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# This is an EXUDYN example
# Details:  car with wheels modeled by ObjectConnectorRollingDiscPenalty
# Author:   Johannes Gerstmayr
# Date:     2020-06-19
# Copyright:This file is part of Exudyn. Exudyn is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Exudyn license. See 'LICENSE.txt' for more details.

import exudyn as exu
from exudyn.utilities import *
import numpy as np

useGraphics = True #without test
#you can erase the following lines and all exudynTestGlobals related operations if this is not intended to be used as TestModel:
try: #only if called from test suite
    from modelUnitTests import exudynTestGlobals #for globally storing test results
    useGraphics = exudynTestGlobals.useGraphics
    class ExudynTestGlobals:
    exudynTestGlobals = ExudynTestGlobals()

SC = exu.SystemContainer()
mbs = SC.AddSystem()

g = [0,0,-9.81]     #gravity in m/s^2

doBreaking = False

#wheel parameters:
rhoWheel = 500      #density kg/m^3
rWheel = 0.4            #radius of disc in m
wWheel = 0.1             #width of disc in m, just for drawing
p0Wheel = [0,0,rWheel]        #origin of disc center point at reference, such that initial contact point is at [0,0,0]
initialRotationCar = RotationMatrixZ(0)

v0 = -5*0 #initial car velocity in y-direction
omega0Wheel = [v0/rWheel,0,0]                   #initial angular velocity around z-axis

#v0 = [0,0,0]                                   #initial translational velocity

#car parameters and inertia:
p0Car = [0,0,rWheel]        #origin of disc center point at reference, such that initial contact point is at [0,0,0]
lCar = 3
wCar = 2
hCar = rWheel
mCar = 500
omega0Car = [0,0,0]                   #initial angular velocity around z-axis
v0Car = [0,-v0,0]                  #initial velocity of car center point

#inertia for infinitely small ring:
inertiaWheel = InertiaCylinder(density=rhoWheel, length=wWheel, outerRadius=rWheel, axis=0)

inertiaCar = InertiaCuboid(density=mCar/(lCar*wCar*hCar),sideLengths=[wCar, lCar, hCar])

#create car node and body:
graphicsCar = GraphicsDataOrthoCubePoint(centerPoint=[0,0,0],size=[wCar-1.1*wWheel, lCar, hCar], color=color4lightred)
bCar=mbs.CreateRigidBody(inertia = inertiaCar,
                         referencePosition = p0Car,
                         referenceRotationMatrix = initialRotationCar,
                         initialAngularVelocity = omega0Car,
                         initialVelocity = v0Car,
                         gravity = g,
                         graphicsDataList = [graphicsCar])

nCar = mbs.GetObject(bCar)['nodeNumber']
nWheels = 4

# car setup:
# ^Y, lCar
# | W2 +---+ W3
# |    |   |
# |    | + | car center point
# |    |   |
# | W0 +---+ W1
# +---->X, wCar

#ground body and marker
gGround = GraphicsDataOrthoCubePoint(centerPoint=[0,0,-0.001],size=[30,30,0.002], color=color4lightgrey)
oGround = mbs.AddObject(ObjectGround(visualization=VObjectGround(graphicsData=[gGround])))
markerGround = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyRigid(bodyNumber=oGround, localPosition=[0,0,0]))

sCarVel = mbs.AddSensor(SensorBody(bodyNumber=bCar, #fileName='solution/rollingDiscCarVel.txt',
                                   outputVariableType = exu.OutputVariableType.Velocity))


#create wheels bodies and nodes:
for iWheel in range(nWheels):
    #additional graphics for visualization of rotation:
    graphicsWheel = GraphicsDataOrthoCubePoint(centerPoint=[0,0,0],size=[wWheel*1.1,0.7*rWheel,0.7*rWheel], color=color4lightred)

    dx = -0.5*wCar
    dy = -0.5*lCar
    if iWheel > 1: dy *= -1
    if iWheel == 1 or iWheel == 3: dx *= -1

    kRolling = 1e5
    dRolling = kRolling*0.01

    rSteering = 5
    phiZwheelLeft = 0
    phiZwheelRight = 0
    if rSteering != 0:
        phiZwheelLeft = np.arctan(lCar/rSteering) #5/180*np.pi   #steering angle
        phiZwheelRight = np.arctan(lCar/(wCar+rSteering)) #5/180*np.pi   #steering angle

    initialRotationWheelLeft = RotationMatrixZ(phiZwheelLeft)
    initialRotationWheelRight = RotationMatrixZ(phiZwheelRight)

    initialRotation = RotationMatrixZ(0)
    if iWheel == 2:
        initialRotation = initialRotationWheelLeft
    if iWheel == 3:
        initialRotation = initialRotationWheelRight

    #v0Wheel = Skew(omega0Wheel) @ initialRotationWheel @ [0,0,rWheel]   #initial angular velocity of center point
    v0Wheel = v0Car #approx.

    pOff = [dx,dy,0]

    #add wheel body
    b0 = mbs.CreateRigidBody(inertia = inertiaWheel,
                             referencePosition = VAdd(p0Wheel,pOff),
                             referenceRotationMatrix = initialRotation, #np.diag([1,1,1]),
                             initialAngularVelocity = omega0Wheel,
                             initialVelocity = v0Wheel,
                             gravity = g,
                             graphicsDataList = [graphicsWheel])

    n0 = mbs.GetObject(b0)['nodeNumber']

