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A wrapper around the grype command that should allow you to scan Dockerfiles, docker-compose.yml files, or *.yml|*.yaml (Kubernetes manifests) for vulnerabilities in the base images. Grype is a useful tool to baseline security risks in container setups you are developing. It doesn't catch everything, like any scanner it's not perfect, but it is a good way to get a good start on the risks currently in your base images.

./ [-ciko] [--dry-run] [-s <egrep_severity_filter>] [-f <egrep_package_exclude_filter>] [-h|--help]

        -c              Scan for docker-compose.yml files instead of Dockerfiles
        -k              Scan for *.yml and *.yaml files (kubernetes)
        --dry-run       Does a dry run, doesn't pull images or scan.
        -o              Show output instead of logging it.
        -i              Install grype and crane into ~/bin/ and exit.
        -s <severity>   The severities to filter for, an egrep pattern.
                        (default: '(Unknown|Negligible|Low|Medium|High|Critical)')
        -f <pkg-filter> Package names to filter out, this is an egrep pattern to EXCLUDE pattern.
        -h|--help       Display this help.


I find it easiest to download a copy of the shell script to ~/bin/ and make sure that ~/bin/ is in my $PATH. If you don't already have grype, you can grab it with the -i flag. This script also uses crane to do the image pulls to a .tar file instead of using the docker command. This means you can use this script without needing to install the full docker stack. The -i option will also download and install crane to your ~/bin/ directory, automagically.

Docker usage

You can also use this as a container. You can use a command like this:

# docker pull

Once you have the image locally, you can run it like this:

docker run -it -v /home/user/projects/repo-to-scan/:/tmp/code -o -k -s "(Critical|High)"

After the repositiory name, you can pass in normal arguments that you would pass to the shell script. '-h' shows the help screen. The '-v' volume bind allows you to map the code into the container to run it.

Github Action usage

Coming Soon!


A wrapper around the grype command that should allow you to scan Dockerfiles or docker-compose.yml files for vulnerabilities in the base images.




