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Razeedeploy: component to download and manage files from s3 object storage


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RemoteResourceS3 is a variant of RemoteResource. RemoteResource is the foundation for implementing continuous deployment with razeedeploy. It retrieves and applies the configuration for all resources. RemoteResourceS3 extends that functionality by supporting authentication to object storage services that implement the S3 interfaces.


kubectl apply -f ""

Resource Definition


apiVersion: ""
kind: RemoteResourceS3
  name: <remote_resource_s3_name>
  namespace: <namespace>
    # hmac:
    #   access_key_id: <key id>
    #   secret_access_key: <access key>
      response_type: <provider response type>
      grant_type: <provider grant type>
      url: <iam auth provider>
            name: <name of secret resource>
            key: <key of api_key within secret>
    - options:
        url: https://<source_repo_url>/<file_name1>
          <header_key1>: <header_value1>
          <header_key2>: <header_value2>
    - optional: true
        url: http://<source_repo_url>/<file_name2>
    - options:
        url: http://<source_repo_url>/<bucket_path>/

Required Fields

  • .spec.auth
    • type: object
    • required: oneOf [hmac, iam]
  • .spec.requests





Allows you to connect to s3 buckets using an HMAC key/id pair.

  • Schema
    • type: object
    • required: [access_key_id, secret_access_key]
  • Required Fields Schema:
    • .spec.auth.hmac.access_key_id
      • type: string
      • or
      • type: object
        • required: [, valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key]
        • optional: [valueFrom.secretKeyRef.namespace]
    • .spec.auth.hmac.secret_access_key
      • type: string
      • or
      • type: object
        • required: [, valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key]
        • optional: [valueFrom.secretKeyRef.namespace]



Allows you to connect to s3 buckets using an IAM provider and api key.

  • Schema
  • Required Fields Schema:
    • .spec.auth.iam.response_type
      • type: string
    • .spec.auth.iam.grant_type
      • type: string
    • .spec.auth.iam.url
      • type: string
    • .spec.auth.iam.api_key
      • type: string
      • or
      • type: object
        • required: [, valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key]
        • optional: [valueFrom.secretKeyRef.namespace]




All options defined in an options object will be passed as is to the http request. This means you can specify things like headers for authentication in this section.

  • Schema:
    • type: object
    • required: [url || uri]
    • optional: [any other other options to be passed along with the request]

Download Directory Contents

  • If url/uri ends with /, we will assume this is an S3 directory and will attempt to download all resources in the directory.
  • Every resource within the directory will be downloaded using the .spec.requests.options provided with the directory url.
  • Path must follow one of:



  • DEFAULT: false
    • if download or applying child resource fails, RemoteResource will stop execution and report error to .status.
  • true
    • if download or applying child resource fails, RemoteResource will continue processing the rest of the defined requests, and will report a warning to .status.
  • Schema:
    • type: boolean

Managed Resource Labels


Child resource: .metadata.labels[]

  • DEFAULT: true
    • A razeedeploy resource (parent) will clean up a resources it applies (child) when either the child is no longer in the parent resource definition or the parent is deleted.
  • false
    • This behavior can be overridden when a child's resource definition has the label

Resource Update Mode

Child resource: .metadata.labels[]

Razeedeploy resources default to merge patching children. This behavior can be overridden when a child's resource definition has the label<mode>

Mode options:

  • DEFAULT: MergePatch
    • A simple merge, that will merge objects and replace arrays. Items previously defined, then removed from the definition, will be removed from the live resource.
    • "As defined in RFC7386, a Merge Patch is essentially a partial representation of the resource. The submitted JSON is "merged" with the current resource to create a new one, then the new one is saved. For more details on how to use Merge Patch, see the RFC." Reference
  • StrategicMergePatch
    • A more complicated merge, the kubernetes apiServer has defined keys to be able to intelligently merge arrays it knows about.
    • "Strategic Merge Patch is a custom implementation of Merge Patch. For a detailed explanation of how it works and why it needed to be introduced, see StrategicMergePatch." Reference
    • Kubectl Apply Semantics
  • EnsureExists
    • Will ensure the resource is created and is replaced if deleted. Will not enforce a definition.

Debug Individual Resource


Treats the live resource as EnsureExist. If any razeedeploy component is enforcing the resource, and the label true exists on the live resource, it will treat the resource as ensure exist and not override any changes. This is useful for when you need to debug a live resource and don't want razeedeploy overriding your changes. Note: this will only work when you add it to live resources. If you want to have the EnsureExist behavior, see Resource Update Mode.

  • ie: kubectl label rrs3 <your-rrs3>

Lock Cluster Updates

Prevents the controller from updating resources on the cluster. If this is the first time creating the razeedeploy-config ConfigMap, you must delete the running controller pods so the deployment can mount the ConfigMap as a volume. If the razeedeploy-config ConfigMap already exists, just add the pair lock-cluster: true.

  1. export CONTROLLER_NAME=remoteresources3-controller && export CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE=razee
  2. kubectl create cm razeedeploy-config -n $CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE --from-literal=lock-cluster=true
  3. kubectl delete pods -n $CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE $(kubectl get pods -n $CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE | grep $CONTROLLER_NAME | awk '{print $1}' | paste -s -d ',' -)


Razeedeploy: component to download and manage files from s3 object storage









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