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江文 edited this page Jan 30, 2017 · 4 revisions

PyPyODBC Access MDB file support

You can use pypyodbc to easily create an empty Access MDB file on win32 platform, and also compact existing Access MDB files.

Just that simple:

import pypyodbc
# Create a brand new database and get the connection of it
connection = pypyodbc.win_create_mdb('D:\database.mdb')

# Or you can connect to an existing database
connection = pypyodbc.win_connect_mdb('D:\database.mdb')

connection.cursor().execute('CREATE TABLE t1 (id COUNTER PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(25));').commit() 


How to

  • To create an Access mdb file

import pypyodbc pypyodbc.win_create_mdb( "D:\\Your_MDB_file_path.mdb" )

  • To connect to the created mdb files, and manipulate them with the ODBC interface.
conn = pypyodbc.win_connect_mdb("D:\Your_MDB_file_path.mdb")

cur = conn.cursor() 
cur.execute(u"""CREATE TABLE pypyodbc_test_tabl (ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,product_name TEXT)""")

cur.execute(u"""INSERT INTO pypyodbc_test_tabl VALUES (1,'PyPyODBC')""")

  • To compact an existing Access mdb file

pypyodbc.win_compact_mdb("D:\\The path to the original to be compacted mdb file" ,"D:\\The path to put the compacted new mdb file")