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This is for the insight data challenge.

The program works for both Python 2 and Python 3.

The input data is stored in ./input/, and the output folder is ./output/ by default.

The program can be called using


assuming the input file path is ./input/itcont.txt. Log file log.txt is generated in the current directory.

The python script can also be called using:

python ./src/ input_file_path output_file_path

If only top-K number of drug records are needed, the python script can be called with

python ./src/ input_file_path output_file_path K

where the last parameter K specify the number of records in the output. If K is missing, all drug records will be written.

Program details

The script reads all the lines in the input file into a record dictionary. The first line is omitted.

The record dictionary has the following structure

records = {
    'drug_name' : {
        'patient_name' : set()
        'total_cost' : float

drug_name is a unique key for each type of drug. Inside each record, patient_name is a set for unique patient names; the last and first names are concatenated into last_name,first_name as unique keys. total_cost is the total cost of a certain drug.

After file reading is finished, an array element is generated as (drug_name, unique_patients, total_cost) for each durg record. The elements are pushed into a minimum heap, where the parent has smaller total_cost than both children. If there is a tie, the element whose drug_name has higher position in ascending alphabetical order will be on the top. If only top K drugs need to be in the output, the heap size is checked whenever a new element is pushed. If heap size exceeds K, the record on the heap top will be popped.

Once all the drug records are pushed in the heap, all the min-heap elements are popped into a stack, in ascending order.

The minimum heap is maintained with a heap class. When a new element is pushed, it is appended to the end of the array, then siftUp function is called for the new element recursively so that the min-heap is maintained. When an element is popped, it is first swapped with the element in the end of the array and then popped from the array. Then siftDown function is called for the element at the beginning of the array resursively so that the min-heap is maintained.

siftup compares the element with its parent, and swap if necessary. siftDown compares the element with both children (existence checked first), and swap if necessary.

The image below demonstrates sift up and sift down. The label is drug_name,unique_patients,total_cost order. In both cases there is a tie in total_cost, and the order is determined by drug_name.

Image of sift up and sift down

The sorting complexity is nlog(n) if K is not specified, where n is the number of drugs. If K is specified, the complexity would be nlog(K).

Logging is enabled by default. It can be turned off by passing a parameter when the script is called:

python ./src/ input_file_path output_file_path K 0

0 is the flag for logging. log.txt records the starting and finishing of file reading. Any anomaly met in file reading will also be logged, with a line number and system time. The path for log.txt can be specified using

python ./src/ input_file_path output_file_path K 1 log_file_path

where 1 enables logging.

Classes and functions

pharmRecord record processing class.

  • __init__ member function that initializes the member variables.
  • __enter__ member function that initializes the file handlers.
  • __exit__ member function that recyles the file handlers.
  • log internal logging member function.
  • read_input member function that reads the file line by line and drug info is written into a record dictionary.
  • sort member function that heap-sort the drug records and the result is stored in a stack.
  • write_output member function that writes the sorted records in the designated format.
  • records member variable that stores the drug info.
  • hp member variable for the minimum heap array.
  • stack member variable that stores the sorted drug records.
  • k member variable that stores the heap size. None is not specified.
  • logging member variable as logging flag.

pharmHeap min-heap maintaining class.

  • push member function that push a record element into the min-heap.
  • pop member function that pop the element on top of the min-heap.
  • siftUp member function that sift up an element recursively.
  • siftDown member function that sift down an element recursively.
  • parent member function that return the parent index of an element. Returns None if not existing.
  • lChild member function that return the left child index of an element. Returns None if not existing.
  • rChild member function that return the right child index of an element. Returns None if not existing.
  • compare member function that compare two elements. Return True if the left element has smaller total_cost. If there is a tie, return True if the left drug_name has a higher position in ascending alphabetical order.

main: main function to be called. The record handling class pharmRecord is called using with so that file handlers won't be lost in case of exceptions.


Four customized test cases are used besides the one provided by Insight.

  • The first case is to test missing-drug-cost handling:
  • The second case is to test missing-record-id handling:
  • The third case is to test handling commas in patients' names:
1000000004,"Rodriguez, Jr.",Maria,CHLORPROMAZINE,2000
  • The fourth case is to test handling patients with multiple drug purchases:

The program passed all five test cases including the one provided by Insight.

Exception Handling

Common exceptions such as "input file does not exist" or “missing input parameters” are handled. Exceptions happening during input file parsing are logged in log.txt, with time, error type, input file line number and line contents.


Insight coding challenge submission






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