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Janne H. Korhonen edited this page Jul 31, 2018 · 3 revisions

Basic overview of MOODS functions.


Helper functions for manipulating position weight matrices and sequences.

Sequence functions, pseudocount)

Matrix functions, background, pseudocount[, log_base]), background, pseudocount), background, pseudocount, precision) # in 1.9.4

Higher-order matrix functions

Analogues of matrix functions for high-order PWMs. Same as standard matrix functions, but the size of the input alphabet is given as the last parameter (4 for DNA alphabet.), alphabet_size), background, pseudocount, alphabet_size), background, pseudocount, precision, alphabet_size) # in 1.9.4, alphabet_size), alphabet_size), low_order_terms, background, pseudocount, alphabet_size), low_order_terms, background, pseudocount, alphabet_size[, log_base])


Basic parsers for reading .pfm and .adm files. See file formats. The parsers either return the matrix as it is, or converted to log-likelihood scores.

Standard PWMs

MOODS.parsers.pfm_to_log_odds(filename, background, pseudocount[, log_base])

First-order PWMs

MOODS.parsers.adm_to_log_odds(filename, background, pseudocount, alphabet_size[, log_base])
MOODS.parsers.adm_1o_terms(filename, alphabet_size=4)
MOODS.parsers.adm_0o_terms(filename, alphabet_size=4)


Actual scanning. The basic scanning functions internally create a Scanner object and use it to scan the input sequence.

 # for DNA alphabets
MOODS.scan.scan_dna(seq, matrices, background, thresholds, window_size = 7 )

# non-DNA alphabets; window_size = 7 is probably the best
MOODS.scan.scan(seq, matrices, background, thresholds, window_size, alphabet_size) 

# tries to give about target many best hits; optional parameters tune the search algorithm
MOODS.scan.scan_best_hits_dna(seq, matrices, target, iterations = 10, MULT = 2, LIMIT_MULT = 10, window_size = 7) 

For more complicated use cases, one can explicitly create a Scanner object and use it to scan multiple sequences in one go. See example script provided with MOODS package.

Constructors for Scanner. Note that Scanner needs to be initialised with the set_motifs method.

# DNA alphabet; window_size = 7 is usually good

# arbitrary alphabet
# the second parameter should be a list of strings specifying which letter
# correspond to each position of the alphabet, e.g. for DNA alphabet, the
# second parameter should be ["aA", "cC", "gG", "tT"]
MOODS.scan.Scanner(window_size, alphabet)

Scanner object functions.

Scanner.set_motifs(matrices, background,thresholds)

Scanner.variant_matches(seq, variants, max_depth = 0) # for SNPs and other sequence variants


The C++ implementations of the functions for calling them directly from C++. The headers can be found in moods_tools.h, moods_parsers.h and moods_scan.h.

The function declarations can be found below for reference. Functionality is identical to the Python versions.


    // background functions
    std::vector<double> flat_bg(const unsigned int alphabet_size);
    std::vector<double> bg_from_sequence_dna(const std::string &seq, const double ps);
    std::vector<MOODS::variant> snp_variants(const std::string &seq);
    // matrix transformations
    score_matrix reverse_complement(const score_matrix &mat);
    score_matrix log_odds(const score_matrix &mat, const std::vector<double> &bg, const double ps);
    score_matrix log_odds(const score_matrix &mat, const std::vector<double> &bg, const double ps, const double log_base);
    // threshold from p
    double threshold_from_p(const score_matrix &pssm, const std::vector<double> &bg, const double &p);
    double threshold_from_p_with_precision(const score_matrix &pssm, const std::vector<double> &bg, const double &p, const double precision);
    // min / max
    double max_score(const score_matrix &mat);
    double min_score(const score_matrix &mat);
    double min_delta(const score_matrix &mat);

    // high-order versions
    double max_score(const score_matrix &mat, const size_t a);
    double min_score(const score_matrix &mat, const size_t a);
    double threshold_from_p(const score_matrix &pssm, const std::vector<double> &bg, const double &p, const size_t a);
    double threshold_from_p_with_precision(const score_matrix &pssm, const std::vector<double> &bg, const double &p, const double precision, const size_t a);
    score_matrix reverse_complement(const std::vector<std::vector<double>> &mat, size_t a);
    score_matrix log_odds(const score_matrix &mat, const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& low_order_terms,
                          const std::vector<double> &bg, const double ps, const size_t a);
    score_matrix log_odds(const score_matrix &mat, const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& low_order_terms,
                          const std::vector<double> &bg, const double ps, const size_t a, const double log_base);


    score_matrix pfm(const std::string& filename);
    score_matrix pfm_to_log_odds(const std::string& filename, const std::vector<double> &bg, const double pseudocount, const double log_base = -1);
    score_matrix adm_1o_terms(const std::string& filename, const size_t a = 4);
    score_matrix adm_0o_terms(const std::string& filename, const size_t a = 4);
    score_matrix adm_to_log_odds(const std::string& filename, const std::vector<double> &bg, const double pseudocount, const size_t a = 4, const double log_base = -1);


    std::vector<std::vector<MOODS::match> > scan_dna(const std::string& seq,
                                                const std::vector<score_matrix>& matrices,
                                                const std::vector<double>& bg,
                                                const std::vector<double> thresholds,
                                                unsigned int window_size = 7 );

    std::vector<std::vector<MOODS::match> > scan(const std::string& seq,
                                            const std::vector<score_matrix>& matrices,
                                            const std::vector<double>& bg,
                                            const std::vector<double> thresholds,
                                            unsigned int window_size,
                                            const std::vector<std::string>& alphabet);

    std::vector< std::vector<MOODS::match> > scan_best_hits_dna(const std::string& seq,
                                                          const std::vector<score_matrix>& matrices,
                                                          size_t target,
                                                          int iterations = 10,
                                                          unsigned int MULT = 2,
                                                          size_t LIMIT_MULT = 10,
                                                          size_t window_size = 7);


    class Scanner {
        Scanner(unsigned int window_size);
        Scanner(unsigned int window_size, const std::vector<std::string>& alphabet);

        // void set_motifs(const std::vector<MOODS::scan::Motif>& motifs);
        void set_motifs(const std::vector<score_matrix>& matrices,
                        const std::vector<double>& bg,
                        const std::vector<double> thresholds);
        std::vector<std::vector<MOODS::match> > scan(const std::string& s);
        std::vector<std::vector<MOODS::match_with_variant> > variant_matches(const std::string& seq, const std::vector<MOODS::variant>& variants, int max_depth = 0);