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My docker hub images

Welcome to my collection of Docker images tailored for Visual Studio Code Development Containers. These images are equipped with essential tools like Zsh, Git, and a non-root user named jhordyess.

Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting with Dev Containers, these images aim to simplify your workflow.


Each image includes the following components:

  • Zsh: A powerful and user-friendly shell.
  • Oh My Zsh: A delightful community-driven framework for managing Zsh configurations.
  • Git: An industry-standard version control system.
  • Non-root User: The images come with a non-root user named jhordyess to enhance security and manage permissions effectively.

You can find all these images conveniently hosted on Docker Hub.


To use these images, you must have Docker installed on your computer. Then, you can use the following command to download the image:

docker pull jhordyess/<image>:<version>

For example, to download the Ubuntu 22.04 image, you can use the following command:

docker pull jhordyess/ubuntu:22.04


Image Tags Dockerfile Info
jhordyess/java latest, 17-3 Dockerfile Based on Maven 3 with Java 17 using the Eclipse Temurin distribution
jhordyess/latino latest, 1.4 Dockerfile Based on Ubuntu 22.04 and using the Lenguaje latino installation script
jhordyess/node latest, 18 Dockerfile Based on Node 18
jhordyess/platformio latest, 6.1 Dockerfile Based on Python 3 and using the PlatformIO installation script
jhordyess/texlive latest, 2023-small Dockerfile Based on the latest Tex Live and using the small tag
jhordyess/ubuntu latest, 22.04 Dockerfile Based on Ubuntu 22.04


  • Add examples using devcontainer.json files.
  • Translate README.
  • Add more to-do's 😏.


If you would like to contribute to the project, open an issue or make a pull request on the repository.


© 2022> Jhordyess. Under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Made with 💪 by Jhordyess