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BLAST Working Group Website

This is the repository for the BLAST working group website. It is built on Hugo, using a heavily modified Hugo Serif Theme.

Source code for the website is contained in the master branch, and a Github Action will build the website to the gh-pages branch which is deployed via Github Pages. This action runs on push to master as well as every night at 5 AM UTC, which lets the Events page recategorize the Upcoming/Past events each day.


There are three types of primary content: research, people, events. After installing Hugo, a new section of each type can be generated by running hugo new <research/people/events>/<filename>.md, which will populate a templated markdown file in content/<research/people/events>/<filename>.md that you can fill out. Without Hugo, you could just copy and paste an old markdown file from content/ and edit it as needed.

For example, to add a new event:

  1. Run hugo new events/<filename>.md (I've been using as the filename where YYYYMMDD corresponds to the date of the talk.)
  2. Navigate to content/events/<filename>.md and open the Markdown file in you preferred text editor.
  3. Edit the title, talkdate, etc fields in the front matter, and add the abstract to the body. Note: the date field is auto generated for the time the file was created and is not used, so no need to change it. The talkdate field should be the datetime of the talk. If there is no speaker website, leave the field blank. If for some reason you do not want the event published immediately, you can set draft is to true.
  4. If you would like to preview the changes locally, run hugo server to start a local version of the website.
  5. Add and commit your changes, either to a branch to merge into master, or directly into master.
  6. Changes should appear live on the website in about 1 minute. You can monitor the status in the Github Actions page (deploy-to-gh-pages is the website build by Hugo, pages build and deployment publishes to the live site.

The templates are contained in the archetypes/ folder if they need to be modified.

Images content belong in static/, content that uses images (people, research) can specify the image path (within the static/ folder) in the front matter.

All changes should by based and merged into master, not gh-pages.

More advanced development, such as editing HTML/CSS/Hugo Templates to change formatting, is done in the assets/ and layouts/ folder.