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nico78 edited this page Dec 13, 2014 · 1 revision

You can make assertions about data in an html table (provided it's structured typically - with field headings going across the top and a record on each row, with no multiple colspans):

WebElement table = t.find(only(tableElement().that(hasName("a_table"))));

Assertion about the headers

assertThat(table, isTableElementThat(hasHeaders("Stock Code","Stock Description","Price","Country", "Action")));

Explicitly specifying everything on each row:

assertThat(table, isTableElementThat(
		rowConsistingOf( "MKS.L", 
		                "Marks and Spencer",
		//other rows...			

Specifying only some fields on each row:

assertThat(table, isTableElementThat(
		    valueInColumn("Stock Code","VOD.L"),
		//other rows...			

These could produce an error like:

Expected:  a table with data rows:
			"MKS.L", "Marks and Spencer", "1.23", contains : {a link that: {has title "Trade"}}
but: table had:
 in row 2:
 cell in column: [2] , headed <Stock Description>, expected to be "Mark And Spencer"
		    'Mark[s] And Spencer'
		instead of:
		    'Mark[] And Spencer'
Actual row:
MKS.L| <!***Marks And Spencer***!>| 1.23|GB