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Releases: jhipster/jhipster-uml

Patch release: v2.0.3

14 Jan 14:20
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  • The --force option has been fixed (thanks @Dufgui),
  • The **All** choice has been removed (the same thanks),

Dependencies have also been updated to their last stable version.


19 Nov 08:21
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  • Package support (finally!)
  • Added a Yarn file to the project
  • Removed the *** All *** option as Inquirer enables to select everything.

An important note: huge thanks to @Dufgui for his work.

Patch release: 2.0.1

29 Oct 18:35
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  • Typo fixes (#212),
  • UMLDesigner: the required flag for associations is now handled properly (#222, #225),
  • The TextBlob is now (really) added...
  • Changelogdates are now correctly handled (#224).

A special thanks to @Dufgui for his great work!

v2.0.0 is finally there!

09 Oct 18:38
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New features:

  • the following options are now supported:
    • --skip-client,
    • --skip-server,
    • --angular-suffix,
    • --microservice-name,
    • --search-engine,
    • --no-fluent-methods,
    • --skip-user-management
  • it is now possible to convert an XMI file to a JDL file with the --to-jdl option,
  • it is also possible to set an option's value directly from the CLI (by doing --dto mapstruct for instance),
  • the help command (-h or --help) has been greatly improved by using yargs,
  • the project now uses JHipster Core so as to get values from the core project instead of adding them by hand in this project (reduces bug change),
  • required relationships are supported,
  • reserved keywords are now checked,
  • the editors are optimized to be easier to maintain and to test,
  • tests have been tweaked to run more quickly.

Things have also been removed:

  • the VP editor is no more, and will be added as a module,
  • the scheduler has been removed because JHipster doesn't need the entities to be generated in a specific order now.

Finally, JHipster UML now correctly checks for differences between the JSON files and the XMI file, and asks which entities have to be overriden, thanks to @marcelinobadin for the idea!

What's next?

  • StarUML will be supported,
  • Packages are going to be supported (with some limitations) now that the editors have been revamped.

Patch release: v1.6.5

27 Mar 15:12
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The fixed bugs in this release:

  • The OneToMany relationships weren't properly handled, and the two ends of the relationships had the same relationship type (OneToMany) instead of one having the OneToMany type and the other the ManyToOne (#169);
  • The user entity wasn't properly handled in the Scheduler (#171);
  • Setting the same option for different entities doesn't work as only the last one are taken into account (#165);

What's new:

  • underscore has been replaced by lodash;
  • When not using JHipster UML in a JHipster project, displays a warning message now;
  • When not declaring entities used in a relationship declaration in the JDL, now displays a more user-friendly message.

(Another) urgency release: v1.6.4

16 Mar 21:33
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Fixes the critical bug of #161. Thanks @alcidesmorales for reporting it.

Urgency release of v1.6.3

13 Mar 15:07
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The release fixes the generated JSON files to include field ids and relationship ids (previously removed).

Release of v1.6.2

13 Mar 01:41
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Bug Fixes:

  • Relationships have been fixed:
    • #158: The generation of One-to-One relationships is now fixed (problem with otherEntityRelationshipName;
    • #150: Relationships with VisualParadigm were revamped.

New Features:

  • Errors will really help from now on (no, really):
    • Each time an error is thrown, the error's name, it's description and the stacktrace will be displayed;
    • When the scheduler fails, the problems are now much easier to fix (#148);
    • The JDL parser now tells where it failed (#136);
  • -v or -version flag added;
  • JHipster's --table-name is implemented (see the doc about it, and how to use it);
  • For our beloved JDL:
    • JHipster UML now parses .jh AND .jdl files (thanks @andidev, #159);
    • Empty entities don't require brackets anymore (before: entity A {}, now entity A), the previous syntax can still be used, we support both ways;
    • Since v1.6.1, we could use the * or all keywords to bulk-set options, and exclusions can now be specified (with the except keyword);
    • JHipster UML can now parse several JDL files;
    • Finally, relationships can now be specified in an easier and more concise way:
relationship RELATIONSHIP_TYPE {
  A to B,
  C to D

And we now have issues/PR templates.

What's next:

  • The JDL has its own place now, and there will be some minor breaking changes;
  • More features (#86?)

v1.6.1 is out!

05 Feb 21:59
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Bug fixes:

  • One-to-Many are now correctly generated (#132, 78fe398);
  • Timestamps are different now (we increment each timestamp for Liquibase) (#127, #123);
  • The // comments and /** ..*/ are properly ignored when not used with anything (#117 & #133);
  • Enums can now be constrained (#130).

What's new:

  • Ids are not skipped (except for id fields) (#126);
  • The -regenerate/-r flag is added (--regenerate for JHipster) (#127);
  • The all/*keywords have been added for the JDL (to select every entity) (#119);

The long-awaited v1.6.0 is released!

22 Jan 21:28
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Bug fixes:

  • #96 (wrong import),
  • #91 (id attribute wasn't filtered),
  • #87 and #76 (commenting problems).

New things:

  • Module support, so that JHipster UML can be used in other projects,
  • The new parsed data system, easier for us to use, requires less code (better perfs), A LOT less buggy,
  • Tests run quicklier, the test folder has been cleaned (less redundant tests),
  • --force option added (similar to -f),
  • The service option has been added,
  • JDL:
    • New options are added paginate, dto and service,
    • Curly braces are not mandatory anymore for relationships.
  • The doc:
    • The usual improvements (typo fixes, precisions, etc.),
    • Links to XMI examples are provided,
    • The relationships examples have been listed and shown.
  • The GenMyModel example is complete,
  • Dependencies updated,
  • Sonar is used for quality checks.

What's next?

  • Package support (or how to ignore them when generating entities),
  • JDL improvements,
  • The documentation will be considerably more precise and will contain more information,
  • World domination?

A special thanks to the many people who reported their issues and gave us feedbacks. This release wouldn't have been possible without them.