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# This is an EXUDYN example
# Details:  This file shows integration with OpenAI gym by testing a triple pendulum example
# Author:   Johannes Gerstmayr
# Date:     2022-05-18
# Copyright:This file is part of Exudyn. Exudyn is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Exudyn license. See 'LICENSE.txt' for more details.

import exudyn as exu
from exudyn.utilities import * #includes itemInterface and rigidBodyUtilities
import as graphics #only import if it does not conflict
from exudyn.artificialIntelligence import *
import math
import os

class InvertedTriplePendulumEnv(OpenAIGymInterfaceEnv):

    #**classFunction: OVERRIDE this function to create multibody system mbs and setup simulationSettings; call Assemble() at the end!
    #                 you may also change SC.visualizationSettings() individually; kwargs may be used for special setup
    def CreateMBS(self, SC, mbs, simulationSettings, **kwargs):

        #this model uses kwargs: thresholdFactor
        thresholdFactor = 3
        if 'thresholdFactor' in kwargs:
            thresholdFactor = kwargs['thresholdFactor']

        gravity = 9.81
        self.length = 1.
        width = 0.1*self.length
        masscart = 1.
        massarm = 0.1
        total_mass = massarm + masscart
        armInertia = self.length**2*0.5*massarm
        self.force_mag = 10.0*2 #must be larger for triple pendulum to be more reactive ...
        self.stepUpdateTime = 0.02  # seconds between state updates

        background = graphics.CheckerBoard(point= [0,0.5*self.length,-0.5*width],
                                              normal= [0,0,1], size=10, size2=6, nTiles=20, nTiles2=12)

        oGround=self.mbs.AddObject(ObjectGround(referencePosition= [0,0,0],  #x-pos,y-pos,angle
                                           visualization=VObjectGround(graphicsData= [background])))

        gCart = graphics.Brick(size=[0.5*self.length, width, width],
        self.nCart = self.mbs.AddNode(Rigid2D(referenceCoordinates=[0,0,0]));
        oCart = self.mbs.AddObject(RigidBody2D(physicsMass=masscart,
                                          physicsInertia=0.1*masscart, #not needed
                                          visualization=VObjectRigidBody2D(graphicsData= [gCart])))
        mCartCOM = self.mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodePosition(nodeNumber=self.nCart))

        gArm1 = graphics.Brick(size=[width, self.length, width],
        gArm1joint = graphics.Cylinder(pAxis=[0,-0.5*self.length,-0.6*width], vAxis=[0,0,1.2*width],
                                          radius=0.0625*self.length, color=graphics.color.darkgrey)
        self.nArm1 = self.mbs.AddNode(Rigid2D(referenceCoordinates=[0,0.5*self.length,0]));
        oArm1 = self.mbs.AddObject(RigidBody2D(physicsMass=massarm,
                                          physicsInertia=armInertia, #not included in original paper
                                          visualization=VObjectRigidBody2D(graphicsData= [gArm1, gArm1joint])))

        mArm1COM = self.mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodePosition(nodeNumber=self.nArm1))
        mArm1JointA = self.mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyPosition(bodyNumber=oArm1, localPosition=[0,-0.5*self.length,0]))
        mArm1JointB = self.mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyPosition(bodyNumber=oArm1, localPosition=[0, 0.5*self.length,0]))

        gArm2 = graphics.Brick(size=[width, self.length, width],
        self.nArm2 = self.mbs.AddNode(Rigid2D(referenceCoordinates=[0,1.5*self.length,0]));
        oArm2 = self.mbs.AddObject(RigidBody2D(physicsMass=massarm,
                                          physicsInertia=armInertia, #not included in original paper
                                          visualization=VObjectRigidBody2D(graphicsData= [gArm2, gArm1joint])))

        mArm2COM = self.mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodePosition(nodeNumber=self.nArm2))
        mArm2Joint = self.mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyPosition(bodyNumber=oArm2, localPosition=[0,-0.5*self.length,0]))
        mArm2JointB = self.mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyPosition(bodyNumber=oArm2, localPosition=[0, 0.5*self.length,0]))

        gArm3 = graphics.Brick(size=[width, self.length, width],
        self.nArm3 = self.mbs.AddNode(Rigid2D(referenceCoordinates=[0,2.5*self.length,0]));
        oArm3 = self.mbs.AddObject(RigidBody2D(physicsMass=massarm,
                                          physicsInertia=armInertia, #not included in original paper
                                          visualization=VObjectRigidBody2D(graphicsData= [gArm3, gArm1joint])))

        mArm3COM = self.mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodePosition(nodeNumber=self.nArm3))
        mArm3Joint = self.mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyPosition(bodyNumber=oArm3, localPosition=[0,-0.5*self.length,0]))

        mCartCoordX = self.mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodeCoordinate(nodeNumber=self.nCart, coordinate=0))
        mCartCoordY = self.mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodeCoordinate(nodeNumber=self.nCart, coordinate=1))
        mGroundNode = self.mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodeCoordinate(nodeNumber=nGround, coordinate=0))

        self.mbs.AddLoad(Force(markerNumber=mCartCOM, loadVector=[0,-masscart*gravity,0]))
        self.mbs.AddLoad(Force(markerNumber=mArm1COM, loadVector=[0,-massarm*gravity,0]))
        self.mbs.AddLoad(Force(markerNumber=mArm2COM, loadVector=[0,-massarm*gravity,0]))
        self.mbs.AddLoad(Force(markerNumber=mArm3COM, loadVector=[0,-massarm*gravity,0]))

        #control force
        self.lControl = self.mbs.AddLoad(LoadCoordinate(markerNumber=mCartCoordX, load=1.))

