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SmartRoom frontend


This repository contains the frontend code for Smart Room App. The application follows the Gitflow methodology, and its deployment is managed through The codebase also includes a .github/workflows folder with a pipeline that automates the deployment process whenever changes are merged into the main branch.

Table of Contents

Git workflow

When starting an implementation of a new feature please follow this instruction to successfully integrate your feature on master:

  1. create new devlopment branch with the following name convention feature/frontend-#123 for a feature implementation and bug/frontend-#123 for bugfixes. The number after the # indicates your ticket number you are working on. Don't create branches without a ticket number!
  2. Implement your feature on your development branch
  3. Create a pull request for the master branch
  4. Two other developer have to review your branch
  5. If everything is okey, it will be integrated into the master


The application's architecture can be visualized as follows:

Architecture Diagram


The frontend is deployed on, providing a scalable and reliable infrastructure. Automatic deployment is handled through the included GitHub Actions pipeline located in the .github/workflows folder. Whenever changes are merged into the main branch, the pipeline triggers deployment to ensure a seamless update process.

For detailed instructions on deploying the backend manually, refer to the Deployment Guide.


  1. Clone project
  2. Install node.js (
  3. Run npm install react-scripts --save on CLI
  4. Run npm i react-bootstrap on CLI
  5. Run npm i react-router-dom react-router-bootstrap on CLI
  6. Run npm start on CLI
  7. Visit localhost:3000

Library for charts

The library used to create the charts is Chart.js in conjunction with react-chartjs-2 which provides the charts as components. The documentation can be viewed at and