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# This is an EXUDYN example
# Details:  This example performs a parameter variation of a simple
#           mass-spring-damper system; varying mass, spring, using the python module dispy
#           In this example, we return the computed sensor values to the ParameterVariation funtion
#           and visualize a set of results
#           NOTE: the real speedup using multiprocessing or cluster is about 3 on a 4-core machine, but not the value given by dispy!
# Author:   Stefan Holzinger, Johannes Gerstmayr
# Date:     2022-04-11
# Copyright:This file is part of Exudyn. Exudyn is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Exudyn license. See 'LICENSE.txt' for more details.

import numpy as np

#this is the function that is called via dispy; parameterSet contains the dictionary of current parameters and
#optional 'functionData' with additional data passed to this function (e.g. numpy arrays)
#parameters are written into the 'P' structure, such that they can be overwritten easily
def ParameterFunction(parameterSet):
    # modules such as exudyn etc. need to be imported inside parameter function
    import socket
    import numpy as np
    import exudyn as exu
    import exudyn.itemInterface as eii

    SC = exu.SystemContainer()
    mbs = SC.AddSystem()

    #store default parameters in structure (all these parameters can be varied!)
    class P: pass #create emtpy structure for parameters; simplifies way to update parameters

    #default values
    P.mass = 1.6          #mass in kg
    P.spring = 4000       #stiffness of spring-damper in N/m
    P.damper = 8          #damping constant in N/(m/s)
    P.u0=-0.08            #initial displacement
    P.v0=1                #initial velocity
    P.f =80               #force applied to mass
    P.L=0.5               #spring length (for drawing)
    P.computationIndex = 'Ref' #if computationIndex not provided

    # #now update parameters with parameterSet (will work with any parameters in structure P)
    for key,value in parameterSet.items():

     #START HERE: create parameterized model, using structure P, which is updated in every computation

    # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    # create mechanical system

    #mass-spring-damper system
    P.L=0.5               #spring length (for drawing)

    x0=P.f/P.spring         #static displacement

    #node for 3D mass point:
    n1=mbs.AddNode(eii.Point(referenceCoordinates = [P.L,0,0],
                                initialCoordinates = [P.u0,0,0],
                                initialVelocities= [P.v0,0,0]))

    #ground node
    nGround=mbs.AddNode(eii.NodePointGround(referenceCoordinates = [0,0,0]))

    #add mass point (this is a 3D object with 3 coordinates):
    massPoint = mbs.AddObject(eii.MassPoint(physicsMass = P.mass, nodeNumber = n1))

    #marker for ground (=fixed):
    groundMarker=mbs.AddMarker(eii.MarkerNodeCoordinate(nodeNumber= nGround, coordinate = 0))
    #marker for springDamper for first (x-)coordinate:
    nodeMarker  =mbs.AddMarker(eii.MarkerNodeCoordinate(nodeNumber= n1, coordinate = 0))

    #spring-damper between two marker coordinates
    nC = mbs.AddObject(eii.CoordinateSpringDamper(markerNumbers = [groundMarker, nodeMarker],
                                                  stiffness = P.spring, damping = P.damper))

    #add load:
    mbs.AddLoad(eii.LoadCoordinate(markerNumber = nodeMarker, load = P.f))

    #add sensor:
    fileName = 'solution/paramVarDisplacement'+str(P.computationIndex)+'.txt'
    mbs.AddSensor(eii.SensorObject(objectNumber=nC, fileName=fileName,


    steps = 1000000  #number of steps to show solution; use many steps to see speedup!
    tEnd = 1     #end time of simulation

    simulationSettings = exu.SimulationSettings()
    simulationSettings.solutionSettings.writeSolutionToFile = False
    simulationSettings.solutionSettings.sensorsWritePeriod = 5e-3  #output interval of sensors
    simulationSettings.timeIntegration.numberOfSteps = steps
    simulationSettings.timeIntegration.endTime = tEnd

    simulationSettings.timeIntegration.generalizedAlpha.spectralRadius = 1 #no damping

    #start solver:

    # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    # evaluate difference between reference and optimized solution

    # get reference solution
    if 'functionData' in parameterSet: # load reference solution from function data
        functionData = parameterSet['functionData']
        refSol = functionData['refSol']
    else: # load from file
        refSol = np.loadtxt(fileName, comments='#', delimiter=',')

    # computation solution from current simulation
    sol = np.loadtxt(fileName, comments='#', delimiter=',')

    # compute error
    diff = refSol[:,1] - sol[:,1]
    errorNorm = np.sqrt(,diff))/steps*tEnd

    return [errorNorm, sol]  #we can also return any pickle-able data in return value, which is then stored in values of ParameterVariation
    #return errorNorm #for debug: (socket.gethostname(), errorNorm)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from exudyn.processing import ParameterVariation
    import time

    # generate reference solution
    refval = ParameterFunction({}) # compute reference solution
    #print("refval =", refval)

    # add reference solution to function data
    referenceSolution = np.loadtxt('solution/paramVarDisplacementRef.txt', comments='#', delimiter=',')
    functionData = {'refSol': referenceSolution}

    # process inputs to form array with each parameter values etc. see ParameterVariation()
    useCluster = True # if false, multiprocessing is used
    if useCluster: # specify nodes by providing host names or IPv4-addresses
        if False: #put your dispy hosts here
            activeHosts = [''] # enter list of IPv4 addresses or host names here
        else: #just use local host (for tests only!);
            import socket
            hostName = socket.gethostname()
            print('your hostname is: ',hostName)
            activeHosts = [hostName]
        clusterHostNames = activeHosts
        useDispyWebMonitor = 'useDispyWebMonitor' # if given to ParameterVariation(), a web browser is started which can be used to manage the cluster computation

        clusterHostNames = []
        useDispyWebMonitor = ''

    # perform parameter variation
    n = 2 # n*n = number of variations
    start_time = time.time()
    [pDict, values] = ParameterVariation(parameterFunction = ParameterFunction,
                                         parameters = {'mass':(1,2,n),
                                         parameterFunctionData = functionData,
                                         debugMode = False,
                                         addComputationIndex = True,
                                         useMultiProcessing = True,
                                         showProgress = True,
                                         clusterHostNames = clusterHostNames, #not that there is a significant overhead, thus cluster only makes sense for computations that take longer than 1 second
                                         #useDispyWebMonitor = useDispyWebMonitor, #slows down a little and waits 5 seconds in the end to finish
    print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

#%% post processing of all computed variations
    if True:

        #extract solution from return values
        valuesPlot = []
        for item in values:
            valuesPlot +=[item[0]]

        #plot first 8 results:
        for i in range(len(values)):
            from exudyn.plot import PlotSensor
            PlotSensor(0, sensorNumbers=values[i][1], labels='result'+str(i), newFigure=(i==0),
                       colorCodeOffset=i, fontSize=12, closeAll=(i==0))