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Repository files navigation


A dashboard that allows you to track the outstanding pull requests and issues on orgs/repositories of your choosing.



$ make
$ GITHUB_TOKEN=1234 DATABASE=sqlite3:test.db ORGS=test ./optigit


Optigit is configured entirely via environment variables.

  • ORGS (required) A space-separated list of Github org names to watch. Can also filter by team using <org>/<team> format.

  • DATABASE (required) The full DSN of the database to use for storing state. If this is not set, the $VCAP_SERVICES environment variable (for Cloud Foundry apps) will also be consulted. One of these MUST be provided.

  • GITHUB_TOKEN (required) The Github Access Token to use when communicating with the Github API.

  • BIND (optional) The IP and port (ip:port) to bind to and listen for incoming HTTP web requests. Takes precedence over $PORT

  • PORT (optional) The port to bind to and listen for incoming HTTP web requests. All interfaces will be bound on the given port, if specified. Defaults to 3000

  • REFERSH_INTERVAL (optional) How often to refresh data from Github. Accepts units in minute (35m, 15m, etc.), hours (4h, 1h, etc.), and days (1d, 7d, etc.). Defaults to 1d

  • IGNORE (optional) A space-separated list of usernames to ignore issues and PRs from, by default. This can be useful if you want to ignore your own bookkeeping issues, or if you want to focus on external OSS contributors at the expense of your in-house team. Defaults to an empty list.