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Add ark_brusselator example using Sundials wrappers around ARKode
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jgoldfar committed Oct 4, 2016
1 parent 056da1a commit be9a6ff
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Showing 2 changed files with 210 additions and 0 deletions.
202 changes: 202 additions & 0 deletions examples/arkode_test.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
# Solve the Brusselator example using ARKode
# Adapted from examples/arkode/C_serial/ark_brusselator.c
# Consider
# du/dt = a - (w+1)*u + v*u^2
# dv/dt = w*u - v*u^2
# dw/dt = (b-w)/ep - w*u
# for t in the interval [0.0, 10.0], with initial conditions
# Y0 = [u0,v0,w0].
# Test data: u0=1.2, v0=3.1, w0=3, a=1, b=3.5, ep=5.0e-6
# Here, w experiences a fast initial transient, jumping 0.5
# within a few steps. All values proceed smoothly until
# around t=6.5, when both u and v undergo a sharp transition,
# with u increaseing from around 0.5 to 5 and v decreasing
# from around 6 to 1 in less than 0.5 time units. After this
# transition, both u and v continue to evolve somewhat
# rapidly for another 1.4 time units, and finish off smoothly.
using StrPack
# DlsMat type fron sundials/sundials_direct.h as of v2.6.2
# typedef struct _DlsMat {
# int type;
# long int M;
# long int N;
# long int ldim;
# long int mu;
# long int ml;
# long int s_mu;
# realtype *data;
# long int ldata;
# realtype **cols;
# } *DlsMat;
@struct type J_DlsMat
function fi(t, y_in, ydot_in, user_data)
y = convert(Vector{Float64}, y_in)
rdata = convert(Vector{Float64}, user_data)
a = rdata[1] #/* access data entries */
b = rdata[2]
ep = rdata[3]
ydot = convert(Vector{Float64}, ydot_in)
# /* fill in the RHS function */
ydot[1] = a - (y[3] + 1.0) * y[1] + y[2] * y[1]^2
ydot[2] = y[3] * y[1] - y[2] * y[1]^2
ydot[3] = (b - y[3]) / ep - y[3] * y[1]

return Sundials.ARK_SUCCESS #/* Return with success */

function Jfi(N, t, y_in, fn_in, Jptr, user_data, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3)
y = convert(Vector, y_in)
rdata = convert(Vector, user_data) #/* cast user_data to realtype */
ep = rdata[3]; #/* access data entries */
u = y[1] #/* access solution values */
v = y[2]
w = y[3]
dlsmat = unpack(IOBuffer(
pointer_to_array(convert(Ptr{Uint8}, Jptr),
(sum(map(sizeof, J_DlsMat.types))+10,))
J = pointer_to_array(unsafe_load(dlsmat.cols), (int(numeq), int(numeq)), false)
# # /* fill in the Jacobian */
J[1,1] = -(w + 1) + 2 * u *v
J[1,2] = u * u
J[1,3] = -u

J[2,1] = w - 2 * u * v
J[2,2] = -u * u
J[2,3] = u

J[3,1] = -w
J[3,2] = 0.0
J[3,3] = -1 / ep - u
return Sundials.ARK_SUCCESS #/* Return with success */

function RunArkodeTest()
numeq = 3
T0 = 0.0 #/* initial time */
Tf = 10.0 #/* final time */
dTout = 1.0 #/* time between outputs */
Nt = ceil(Int, Tf/dTout)

reltol = 1.0e-6
abstol = 1.0e-10
u0_ark = 1.2
v0 = 3.1
w0 = 3.0
a = 1.0
b = 3.5
ep = 5.0e-6

print("\nBrusselator ODE test problem:\n")
@printf " initial conditions: u0 = %e, v0 = %e, w0 = %e\n" u0_ark v0 w0
@printf " problem parameters: a = %e, b = %e, ep = %e\n" a b ep
@printf " reltol = %.1e, abstol = %.1e\n\n" reltol abstol

rdata = [a, b, ep] #/* set user data */
y = zeros(numeq)
y[1] = u0_ark #/* Set initial conditions */
y[2] = v0
y[3] = w0

amem = Sundials.ARKodeCreate()

