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Darren J. Lin edited this page Apr 25, 2023 · 8 revisions

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Please check the procedures of read alignment, assembly and calling at SV detection.

Please check the HG002 evaluation steps in benchmarking.


Dataset Description Source
HiFi-10kb 10kb average read length GIAB FTP
HiFi-15kb 15kb average read length GIAB FTP
HiFi-18kb 18kb average read length SRA Acession IDs: SRR18239004, SRR18239005, SRR18239006 and SRR18239007
ONT-9kb 9kb average read length GIAB FTP
ONT-19kb 19kb average read length SRA Acession ID: SRR18363746
ONT-30kb 30kb average read length SRA Acession ID: SRR18363752 and SRR18363753
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