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reinacmurray edited this page Dec 22, 2020 · 3 revisions

Johns Hopkins University Geoportal Metadata Application Profile (JHU-GMAP) 1.0


In 2020, Data Services at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) instituted a geoportal based on the platform to better connect users to our collections of geospatial data and historic maps. The Johns Hopkins University Geoportal Metadata Application Profile (JHU-GMAP) described in this document establishes best practices for metadata creation for Data Services’ geoportal. By promoting consistent and standardized metadata, we hope to improve the searchability, browsability, and findability of geoportal resources for our users.

How to Use this Repository

This repository and wiki pages document JHU's GeoBlacklight Metadata schema adoption and customizations. The information on metadata elements, as well as examples and instructions, should be referenced for creating metadata records for inclusion in the JHU GeoBlacklight instance.