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File metadata and controls

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Consumer Concepts

Gazette's consumer framework makes it easy to build powerful streaming applications in Go. A developer begins by adapting their event-driven business logic to the consumer Application interface, most notably its ConsumeMessage callback. A complete, ready-to-run framework binary is then built by calling runconsumer.Main from a Go func main().


Shards are the unit of work and scaling for a consumer application. A shard can usually be thought of as composing:

  • An application which provides event callbacks,
  • One or more source journals to be read, and
  • A stateful store into which shard checkpoints and application states are captured.

A shard is a long-lived resource and may be handed off between many processes over its lifetime. When that happens, the shard's store always travels with it.

Unlike other stream processing systems, Gazette does not prescribe how or when shards are created, and requires that users or application-specific tools explicitly manage shards and provide their configuration.

The trade-off is that shards are highly flexible, able to support operational patterns simply not possible in other systems:

  • Use multiple shards to process the same journal in varying ways, using custom business configuration carried by shard labels.
  • Deploy a global application that homes redundant shards in multiple cloud regions, to provide local queryable copies of a continuous materialization.
  • Configure shards to co-locate application processing to the region or network edges where each of a set of globally-distributed journals live.


A store is simply a durable place to store current application states and a shard checkpoint. Many stores support a notion of transactions, which are leveraged to provide end-to-end "exactly once" processing semantics. Other types of stores are possible, such as key/value databases. In many cases these too can provide exactly-once semantics -- i.e. via check-and-set operations, though with significant caveats. Stores fall into two categories:

Remote stores are managed externally and accessed over the network.

Remote stores are a good fit at smaller scales, or when store access patterns don't require fine-grained queries which may suffer from serialization costs and network latency.

Local stores use a process-embedded database and host disk.

Replication and recovery of the database is provided by the framework. Local store applications can be incredibly performant, as they collocate computation with store states that are local to the machine and often even cached in-memory.

The choice of store is entirely up to the application. Several store implementations are available today, with many others being easy to integrate:

SQLStore:Use any remote SQL database compatible with the Go database/sql standard library.
JSONFileStore:Manage light-weight state using a local, replicated JSON-encoded file.
RocksDB:Manage high-performance key/value state using a local, replicated RocksDB.
SQLite:Leverage full SQL semantics using a local, replicated SQLite DB.


Consumer applications run as scalable, ephemeral deployments with many constituent member processes which may come and go over time. Collectively they balance and provide fault-tolerant serving of many shards. Like Gazette brokers, an application may deploy member processes across multiple zones, regions, and clouds.

Applications rely on Etcd for consensus over distributed state of the system (and in fact, consumers and brokers share a common implementation for maintaining consensus and member assignments).

When a consumer process starts, it "finds" its application group through a shared Etcd prefix -- defined by flag --etcd.prefix -- under which specifications of the application are kept.


Each unique deployment of a consumer application must use a different --etcd.prefix. By convention the prefix will compose the application name and release name, to fully qualify the group. See the consumer Kustomize manifest for best-practice on deploying and configuring consumer applications.

Recovery Logs

Consumer applications have no reliance on the availability of a particular host machine or the durability of its disks. Host disks are used only as temporary scratch spaces for local stores. This is at odds with embedded databases like SQLite and RocksDB that persist to a local disk and have no built-in mechanism for replication.

To provide durability, embedded stores are replicated to a recovery log: a journal to which file operations of the store are sequenced as they're being made. Operations are captured through low-level integrations with store-specific OS interfaces (eg afero, rocksdb.Env, or SQLite VFS). This has the advantage of making instrumentation transparent to applications, which use standard clients and can access the full range of store capabilities and configuration.

Recovery logs allow a process to rebuild the on-disk state of a store by reading the log and re-playing its file operations to the local disk. Hot standbys live-tail the log to locally apply the operations of the current primary. To speed up cold-start playback, the primary will periodically persist "hints" to Etcd which inform players of how to efficiently read the log, by skipping over journal segments known to contain only file data that's no longer needed. Hints are also used to periodically "prune" the log by removing journal fragments which are known to not contain live file operations.


Shards process messages in consumer transactions, with a lifecycle managed by the framework. In general terms, a transaction:

  • Begins when a source message is ready to be processed.
  • Starts a corresponding transaction of the shard's store (where supported).
  • Processes messages from source journals.
  • Reads and/or modifies the store.
  • Publishes pending (uncommitted) messages to downstream journals.

Transactions are dynamically sized: a started transaction will typically continue so long as further messages can be immediately processed without blocking. At low data rates transactions will quickly stall and begin to close, which minimizes end-to-end latency. At very high rates, transactions may process thousands of messages before closing, which can massively boost processing efficiency.

Applications are kept informed of transaction boundaries. For some use cases -- such as accumulating counts or other aggregates -- transactions allow for substantial amounts of work to be done purely in-memory, with aggregate updates only published as messages or written to the store at transaction close.

When the transaction does close, the framework attaches a checkpoint to the store transaction and starts a commit. The checkpoint includes metadata -- like journal offsets -- to ensure that application states in the store are kept in lock-step with the offsets, etc which produced those states.

Upon the store's commit, pending messages which were published during the transaction are automatically acknowledged and may now be processed by downstream consumers. Transactions are fully pipelined: while one transaction waits for commit acknowledgements from the store, the next has already begun and is processing messages.


Consumer applications manage a number of specifications stored in Etcd, coordinated through the application's unique, shared Etcd prefix:

Declare the existence and configuration of a shard -- its ID, number of hot standbys, and other user-supplied metadata and behaviors.

Every running consumer process manages a MemberSpec which advertises its failure zone, endpoint, shard capacity, etc.

MemberSpecs are ephemeral: they must be kept alive through an associated Etcd lease, and are removed on process exit.


Represent the assignment of a shard to a member, along with the assignment role: primary or hot-standby. Each shard may have multiple AssignmentSpecs, but only one will actively process the shard. Others will tail the on-disk state of the primary to support fast fail-over.

AssignmentSpecs are also ephemeral: each is tied to its respective member Etcd lease, and is removed on member exit or fault.

Applications coordinate to continuously monitor specifications, solve for (re)assignment of shards to members, and manage the set of AssignmentSpecs in Etcd. Individual members then enact the AssignmentSpecs which they're responsible for.


On receiving a SIGTERM a member will announce its desire to exit by zeroing its declared capacity in its MemberSpec, and then wait until:

  • All shards have been handed off to a peer with up-to-date on disk state
  • All gRPCs have been drained

In the absence of faults, shards utilizing recovery logs will always have at least one member with a ready on-disk representation of the store's state, allowing for zero-downtime rolling deployments.

This is true even if the configured number of hot-standbys is zero: the cluster will temporarily over-replicate the shard to facilitate fast hand-off.

Building APIs

Framework applications bundle gRPC and HTTP servers against which custom APIs may be registered. Applications can use these to offer APIs which query from local, continuously materialized states.

A service Resolver is provided to facilitate discovery of current shards and endpoints, making it easy to build APIs which transparently proxy requests, or employ scatter / gather patterns.