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khrpp is intended to be a set of header-only, modern C++ helpers for interacting with various Khronos APIs and formats.

Current Features

KTX/KTX2 file parsing

There are two classes, khrpp::ktx::Descriptor and khrpp::ktx2::Descriptor that are provided by the includes <khrpp/ktx.hpp> and #include <khrpp/ktx2.hpp> respectively and are able to parse and validate KTX and KTX2 data.

Each has a static bool validate(const uint8_t* const data, size_t size) method which will return true or false depending on whether the passed memory buffer is a valid representation. Each also has a void parse(const uint8_t* const data, size_t size) method which will attempt to parse a memory buffer and throw an exception if it is invalid.

The interface designed to be platform neutral and optimized for working with memory mapped files.

Memory-Mapped file wrapping

The <khrpp/storage.hpp> header provides the khrpp::utils::Storage class and associated child classes. khrpp::utils::Storage is an abstraction for wrapping read-only memory and provides size_t size() const and const uint8_t* data() const members as well as an bool isFast() const member to act as a heuristic as to whether the wrapped buffer is backed by RAM or disk.

khrpp::utils::Storage::ConstPointer is an alias for std::shared_ptr<const khrpp::utils::Storage> and it's assumed most interaction will be through ConstPointer instances created by one of the static Storage methods below:

static ConstPointer Storage::wrap(size_t size, uint8_t* data, bool fast = false);

Wraps an existing memory buffer without taking ownership of it. Caller may indicate the speed heuristic, but it's assumed false if not provided.

static ConstPointer Storage::create(size_t size, uint8_t* data = nullptr);

Creates a memory buffer of the specified size and optionally populates it with initial values provided by data. If data is not provided, the initial contents are undefined.

static ConstPointer readFile(const std::string& filename);

Maps a file from disk into memory using the platform specific API

Additionally the Storgage class provides a ConstPointer createView(size_t size = 0, size_t offset = 0) const member function which will return a view of a given offset and size of the parent buffer. The child buffer will retain a reference to the parent buffer so that even if the parent leaves scope, the child buffer is still valid. The fast heuristic of the child is inherited from the parent.


Khronos C++ Helpers







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