# /* Call ARKodeInit to initialize the integrator memory and specify the
# hand-side side function in y'=f(t,y), the inital time T0, and
# the initial dependent variable vector y. Note: since this
# problem is fully implicit, we set f_E to NULL and f_I to f. */
Sundials.@checkflag Sundials.ARKodeInit(amem, C_NULL, cfunction(fi, Cint, (Sundials.realtype, Sundials.N_Vector, Sundials.N_Vector, Sundials.N_Vector)), T0, y)
Sundials.@checkflag Sundials.ARKodeSetUserData(amem, Sundials.nvector(rdata))
Sundials.@checkflag Sundials.ARKodeSStolerances(amem, reltol, abstol)
Sundials.@checkflag Sundials.ARKDense(amem, numeq)
flag = Sundials.ARKDlsSetDenseJacFn(amem, cfunction(Jfi, Cint, (Culong, Sundials.realtype, Sundials.N_Vector, Sundials.N_Vector, J_DlsMat, Sundials.N_Vector, Sundials.N_Vector, Sundials.N_Vector, Sundials.N_Vector)))

open(Pkg.dir("Sundials", "test", "arkode_solution.txt"), "w") do h
print(h, "# t u v w\n")

# /* output initial condition to disk */
@printf h " %.16e %.16e %.16e %.16e\n" T0 y[1] y[2] y[3]

t = [T0]
tout = T0 + dTout
print(" t u v w\n",
" -------------------------------------------\n")
solsave = Array(Float64, Nt, 4)
iout = 1
while true
Sundials.@checkflag Sundials.ARKode(amem, tout, y, t, Sundials.ARK_NORMAL) #/* call integrator */
@printf " %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f\n" t[1] y[1] y[2] y[3] #/* access/print solution */
@printf h " %.16e %.16e %.16e %.16e\n" t[1] y[1] y[2] y[3]
solsave[iout, 1], solsave[iout, 2], solsave[iout, 3], solsave[iout, 4] = t[1], y[1], y[2], y[3]
if flag >= Sundials.ARK_SUCCESS #/* successful solve: update time */
tout += dTout
tout = (tout > Tf) ? Tf : tout
printf(STDERR, "Solver failure, stopping integration\n")#/* unsuccessful solve: break */
if (iout >= Nt) break end
iout += 1
print(" -------------------------------------------\n")

nst = [0]; nst_a = [0]; nfe = [0]; nfi = [0]
nsetups = [0]; netf = [0]; nni = [0];
ncfn = [0]; nje = [0]; nfeLS = [0]
Sundials.@checkflag Sundials.ARKodeGetNumSteps(amem, nst)
Sundials.@checkflag Sundials.ARKodeGetNumStepAttempts(amem, nst_a)
Sundials.@checkflag Sundials.ARKodeGetNumRhsEvals(amem, nfe, nfi)
Sundials.@checkflag Sundials.ARKodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(amem, nsetups)
Sundials.@checkflag Sundials.ARKodeGetNumErrTestFails(amem, netf)
Sundials.@checkflag Sundials.ARKodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(amem, nni)
Sundials.@checkflag Sundials.ARKodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(amem, ncfn)
Sundials.@checkflag Sundials.ARKDlsGetNumJacEvals(amem, nje)
Sundials.@checkflag Sundials.ARKDlsGetNumRhsEvals(amem, nfeLS)

println("\nFinal Solver Statistics:")
@printf " Internal solver steps = %li (attempted = %li)\n" nst[1] nst_a[1]
@printf " Total RHS evals: Fe = %li, Fi = %li\n" nfe[1] nfi[1]
@printf " Total linear solver setups = %li\n" nsetups[1]
@printf " Total RHS evals for setting up the linear system = %li\n" nfeLS[1]
@printf " Total number of Jacobian evaluations = %li\n" nje[1]
@printf " Total number of Newton iterations = %li\n" nni[1]
@printf " Total number of linear solver convergence failures = %li\n" ncfn[1]
@printf " Total number of error test failures = %li\n\n" netf[1]

# Parse output from example code (in a messy way)
# to verify that our solution matches.
open(Pkg.dir("Sundials", "deps", "usr", "examples", "arkode", "C_serial", "ark_brusselator.out"), "r") do d1
readvals = false
truevals = Array(Float64, Nt, 4)
iout = 1
for i in eachline(d1)
if chomp(i) == " -------------------------------------------"
readvals = !readvals
if readvals
truevals[iout, :] = map(parsefloat, split(chomp(i)))
iout += 1

# Since the data in ark_brusselator.out has 6 decimal places of precision, should pass.
@test max(vec(abs(solsave - truevals))...) < 1e-5
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -60,3 +60,11 @@ let
include(joinpath(examples_path, "kinsol_mkinTest.jl"))
@test abs(minimum(residual)) < 1e-5

#= (Requires StrPack, and example fails...)
# Run arkode example
println("== start arkode example")
include(joinpath(examples_path, "arkode_test.jl"))

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