsData= [background0])))

## body dimensions according to reference in m

# shaft
lengthShaft = 1     #z
widthShaft  = 0.01  #=height

# rod
lengthRod = 1
widthRod  = 0.01    #=height

# slider
dimSlider = 0.1 #x=y=z
sSlider = 0.5

# scalar distance between point A and B
xAB = 0.1
beta0 = np.deg2rad(30)
initAngleRod = np.deg2rad(60)

# initial angular velocity of shaft and slider
omega0 = [0., 0., 2*np.pi]

## body masses according to reference in kg

density = 3000

mShaft        = 0.3
mRod          = 0.3
mSlider       = 3
mMassPoint    = 5
mRodMassPoint = mRod + mMassPoint

## define gravity vector
g = [0,0,-9.81]

## setup rod inertia along x-direction
iRod = InertiaCuboid(density=density, sideLengths=[lengthRod,widthRod,0.01]).Translated([lengthRod/2,0,0])
iMass = InertiaMassPoint(mass=mMassPoint).Translated([lengthRod,0,0])
iRodSum = iRod+iMass

# #compute reference point of rod (midpoint)
# refRod =
# iRodSum = iRodSum.Translated(refRod)
# exu.Print("iRodSum=", iRodSum)

nRigidBodyNodes = 4

## set ub shaft and slider inertias w.r.t. center of mass
inertiaList=[InertiaCuboid(density=density, sideLengths=[widthShaft,widthShaft,lengthShaft]),
             InertiaCuboid(density=density, sideLengths=[dimSlider,dimSlider,dimSlider]),
             iRodSum, iRodSum]

## set up graphics objects (blocks) for 4 bodies
graphicsShaft  = GraphicsDataOrthoCube(-widthShaft/2,-widthShaft/2,-lengthShaft/2, widthShaft/2,widthShaft/2,lengthShaft/2, [0.1,0.1,0.8,1])
graphicsSlider = GraphicsDataOrthoCube(-dimSlider/2,-dimSlider/2,-dimSlider/2, dimSlider/2,dimSlider/2,dimSlider/2, [0.1,0.1,0.8,1])
graphicsRodAC  = GraphicsDataOrthoCubePoint([0.5*lengthRod, 0, 0], [lengthRod,widthRod,widthRod], color4red)
graphicsRodBD  = GraphicsDataOrthoCubePoint([0.5*lengthRod, 0, 0], [lengthRod,widthRod,widthRod], color4dodgerblue)

## lists for 4 bodies: [shaft, slider, rodAC, rodBD]
graphicsList=[[graphicsShaft], [graphicsSlider], [graphicsRodAC], [graphicsRodBD]]

## create kinematic tree for 4 links [shaft, slider, rodAC, rodBD]
### create generic node for unknowns of KinematicTree
nGeneric = mbs.AddNode(NodeGenericODE2(referenceCoordinates=[0.]*nRigidBodyNodes,
                                       initialCoordinates_t=[omega0[2],0,0,0], #initial angular velocity

### create position vectors for links in kinematic tree
refPosList=[[0,0,lengthShaft*0.5],        # shaft
            [0,0,sSlider-lengthShaft*0.5],              # slider
            [ xAB/2, 0, lengthShaft*0.5],   # rodAC
            [-xAB/2, 0, lengthShaft*0.5]]   # rodBD

### set up list of joint types, masses, COMs, inertias, and transformations for kinematic tree
jointTypes = [exu.JointType.RevoluteZ, exu.JointType.PrismaticZ, exu.JointType.RevoluteY, exu.JointType.RevoluteY]
linkMasses = []
linkCOMs = exu.Vector3DList()

jointOffsets = exu.Vector3DList()

### transform quantities for kinematic tree
for i in range(nRigidBodyNodes):
    inertia = inertiaList[i]
    linkMasses += [inertia.Mass()]

    A = np.eye(3)
    if i == 2:
        A = RotationMatrixY(beta0)
    if i == 3:
        A = RotationMatrixY((pi-beta0))


## create kinematic tree object 'KinematicTree' with links [shaft, slider, rodAC, rodBD]
oKT=mbs.AddObject(ObjectKinematicTree(nodeNumber=nGeneric, jointTypes=jointTypes,
                                  jointTransformations=jointTransformations, jointOffsets=jointOffsets,
                                  linkInertiasCOM=linkInertiasCOM, linkCOMs=linkCOMs, linkMasses=linkMasses,
                                  baseOffset = [0.,0.,0.], gravity=g,
                                  visualization=VObjectKinematicTree(graphicsDataList = graphicsList)

