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Whole-Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Autophagy Is Involved in Early Senescence of zj-es Mutant Rice Jia Sun html_document
Core scripts of data analysis

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LncRNA Filtering of Raw Reads

Fastp v0.18.0 (Chen, et al. 2018) was used for quality control of raw reads off the machine, and clean reads were obtained after filtering low quality data. Filtration parameters were as follows:

  • the adapter for read1: -a AGATCGGAAGAGC

  • the quality value that a base is qualified. Default 15 means phred quality >=Q15 is qualified: -q 20

  • how many percents of bases are allowed to be unqualified (0~100): -u 50

  • reads shorter than length_required will be discarded: -l 50

  • if one read's number of N base is >n_base_limit, then this read/pair is discarded: -n 15

fastp -a AGATCGGAAGAGC -q 20 -u 50 -n 15 -l 50 -i $input_1 -I $input_2 -o $output_1 -O $output_2 -j $output.json -h $output.html

Alignment with Ribosome RNA (rRNA)

Short reads alignment tool bowtie2 v2.28 (Langmead et al. 2012) was used for mapping reads to ribosome RNA (rRNA) database. The rRNA mapped reads were then removed. The reserved unmapped reads were used for subsequent transcriptome analysis. The comparison parameters were as follows:

  • adopting local comparison method: --local
  • Outputting reads that do not match:--un-conc-gz
bowtie2 --local -x $rRNA_index -1 $input_1 -2 $input_2 --un-conc-gz $output

Alignment with reference genome

HISAT2 v2.1.0 (Kim et al. 2015) was used for mapping analysis based on reference genome. The main parameters were as follows:

  • Chain specific ratio:--rna-strandness RF
  • Clipping information in reference: --known-splicesite-infile $genome.splices_sites
hisat2 --rna-strandness RF -x $genome_index -q -1 $input_1 -2 $Input_2 --known-splicesite-infile $genome.splices_sites --dta --summary-file $output.stat --new-summary >$output.sam

Transcripts Reconstruction

The reconstruction of transcripts was carried out with software stringtie v1.3.4 (Pertea et al. 2015). The parameters were as follows:

stringtie --rf -f 0.3 $input.bam -G $genome.gtf -o $output.gtf

stringtie merge

  • minimum isoform fraction: -f 0.3
  • minimum input transcript length to include in the merge: -m 200
stringtie --merge -f 0.3 -m 200 -G $genome.gtf -o $output.merge.gtf $input.gtf.list

Novel Transcripts

Cuffcompare was used to obtain the new gene type of Stringtie, and the self-written Perl script was used to extract class_code (u, i, j, x, c, e, o), and the transcript with exon number greater than 1 was the new transcript. cuffcompare class_code:

cuffcompare -r $genome.gtf -o $output $input.merge.gtf

Quantification of Transcripts

RSEM v1.2.19 (Li et al. 2011) software was called to quantify the transcript with script in Trinity v2.0.6. The parameters were as follows:

  • library type: stranded library fr-firststrand(--SS_lib_type RF)
  • Quantitative method:--est_method RSEM
  • Comparison methods:--aln_method bowtie2
perl --transcripts $exon.fa --gene_trans_map $ --est_method RSEM --aln_method bowtie2 --seqType fq --left $input_1 --right $input_2 --output_dir $output --quality --phred33-quals --SS_lib_type RF

New lncRNAs identification

After obtaining the reconstructed transcript of Stringtie, the new lncRNA was predicted:

  • Two softwares CPC2 (Yu-Jian et al. 2017) and CNCI (Liang et al. 2013) were used to assess the protein-coding potential of novel transcripts by default parameters. The intersection of both non protein-coding potential results were chosen as long non-coding RNAs.

CNCI parameters

  • model types: -m v
## cpc
python CPC2 -i $input.fa --ORF -o $output.CPC2.result

python -f $input.fa -m ve -o $output

Differentially expressed transcripts (DEGs) Analysis

DESeq v1.20.0 (Anders et al, 2014) was used to performe lncRNAs differential expression analysis. BH FDR correction. The genes with the parameter of |log2(FC)| > 1,FDR< 0.05 were considered differentially expressed genes.

dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(count, colData, design= ~ condition)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
res= results(dds)

Enrichment Analysis

Enrichment analysis was performed using omicshare tools. kegg: go:

miRNA Filtering of Raw Reads

Fastp v0.18.0 (Chen, et al. 2018) was used for quality control of raw reads off the machine, and clean reads were obtained after filtering low quality data. Filtration parameters were as follows:

  • the adapter for read1: -a TGGAATTCTCGG

  • the quality value that a base is qualified. Default 15 means phred quality >=Q15 is qualified: -q 20

  • how many percents of bases are allowed to be unqualified (0~100): -u 50

  • reads shorter than length_required will be discarded: -l 10

fastp -a TGGAATTCTCGG -q 20 -u 50 -n 15 -l 10 -i $input_1 -I $input_2 -o $output_1 -O $output_2 -j $output.json -h $output.html