    #markers for rigid body:
    mWheel = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyRigid(bodyNumber=b0, localPosition=[0,0,0]))
    markerWheels += [mWheel]

    mCarAxle = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyRigid(bodyNumber=bCar, localPosition=pOff))
    markerCarAxles += [mCarAxle]

    lockedAxis0 = 0
    if doBreaking: lockedAxis0 = 1
    #if iWheel==0 or iWheel==1: freeAxis = 1 #lock rotation
                               constrainedAxes=[1,1,1,lockedAxis0,1,1])) #revolute joint for wheel

    nGeneric = mbs.AddNode(NodeGenericData(initialCoordinates=[0,0,0], numberOfDataCoordinates=3))
    oRolling = mbs.AddObject(ObjectConnectorRollingDiscPenalty(markerNumbers=[markerGround, mWheel], nodeNumber = nGeneric,
                                                  discRadius=rWheel, dryFriction=[0.4,0.4],
                                                  contactStiffness=kRolling, contactDamping=dRolling,
                                                  visualization=VObjectConnectorRollingDiscPenalty(discWidth=wWheel, color=color4blue)))
    oRollingDiscs += [oRolling]

    strNum = str(iWheel)
    if useGraphics:
        sAngVels+=[mbs.AddSensor(SensorBody(bodyNumber=b0, #fileName='solution/rollingDiscAngVelLocal'+strNum+'.txt',
                                 outputVariableType = exu.OutputVariableType.AngularVelocityLocal))]

        sWheelPos+=[mbs.AddSensor(SensorBody(bodyNumber=b0, #fileName='solution/rollingDiscPos'+strNum+'.txt',
                                     outputVariableType = exu.OutputVariableType.Position))]

        sRollPos+=[mbs.AddSensor(SensorObject(objectNumber=oRolling, #fileName='solution/rollingDiscTrail'+strNum+'.txt',
                                            outputVariableType = exu.OutputVariableType.Position))]

        sRollForce+=[mbs.AddSensor(SensorObject(name='wheelForce'+strNum,objectNumber=oRolling, #fileName='solution/rollingDiscForce'+strNum+'.txt',
                                               outputVariableType = exu.OutputVariableType.ForceLocal))]

#user function for time-dependent torque on two wheels 0,1
def UFtorque(mbs, t, torque):
    if t < 4:
        return torque
        return [0,0,0]

mbs.AddLoad(Torque(markerNumber=markerWheels[0],loadVector=[-200,0,0], bodyFixed = True, loadVectorUserFunction=UFtorque))
mbs.AddLoad(Torque(markerNumber=markerWheels[1],loadVector=[-200,0,0], bodyFixed = True, loadVectorUserFunction=UFtorque))


simulationSettings = exu.SimulationSettings() #takes currently set values or default values

tEnd = 0.5 #40#1.2
h=0.002 #no visual differences for step sizes smaller than 0.0005

if useGraphics:
    tEnd = 4

simulationSettings.timeIntegration.numberOfSteps = int(tEnd/h)
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.endTime = tEnd
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.verboseMode = 1

#simulationSettings.timeIntegration.discontinuous.ignoreMaxIterations = False #reduce step size for contact switching
#simulationSettings.timeIntegration.discontinuous.iterationTolerance = 0.1 = True
SC.visualizationSettings.nodes.drawNodesAsPoint  = False
SC.visualizationSettings.nodes.showBasis = True
SC.visualizationSettings.nodes.basisSize = 0.015

mbs.SolveDynamic(simulationSettings, solverType=exu.DynamicSolverType.TrapezoidalIndex2)

if useGraphics:
    exu.StopRenderer() #safely close rendering window!

c=mbs.GetNodeOutput(n0, variableType=exu.OutputVariableType.Coordinates)
exu.Print("carRollingDiscTest u=",u)

exudynTestGlobals.testError = u - (-0.23940048717113419) #2020-12-18: -0.23940048717113419
exudynTestGlobals.testResult = u

#plot results
if useGraphics:

    mbs.PlotSensor(sensorNumbers=sCarVel, components=[0,1,2], title='car velocitiy', closeAll=True)
    for i in range(4):
        mbs.PlotSensor(sensorNumbers=sRollPos[i], componentsX=0, components=1,
                   labels='wheel trail '+str(i), newFigure=(i==0), colorCodeOffset=i)
        #trail and wheel pos are almost same, just if car slightly tilts, there is a deviation
        mbs.PlotSensor(sensorNumbers=sWheelPos[i], componentsX=0, components=1,
                   labels='wheel pos '+str(i), newFigure=False, colorCodeOffset=i+7,
                   lineStyles='', markerStyles='x')

    mbs.PlotSensor(sensorNumbers=sRollForce, components=[2]*4, title='wheel contact forces')

    mbs.PlotSensor(sensorNumbers=sRollForce*2, components=[0]*4+[1]*4, title='wheel lateral (X) and drive/acceleration (Y) forces')

    mbs.PlotSensor(sensorNumbers=sAngVels, components=[0]*4, title='wheel local angular velocity')