        #joints and constraints:
        self.mbs.AddObject(RevoluteJoint2D(markerNumbers=[mCartCOM, mArm1JointA]))
        self.mbs.AddObject(RevoluteJoint2D(markerNumbers=[mArm1JointB, mArm2Joint]))
        self.mbs.AddObject(RevoluteJoint2D(markerNumbers=[mArm2JointB, mArm3Joint]))

        self.mbs.AddObject(CoordinateConstraint(markerNumbers=[mCartCoordY, mGroundNode]))

        self.mbs.Assemble() #computes initial vector

        self.simulationSettings.timeIntegration.numberOfSteps = 1
        self.simulationSettings.timeIntegration.endTime = 0 #will be overwritten in step
        self.simulationSettings.timeIntegration.verboseMode = 0
        self.simulationSettings.solutionSettings.writeSolutionToFile = False
        #self.simulationSettings.timeIntegration.simulateInRealtime = True

        self.simulationSettings.timeIntegration.newton.useModifiedNewton = True

        self.SC.visualizationSettings.general.graphicsUpdateInterval = 0.01 #50Hz

        #self.simulationSettings.solutionSettings.solutionInformation = "Open AI gym"

        # Angle at which to fail the episode
        # these parameters are used in subfunctions
        self.theta_threshold_radians = thresholdFactor* 12 * 2 * math.pi / 360
        self.x_threshold = thresholdFactor*2.4

        #must return state size
        stateSize = 8 #the number of states (position/velocity that are used by learning algorithm)
        return stateSize

    #**classFunction: OVERRIDE this function to set up self.action_space and self.observation_space
    def SetupSpaces(self):

        high = np.array(
                self.x_threshold * 2,
                self.theta_threshold_radians * 2,
                self.theta_threshold_radians * 2,
                self.theta_threshold_radians * 2,

        #for Env:
        self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(2)
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(-high, high, dtype=np.float32)

    #**classFunction: OVERRIDE this function to map the action given by learning algorithm to the multibody system, e.g. as a load parameter
    def MapAction2MBS(self, action):
        force = self.force_mag if action == 1 else -self.force_mag
        self.mbs.SetLoadParameter(self.lControl, 'load', force)

    #**classFunction: OVERRIDE this function to collect output of simulation and map to self.state tuple
    #**output: return bool done which contains information if system state is outside valid range
    def Output2StateAndDone(self):

        #compute some output:
        cartPosX = self.mbs.GetNodeOutput(self.nCart, variableType=exu.OutputVariableType.Coordinates)[0]
        arm1Angle = self.mbs.GetNodeOutput(self.nArm1, variableType=exu.OutputVariableType.Coordinates)[2]
        arm2Angle = self.mbs.GetNodeOutput(self.nArm2, variableType=exu.OutputVariableType.Coordinates)[2]
        arm3Angle = self.mbs.GetNodeOutput(self.nArm3, variableType=exu.OutputVariableType.Coordinates)[2]
        cartPosX_t = self.mbs.GetNodeOutput(self.nCart, variableType=exu.OutputVariableType.Coordinates_t)[0]
        arm1Angle_t = self.mbs.GetNodeOutput(self.nArm1, variableType=exu.OutputVariableType.Coordinates_t)[2]
        arm2Angle_t = self.mbs.GetNodeOutput(self.nArm2, variableType=exu.OutputVariableType.Coordinates_t)[2]
        arm3Angle_t = self.mbs.GetNodeOutput(self.nArm3, variableType=exu.OutputVariableType.Coordinates_t)[2]

        #finally write updated state:
        self.state = (cartPosX, cartPosX_t, arm1Angle, arm1Angle_t, arm2Angle, arm2Angle_t, arm3Angle, arm3Angle_t)

        done = bool(
            cartPosX < -self.x_threshold
            or cartPosX > self.x_threshold
            or arm1Angle < -self.theta_threshold_radians
            or arm1Angle > self.theta_threshold_radians
            or arm2Angle < -self.theta_threshold_radians
            or arm2Angle > self.theta_threshold_radians
            or arm3Angle < -self.theta_threshold_radians
            or arm3Angle > self.theta_threshold_radians
        return done

    #**classFunction: OVERRIDE this function to maps the current state to mbs initial values
    #**output: return [initialValues, initialValues\_t] where initialValues[\_t] are ODE2 vectors of coordinates[\_t] for the mbs
    def State2InitialValues(self):
        #set specific initial state:
        (xCart, xCart_t, phiArm1, phiArm1_t, phiArm2, phiArm2_t, phiArm3, phiArm3_t) = self.state

        initialValues = np.zeros(12) #model has 4*3 redundant states
        initialValues_t = np.zeros(12)

