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# This is an EXUDYN example
# Details:  Heavy top example
#           Refs.:  Terze, Z., Müller, A., Zlatar, D.: Singularity-free time integration of rotational quaternions using non-redundant ordinary differential equations. Multibody System Dynamics 38(3),201–225 (2016)
# Author:   Johannes Gerstmayr
# Date:     2020-02-02
# Copyright:This file is part of Exudyn. Exudyn is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Exudyn license. See 'LICENSE.txt' for more details.

import exudyn as exu
from exudyn.utilities import *

import numpy as np

useGraphics = True #without test
#you can erase the following lines and all exudynTestGlobals related operations if this is not intended to be used as TestModel:
try: #only if called from test suite
    from modelUnitTests import exudynTestGlobals #for globally storing test results
    useGraphics = exudynTestGlobals.useGraphics
    class ExudynTestGlobals:
    exudynTestGlobals = ExudynTestGlobals()

SC = exu.SystemContainer()
mbs = SC.AddSystem()

#exu.Print('EXUDYN version='+exu.GetVersionString())

#rect = [-0.1,-0.1,0.1,0.1] #xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax
#background0 = {'type':'Line', 'color':[0.1,0.1,0.8,1], 'data':[rect[0],rect[1],0, rect[2],rect[1],0, rect[2],rect[3],0, rect[0],rect[3],0, rect[0],rect[1],0]} #background
color = [0.1,0.1,0.8,1]
r = 0.5 #radius
L = 1   #length

background0 = GraphicsDataRectangle(-L,-L,L,L,color)
oGround=mbs.AddObject(ObjectGround(referencePosition= [0,0,0], visualization=VObjectGround(graphicsData= [background0])))

#heavy top is fixed at [0,0,0] (COM of simulated body), but force is applied at [0,1,0] (COM of real top)
m = 15
#yS = 1 #distance from

#vector to COM, where force is applied
rp = [0.,1.,0.]
#rpt = np.array(Skew(rp))
rpt = Skew(rp)
Fg = [0,0,-m*9.81]
#inertia tensor w.r.t. fixed point
JFP = np.diag([Jxx,Jyy,Jzz]) - m*,rpt)

omega0 = [0,150,-4.61538] #arbitrary initial angular velocity
p0 = [0,0,0] #reference position
v0 = [0.,0.,0.] #initial translational velocity

nodeTypeList = [exu.NodeType.RotationEulerParameters, exu.NodeType.RotationRxyz]

for nodeType in nodeTypeList:

    nRB = 0
    if nodeType == exu.NodeType.RotationEulerParameters:
        ep0 = eulerParameters0 #no rotation
        ep_t0 = AngularVelocity2EulerParameters_t(omega0, ep0)

        nRB = mbs.AddNode(NodeRigidBodyEP(referenceCoordinates=p0+ep0, initialVelocities=v0+list(ep_t0)))
    else: #Rxyz
        rot0 = [0,0,0] #no rotation
        #omega0 = [10,0,0]
        rot_t0 = AngularVelocity2RotXYZ_t(omega0, rot0)

        nRB = mbs.AddNode(NodeRigidBodyRxyz(referenceCoordinates=p0+rot0, initialVelocities=v0+list(rot_t0)))

    oGraphics = GraphicsDataOrthoCube(-r/2,-L/2,-r/2, r/2,L/2,r/2, [0.1,0.1,0.8,1])
    oRB = mbs.AddObject(ObjectRigidBody(physicsMass=m, physicsInertia=[JFP[0][0], JFP[1][1], JFP[2][2], JFP[1][2], JFP[0][2], JFP[0][1]],
                                        nodeNumber=nRB, visualization=VObjectRigidBody(graphicsData=[oGraphics])))

    mMassRB = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyPosition(bodyNumber = oRB, localPosition=[0,1,0])) #this is the real COM
    mbs.AddLoad(Force(markerNumber = mMassRB, loadVector=Fg))

    nPG=mbs.AddNode(PointGround(referenceCoordinates=[0,0,0])) #for coordinate constraint
    mCground = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodeCoordinate(nodeNumber = nPG, coordinate=0)) #coordinate number does not matter

    mC0 = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodeCoordinate(nodeNumber = nRB, coordinate=0)) #ux
    mC1 = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodeCoordinate(nodeNumber = nRB, coordinate=1)) #uy
    mC2 = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodeCoordinate(nodeNumber = nRB, coordinate=2)) #uz
    mbs.AddObject(CoordinateConstraint(markerNumbers=[mCground, mC0]))
    mbs.AddObject(CoordinateConstraint(markerNumbers=[mCground, mC1]))
    mbs.AddObject(CoordinateConstraint(markerNumbers=[mCground, mC2]))

    if useGraphics:
        sAdd = ''
        if nodeType == exu.NodeType.RotationRxyz:
            sAdd = 'Rxyz' #avoid that both sensor file names are identical
        #mbs.AddSensor(SensorNode(nodeNumber=nRB, storeInternal=True,#fileName='solution/sensorRotation'+sAdd+'.txt', outputVariableType=exu.OutputVariableType.Rotation))
        sAngVel+=[mbs.AddSensor(SensorNode(nodeNumber=nRB, storeInternal=True, #fileName='solution/sensorAngVelLocal'+sAdd+'.txt',
        #mbs.AddSensor(SensorNode(nodeNumber=nRB, fileName='solution/sensorAngVel'+sAdd+'.txt', outputVariableType=exu.OutputVariableType.AngularVelocity))