Exist mirna statistics

Tags were compared with the precursors of mirbase miRNA sequences of this species using bowtie v1.1.2 software. The parameters were as follows:

  • report end-to-end hits w/ <=v mismatches:-v 0
  • hits guaranteed best stratum; ties broken by quality: --best
  • hits in sub-optimal strata aren't reported: --strata
  • report all alignments per read: -a
  • do not align to reverse-complement reference strand: --norc
bowtie $mirna_hairpin -f $input -v 0 --best --strata -a --norc -S >$output.sam

Removing ncRNAs

  • blastall v2.2.26 was used for mapping reads to Rfam database. The parameter was as follows:
    • Expectation value: -e 0.01
blastall -p blastn -i $input -d $Rfam_db -e 0.01 -o $output
  • blastall v2.2.26 was used for mapping reads to ncRNAs sequence of this species. The parameter was as follows:
    • Expectation value: -e 0.01
blastall -p blastn -i $input -d $Rfam_db -e 0.01 -o $output

Known mirna identification

Selecting to remove the sequence alignment with exist mirna, and then selecting the tags sequence after removing ncRNA. Bowtie v1.1.2 was used to align with the precursor sequences of mirbase mirna. The parameters were as follows:

  • report end-to-end hits w/ <=v mismatches:-v 2
  • hits guaranteed best stratum; ties broken by quality: --best
  • hits in sub-optimal strata aren't reported: --strata
  • report all alignments per read: -a
  • do not align to reverse-complement reference strand: --norc
bowtie $mirna_hairpin -f $input -v 2 --best --strata -a --norc -S >$output.sam

Alignment with Reference Genome

Bowtie v1.1.2 was used to alignment with the tags of reference genome. The parameters were as follows:

  • report end-to-end hits w/ <=v mismatches:-v 0
  • hits guaranteed best stratum; ties broken by quality: --best
  • hits in sub-optimal strata aren't reported: --strata
  • report up to good alignments per read: -k 500
bowtie $genome -f $input -v 0 --best --strata -k 500 -S >$output.sam

Novel mirna identification

The tags sequences of exist mirna, known mirna were removed and aligned with the tags of genome. MiRDeep2 v2.0.0.7 was used to identify the novel mirnas. The parameters were as follows:

  • maximum number of precursors to analyze when automatic excision gearing is used.: -g 50000
perl $input $genome $aln.txt none none none $output -v -g 50000

Differentially expressed transcripts (DEGs) Analysis

edgeR v3.12.1 (Robinson et al, 2010) was used to performe miRNAs differential expression analysis. The parameter of |log2(FC)| > 1,FDR< 0.05 were considered differentially expressed mirnas.

Diff_list = estimateCommonDisp(Diff_list)
Diff_list = estimateCommonDisp(Diff_list)
Diff_list = estimateTagwiseDisp(Diff_list)
etest = exactTest(Diff_list)

Target gene prediction

Target genes were obtained by intersection of targetscan v7.0 and miranda v3.3a.

miranda parameters:

  • Set energy threshold to -E kcal/mol: -en -10
  • Demand strict 5' seed pairing: -strict
# targetscan
perl $input_mirna $input_mrna $output

# miranda
miranda $input_mirna $input_mrna -en -10 -strict >$output

Enrichment Analysis

Enrichment analysis was performed using omicshare tools. kegg: go:


  1. Chen S, Zhou Y, Chen Y, et al. fastp: an ultra-fast all-in-one FASTQ preprocessor[J]. Bioinformatics, 2018, 34(17): i884-i890.
  2. Langmead B, Salzberg S L. Fast gapped-read alignment with Bowtie 2[J]. Nature methods, 2012, 9(4): 357.
  3. Kim, Daehwan, Ben Langmead, and Steven L. Salzberg. "HISAT: a fast spliced aligner with low memory requirements." Nature methods 12.4 (2015): 357.
  4. Pertea M, Pertea G M, Antonescu C M, et al. StringTie enables improved reconstruction of a transcriptome from RNA-seq reads[J]. Nature biotechnology, 2015, 33(3): 290.
  5. Li B, Dewey C N. RSEM: accurate transcript quantification from RNA-Seq data with or without a reference genome[J]. BMC bioinformatics, 2011, 12(1): 323.
  6. Yu-Jian K , De-Chang Y , Lei K , et al. CPC2: a fast and accurate coding potential calculator based on sequence intrinsic features[J]. Nuclc Acids Research, 2017(W1):W1.
  7. Liang S, Haitao L, Dechao B, et al. Utilizing sequence intrinsic composition to classify protein-coding and long non-coding transcripts[J]. Nuclc Acids Research, 2013(17):e166-e166.
  8. Robinson M D, McCarthy D J, Smyth G K. edgeR: a Bioconductor package for differential expression analysis of digital gene expression data[J]. Bioinformatics, 2010, 26(1): 139-140.


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