        #build redundant cordinates from self.state
        initialValues[0] = xCart
        initialValues[3+0] = xCart - 0.5*self.length * sin(phiArm1)
        initialValues[3+1] = 0.5*self.length * (cos(phiArm1)-1)
        initialValues[3+2] = phiArm1

        initialValues[6+0] = xCart - self.length * sin(phiArm1) - 0.5*self.length * sin(phiArm2)
        initialValues[6+1] = self.length * cos(phiArm1) + 0.5*self.length * cos(phiArm2) - 1.5*self.length
        initialValues[6+2] = phiArm2

        initialValues[9+0] = xCart - self.length * sin(phiArm1) - self.length * sin(phiArm2) - 0.5*self.length * sin(phiArm3)
        initialValues[9+1] = self.length * cos(phiArm1) + self.length * cos(phiArm2) + 0.5*self.length * cos(phiArm3) - 2.5*self.length
        initialValues[9+2] = phiArm3

        initialValues_t[0] = xCart_t
        initialValues_t[3+0] = xCart_t - phiArm1_t*0.5*self.length * cos(phiArm1)
        initialValues_t[3+1] = -0.5*self.length * sin(phiArm1)  * phiArm1_t
        initialValues_t[3+2] = phiArm1_t

        initialValues_t[6+0] = xCart_t - phiArm1_t*self.length * cos(phiArm1) - phiArm2_t*0.5*self.length * cos(phiArm2)
        initialValues_t[6+1] = -self.length * sin(phiArm1)  * phiArm1_t - 0.5*self.length * sin(phiArm2)  * phiArm2_t
        initialValues_t[6+2] = phiArm2_t

        initialValues_t[9+0] = xCart_t - phiArm1_t*self.length * cos(phiArm1) - phiArm2_t*self.length * cos(phiArm2) - phiArm3_t*0.5*self.length * cos(phiArm3)
        initialValues_t[9+1] = -self.length * sin(phiArm1)  * phiArm1_t - self.length * sin(phiArm2)  * phiArm2_t - 0.5*self.length * sin(phiArm3)  * phiArm3_t
        initialValues_t[9+2] = phiArm3_t

        return [initialValues,initialValues_t]

if __name__ == '__main__': #this is only executed when file is direct called in Python
    import time

    #use some learning algorithm:
    #pip install stable_baselines3
    from stable_baselines3 import A2C

        #create model and do reinforcement learning
    if False: #'scalar' environment:
        env = InvertedTriplePendulumEnv() #(thresholdFactor=2)
        #check if model runs:
        # env.TestModel(numberOfSteps=1000, seed=42)

        #main learning task; 1e7 steps take 2-3 hours
        model = A2C('MlpPolicy',
                    device='cpu',  #usually cpu is faster for this size of networks
                    #device='cuda',  #usually cpu is faster for this size of networks
        ts = -time.time()
        #model.learn(total_timesteps=2e7)  #not sufficient ...
        print('*** learning time total =',ts+time.time(),'***')

        #save learned model"openAIgymTriplePendulum1e7d")
        #create vectorized environment, which is much faster for time
        #  consuming environments (otherwise learning algo may be the bottleneck)
        import torch #stable-baselines3 is based on pytorch
        n_cores= max(1,int(os.cpu_count()/2)) #n_cores should be number of real cores (not threads)
        #n_cores=14 #should be number of real cores (not threads)
        torch.set_num_threads(n_cores) #seems to be ideal to match the size of subprocVecEnv

        #test problem with nSteps=400 in time integration
        #1 core: learning time total = 28.73 seconds
        #4 core: learning time total = 8.10
        #8 core: learning time total = 4.48
        #14 core:learning time total = 3.77
        #standard DummyVecEnv version: 15.14 seconds

        from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import DummyVecEnv, SubprocVecEnv
        vecEnv = SubprocVecEnv([InvertedTriplePendulumEnv for i in range(n_cores)])

        #main learning task; 1e7 steps take 2-3 hours
        model = A2C('MlpPolicy',
                    device='cpu',  #usually cpu is faster for this size of networks
                    #device='cuda',  #optimal with 64 SubprocVecEnv, torch.set_num_threads(1)
        ts = -time.time()
        print('start learning...')
        model.learn(total_timesteps=7e7)  #not sufficient ...
        print('*** learning time total =',ts+time.time(),'***')

        #save learned model"openAIgymTriplePendulum1e7d")

    if False:
        #only load and test
        model = A2C.load("openAIgymTriplePendulum1e7")
        env = InvertedTriplePendulumEnv(thresholdFactor=15) #larger threshold for testing
        env.TestModel(numberOfSteps=2500, model=model, solutionFileName=solutionFile,
                      stopIfDone=False, useRenderer=False, sleepTime=0) #just compute solution file

        #visualize (and make animations) in exudyn:
        from exudyn.interactive import SolutionViewer
        env.SC.visualizationSettings.general.autoFitScene = False
        solution = LoadSolutionFile(solutionFile)
        SolutionViewer(env.mbs, solution) #loads solution file via name stored in mbs