        sPos+=[mbs.AddSensor(SensorBody(bodyNumber=oRB, storeInternal=True, #fileName='solution/sensorPosition'+sAdd+'.txt',
                                        localPosition=rp, outputVariableType=exu.OutputVariableType.Position))]
        sCoords+=[mbs.AddSensor(SensorNode(nodeNumber=nRB, storeInternal=True, #fileName='solution/sensorCoordinates'+sAdd+'.txt',


simulationSettings = exu.SimulationSettings() #takes currently set values or default values

fact = 2000
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.numberOfSteps = 1*fact
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.endTime = 0.0001*fact
#simulationSettings.solutionSettings.solutionWritePeriod = simulationSettings.timeIntegration.endTime/fact
simulationSettings.solutionSettings.sensorsWritePeriod = simulationSettings.timeIntegration.endTime/fact

simulationSettings.timeIntegration.verboseMode = 1

simulationSettings.timeIntegration.generalizedAlpha.useIndex2Constraints = True
simulationSettings.timeIntegration.generalizedAlpha.useNewmark = True
#simulationSettings.timeIntegration.generalizedAlpha.spectralRadius = 0.6 #0.6 works well

if useGraphics:


if useGraphics:
    exu.StopRenderer() #safely close rendering window!

sol = mbs.systemData.GetODE2Coordinates();
solref = mbs.systemData.GetODE2Coordinates(configuration=exu.ConfigurationType.Reference);
u = 0
for i in range(4):
    u += abs(sol[3+i]+solref[3+i]); #Euler parameters

for i in range(3):
    u += abs(sol[7+3+i]+solref[7+3+i]); #Euler angles Rxyz

exu.Print('solution of heavy top =',u)
# EP ref solution MATLAB: at t=0.2
#  gen alpha (sigma=0.98, h=1e-4): -0.70813,0.43881,0.54593,0.089251 ==> abs sum=1.782121
#  RK4:                            -0.70828,0.43878,0.54573,0.0894   ==> abs sum=1.78219
#Exudyn: (index2)                  -1.70824157  0.43878143  0.54578152   0.08937154

#RotXYZ solution EXUDYN:           29.86975964,-0.7683481513,-1.002841906

exudynTestGlobals.testError = u - (33.423125751773306) #2020-02-04 added RigidRxyz: (33.423125751773306) 2020-02-03: (1.7821760506326125)
exudynTestGlobals.testResult = u

#compute exact solution:

if useGraphics:

    fileRef = '../../../docs/verification/HeavyTopSolution/HeavyTop_TimeEulerParameter_RK4.txt'
    mbs.PlotSensor(sCoords[0], components=[3,4,5,6], labels=['theta 0','theta 1','theta 2','theta 3'],
               closeAll=True, offsets=[1.,0,0,0], yLabel='Euler parameters') #offsets for reference coords
    mbs.PlotSensor(fileRef, components=[0,1,2,3], labels=['theta 0 ref','theta 1 ref','theta 2 ref','theta 3 ref'],
               colorCodeOffset=7, newFigure=False)

    mbs.PlotSensor(sAngVel[0], components=[0,1,2], labels=['omega X','omega Y','omega Z'])
    mbs.PlotSensor(sPos[0], components=[0,1,2])

    # if False:
    #     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #     import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
    #     plt.close("all")

    #     [fig1, ax1] = plt.subplots()
    #     [fig2, ax2] = plt.subplots()
    #     [fig3, ax3] = plt.subplots()
    #     data1 = np.loadtxt('solution/sensorCoordinates.txt', comments='#', delimiter=',')
    #     ax1.plot(data1[:,0], data1[:,1+3]+1, 'r-', label='theta 0')  #1, because coordinates to not include ref. values
    #     ax1.plot(data1[:,0], data1[:,2+3], 'g-', label='theta 1')
    #     ax1.plot(data1[:,0], data1[:,3+3], 'b-', label='theta 2')
    #     ax1.plot(data1[:,0], data1[:,4+3], 'k-', label='theta 3')

    #     data1 = np.loadtxt('../../../docs/verification/HeavyTopSolution/HeavyTop_TimeEulerParameter_RK4.txt', comments='#', delimiter=',')
    #     ax1.plot(data1[:,0], data1[:,1], 'r:', label='theta 0 ref')  #1, because coordinates to not include ref. values
    #     ax1.plot(data1[:,0], data1[:,2], 'g:', label='theta 1 ref')
    #     ax1.plot(data1[:,0], data1[:,3], 'b:', label='theta 2 ref')
    #     ax1.plot(data1[:,0], data1[:,4], 'k:', label='theta 3 ref')
    #     ax1.set_ylabel("Euler parameter")

    #     data2 = np.loadtxt('solution/sensorAngVel.txt', comments='#', delimiter=',')
    #     ax2.plot(data2[:,0], data2[:,1], 'r-', label='omega X')
    #     ax2.plot(data2[:,0], data2[:,2], 'g-', label='omega Y')
    #     ax2.plot(data2[:,0], data2[:,3], 'b-', label='omega Z')

    #     data3 = np.loadtxt('solution/sensorPosition.txt', comments='#', delimiter=',')
    #     ax3.plot(data3[:,0], data3[:,1], 'r-', label='position X')
    #     ax3.plot(data3[:,0], data3[:,2], 'g-', label='position Y')
    #     ax3.plot(data3[:,0], data3[:,3], 'b-', label='position Z')

    #     axList=[ax1,ax2,ax3]
    #     figList=[fig1, fig2, fig3]

    #     for ax in axList:
    #         ax.grid(True, 'major', 'both')
    #         ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(10))
    #         ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(10))
    #         ax.set_xlabel("time (s)")
    #         ax.legend()

    #     ax2.set_ylabel("angular velocity (rad/s)")
    #     ax3.set_ylabel("coordinate (m)")

    #     for f in figList:
    #         f.tight_layout()
    # #bring to front