## add spring-damper parameters for connecting the rods with the slider

# spring
k  = 8.e5 # spring stiffness in N/m
l0 = 0.5  # relaxed spring length in m
c = 4.e4  # damping coefficient Ns/m

## add markers for joints
markerRodACSlider = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerKinematicTreeRigid(objectNumber=oKT, linkNumber=2,
markerSliderPointE = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerKinematicTreeRigid(objectNumber=oKT, linkNumber=1,

markerRodBDSlider = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerKinematicTreeRigid(objectNumber=oKT, linkNumber=3,
markerSliderPointF = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerKinematicTreeRigid(objectNumber=oKT, linkNumber=1,

## add spring-dampers for compliant mechanism
mbs.AddObject(SpringDamper(markerNumbers=[markerSliderPointE, markerRodACSlider], stiffness=k, damping=c, referenceLength=l0))
mbs.AddObject(SpringDamper(markerNumbers=[markerSliderPointF, markerRodBDSlider], stiffness=k, damping=c, referenceLength=l0))

## add sensor to measure slider position
sPos = mbs.AddSensor(SensorKinematicTree(objectNumber=oKT, linkNumber=1,

## assemble system

if useGraphics: #only start graphics once, but after background is set
    ## start renderer

tEnd = 10
# h = 2e-5 #RK44
h = 5e-4*1

simulationSettings = exu.SimulationSettings() #takes currently set values or default values
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.numberOfSteps = int(tEnd/h)
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.endTime = tEnd
simulationSettings.displayComputationTime = False
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.verboseMode = 1

## use optimized simulation settings for performance
simulationSettings.solutionSettings.sensorsWritePeriod = simulationSettings.timeIntegration.endTime/100
simulationSettings.solutionSettings.writeSolutionToFile = False

simulationSettings.timeIntegration.generalizedAlpha.computeInitialAccelerations = True

simulationSettings.timeIntegration.newton.useModifiedNewton = True
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.newton.maxModifiedNewtonIterations = 2
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.newton.numericalDifferentiation.jacobianConnectorDerivative = False
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.newton.relativeTolerance = 1e-6

simulationSettings.timeIntegration.verboseMode = 1
# simulationSettings.displayComputationTime = True
simulationSettings.displayStatistics = True

simulationSettings.timeIntegration.generalizedAlpha.spectralRadius = 0.7

simulationSettings.timeIntegration.absoluteTolerance = 1e-6
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.relativeTolerance = simulationSettings.timeIntegration.absoluteTolerance = True

# dynamicSolver.SolveSystem(mbs, simulationSettings)
solverType = exu.DynamicSolverType.TrapezoidalIndex2 #same as generalized alpha
# solverType = exu.DynamicSolverType.GeneralizedAlpha
# solverType = exu.DynamicSolverType.ODE23 #0.8 seconds for h=0.05 and aTol=rTol=1e-5

#Python 3.7, fast, TrapezoidalIndex2, numDiff systemWide, maxModNewtonIts=2: 0.6701 seconds
#Python 3.8 Linux, fast, TrapezoidalIndex2, numDiff systemWide, maxModNewtonIts=2: 0.5259 seconds

## start solver

if useGraphics: #only start graphics once, but after background is set
    ## wait for user to quit, then stop visualization
    exu.StopRenderer() #safely close rendering window!

## print relevant results
# result = mbs.GetNodeOutput(2,exu.OutputVariableType.Velocity)[1] #y-velocity of bar
# exu.Print('solution of stiffFlyballGovernor=',result)
resultSlider = mbs.GetNodeOutput(nGeneric,exu.OutputVariableType.Coordinates_t)[1] #z-velocity of slider
exu.Print('velocity of slider=',resultSlider)

posSlider = mbs.GetNodeOutput(nGeneric,exu.OutputVariableType.Coordinates)[1]+0.5 #z-velocity of slider
exu.Print('position of slider=', posSlider)

if useGraphics:
    ## plot results
    mbs.PlotSensor(sPos, components=[2], closeAll=True)