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Install Proxmox VE on Debian bullseye

jiangcuo edited this page Mar 16, 2024 · 4 revisions

Install Proxmox VE on Debian bullseye

Install a standard Debian bullseye (arm64)

Install a standard Debian bullseye, for details see Debian, and configure a static IP. It is recommended to only install the "standard" package selection, and nothing else, as Proxmox VE brings its own packages for qemu, lxc. A desktop environment is not necessary.

If you are using SBC ,you can install a Armbian Bullseye.

Add an /etc/hosts entry for your IP address

Please make sure that your machine's hostname is resolvable via /etc/hosts, i.e. you need an entry in /etc/hosts which assigns an address to its hostname.

Make sure that you have configured one of the following addresses in /etc/hosts for your hostname:

  • 1 IPv4 or
  • 1 IPv6 or
  • 1 IPv4 and 1 IPv6

Note: This also means removing the address that might be present as default.

For instance, if your IP address is, and your hostname prox4m1, then your /etc/hosts file could look like:       localhost.localdomain localhost prox4m1

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

You can test if your setup is ok using the hostname command:

hostname --ip-address # should return your IP address here

Install Proxmox VE

Add the Proxmox VE repository:

echo 'deb [arch=arm64] bullseye port'>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/pveport.list

Add the Proxmox VE repository key:

curl -L -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/pveport.gpg 

Update your repository and system by running:

apt update && apt full-upgrade

Install Proxmox VE packages

Install the ifupdown2 packages

apt install ifupdown2

Install the Proxmox VE packages

apt install proxmox-ve postfix open-iscsi

Configure packages which require user input on installation according to your needs (e.g. Samba asking about WINS/DHCP support). If you have a mail server in your network, you should configure postfix as a satellite system, your existing mail server will then be the relay host which will route the emails sent by the Proxmox server to their final recipient.

If you don't know what to enter here, choose local only and leave the system name as is.

Finally, you can connect to the admin web interface (https://youripaddress:8006).

Rockchip note

All rockchip soc are not compatible with the mainline OVMF.

If proxmox ve < 8.1, do

apt download pve-edk2-firmware=3.20220526-1
dpkg -i pve-edk2-firmware_3.20220526-1_all.deb

If proxmox ve >= 8.1 do

apt download pve-edk2-firmware-aarch64=3.20220526-rockchip
dpkg -i pve-edk2-firmware-aarch64_3.20220526-rockchip_all.deb

big.LITTLE !

For example, RK3389 RK3588 is a big.little architecture. You have to configure cpu-affinity to make sure that vm use big cores only or little cores only when vcpus > 1. see


resolv.conf gets overwritten

The PVE GUI expects to control DNS management and will no longer take its DNS settings from /etc/network/interfaces. Any package that auto-generates (overwrites) /etc/resolv.conf will cause DNS to fail, e.g. packages 'resolvconf' for IPv4 and 'rdnssd' for IPv6.

ipcc_send_rec[1] failed

If you see

ipcc_send_rec[1] failed: Connection refused

then you should review your /etc/hosts file according to the instructions above.