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OmNu-Ice Dark

This Numix clone is the dark version of OmNu-Ice. It features a dark and cool color scheme.

For this theme, I added a few styling adjustments to make it more modern.

How to Install

  1. Download the latest file from the downloads directory
  2. Open a Terminal application
  3. Navigate to your Downloads folder in the terminal (usually titled Downloads). Type cd Downloads
  4. Type ls and look for omnu-ice-dark-month-day-year.tar.gz, where month, day and year represent when the file was last updated
  5. Untar the file by typing tar -zxvf omnu-ice-dark-MM-DD-YY.tar.gz, substituting the current version's date numbers
  6. type cd again to get to your home folder; type ls -a and see if there is a .themes directory
  7. If one does not exist, create one: mkdir .themes
  8. cd Downloads
  9. cp OmNu-Ice-dark ../.themes

To install OmNu-Ice Dark globally:

  1. Follow steps 1-5 above
  2. cd /usr/share/themes
  3. sudo cp -r ~/Downloads/OmNu-Ice-dark /usr/share/themes
  4. Enter sudo password
  5. ls to check that the theme folder is present

To install on Arch Linux:

OmNu-Ice-dark can be installed from the Arch User Repository via a package helper, such as Yay:

yay -S omnu-ice-dark


The font used in the homepage screenshots is Source Sans Pro for the main theme.

To change the font, you can use LXAppearance or set the GTK theme font by editing two files.

For GTK2, create the following file,

~/.gtkrc-2.0.mine and add:

gtk-font-name="Source Sans Pro 10"

In the file ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini, add:

gtk-font-name=Source Sans Pro 10

The GTK2 theme requires the Murrine theme engine. To install from the command line:

Theme Engines Installation for Ubuntu:

In the Ubuntu Software Center, search for Murrine. Then you can select Cairo-based gtk+-2.0 theme engine, which has the package name gtk-engines-murrine.

Theme Engines installation for Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S gtk-engines


This Numix clone is the dark version of OmNu-Ice. It features a dark and cool color scheme.






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