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This website was created for my mum's new bookkeeping and payroll outsourcing business called BookRoll. This site will act as an online business card and contact platform (once operational).

You can view the deployed website here - Bookroll.


I designed the website with a mobile first approach, I wanted it to be easy to navigate and have a similar structure to each page, this is so that users feel a familiarity with each page they are viewing.
The colours were chosen as I feel they work well with the club colours of red, black and white.

Technologies Used

HTML - HTML provides the content and structure for my website CSS - CSS provides the styling. Bootstrap - The Bootstrap framework was used to create the layout for all of the pages. I also used it for the navbar, image carousel, popovers and tables. Google Fonts - I used the Roboto and Oswald fonts on each of my pages. Font Awesome - I used the font awesome icons to style the links in the footer. jQuery - jQuery was used within Bootstrap to create the popover on the players names.


A lot of the testing was carried out using the developer tools in Google Chrome, whilst in preview using atom live server. This was used to look at the responsiveness of the website and to make sure it works well on mobile devices. This resulted in a lot of modification on the go, as I was creating the code. The following websites were used for validation of my code. HTML validation CSS validation


My website is hosted on GitHub Pages, to access the website please take the following steps.

GitHub Pages

  1. Navigate to my Github repository -
  2. Navigate to my Github repository -
  3. Click on the settings tab at the top of the page.
  4. Scroll down to the GitHub Pages section.
  5. Change the source to master branch.
  6. After selecting master branch the page will refresh.
  7. Scroll down to the GitHub Pages section and a green box saying "your site is published at" will appear.
  8. Click the link to go to the published website.


  • The code for the navbar on all pages was copied from Bootstrap.
  • The code for the cards for the testimonials was copied from codepenio.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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