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Cassandra is a key-value store database. It has 2 basic compoents, client and server. The server is a long run Java process, working as the database (DB). The client is a temporary Java process, used to submit DB request.

Before start reading this script, change x.x.x.x into your Cassandra server's IP address.


  • Java (1.8 and higher. Cassandra 4.0 works with Java 11 and 12)
  • And (1.8 and higer)
  • Python (2.7 and higher)


cd Cassandra_dir
sudo yum install ant ant-junit java-11-openjdk-devel

add following lines to ~/.bashrc:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk
export JRE_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk/jre
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JRE_HOME/bin

Restart shell to apply changes.

Build Cassandras

cd cassandra
ant -Duse.jdk11=true

reference: Support for Java 11


cd cassandra/conf

IP of Cassandra server

Assuming using ip x.x.x.x as server, change the following arguments in cassandra.yaml:

# 1. seeds
seeds: "x.x.x.x:7000"

# 2. listen_address
listen_address: x.x.x.x

# 3. rpc_address
rpc_address: x.x.x.x

Java Options

When using JDK11 or above, config java options in jvm11-server.options.

For Mako or Shenandoah GC, a template configuration is provided in jvm11-server-shenandoah.options.

diff jvm11-server.options jvm11-server-shenandoah.options for changes.

To modify GC log options, search JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Xlog:gc=info,heap*=trace,age*=debug,safepoint=info,promotion*=trace:file=${CASSANDRA_LOG_DIR}/gc.log:time,uptime,pid,tid,level:filecount=10,filesize=10485760" and modify in

bash variables config

add following lines to ~/.bashrc (Replace jdk_home_directory and cassandra_home_directory):

export JAVA_HOME=`jdk_home_directory`
export JAVA=`jdk_home_directory`/bin/java
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
# cassandra
export PATH=$PATH:`cassandra_home_directory`/bin

Restart shell to apply changes.

Basic operations

Launch the DB server

(maybe not necessary) add this line at the start of cassandra

# It is recommended to launch the server in a tmux session.
# To ensure server is using the intended JVM, `echo $JAVA_HOME` to check before running
# You may need to modify ~/.bash_profile to apply changes in `~/.bashrc` to tmux shell
# ref: [New tmux sessions do not source bashrc file](


And then we can insert/delete/search data via DB command line. Assume the server ip is x.x.x.x

cqlsh x.x.x.x

Stop the DB server


Delete all database data

rm -rf ~/cassandra/data

Run with YCSB

Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark (YCSB) is a testcase for database. We can use it to submit lots of DB requests to test the throughput of the Cassandra.


# modify config as you need
code ~/.bashrc
code ~/cassandra/conf/jvm11-server.options

# on server
rm -rf ~/cassandra/data
## wait for server to start
cqlsh x.x.x.x 9042 --file ~/scripts-repo/cassandra/ycsb.cql


# on client
cd ~scripts-repo/cassandra
./ load II-25-flush workloadMemLinerInsertIntensive
./ run  II-25-flush workloadMemLinerInsertIntensive

./ load UI-z-weakrefproc workloadMemLinerUpdateInsert
./ run  UI-z-weakrefproc workloadMemLinerUpdateInsert

Server end

Launch the Cassandra server on the CPU server.

Use a script to set up

cd ${HOME}
# ask Shi for permission
git clone
cqlsh x.x.x.x 9042 --file $HOME/scripts-repo/cassandra/ycsb.cql

Setting up manually

Create keyspace for YCSB

  # Connect to Cassandra
  # Assume the Cassandra server runs on x.x.x.x
  cqlsh x.x.x.x 9042

  # Create a keyspace with name ycsb
  create keyspace ycsb WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3 };

Create an in-memory usertable for YCSB

cqlsh> USE ycsb;

cqlsh:ycsb> create table usertable ( y_id varchar primary key, field0 varchar, field1 varchar,field2 varchar,field3 varchar,field4 varchar,field5 varchar,field6 varchar,field7 varchar,field8 varchar,field9 varchar);

# Check the created usertable
cqlsh:ycsb> SELECT * FROM usertable;

 y_id | field0 | field1 | field2 | field3 | field4 | field5 | field6 | field7 | field8 | field9

Client end

Run the request on another server. e.g., paso. Download the binary version ycsb on client.

Load data for YCSB

Choose a workload from YCSB/workloads to run. The workload defines the DB commandlines, e.g., read/update/insert/delete. For memliner, we have some pre-defined workloads in repo, Benchmark/Cassandra/YCSB/workloads/. Please use the pre-built SH in repo ShellScript/Memliner/Cassandra/.

  # Assume the Cassandra server runs on x.x.x.x
  # We are going to use the workload defined in workloads/workloada
  bin/ycsb load cassandra-cql -p hosts="x.x.x.x" -s -P workloads/workloada

Use DB command line to check if the data is loaded into memtable correctly.

# use cqlsh terminal
# 1. choose keyspace
use ycsb;

# 2. Show current tables
desc tables;

# 3. Check the number of rows of a table. Assume the table name is usrtable.
select count(*) from usertable;

# Results
# If the table is too large, this will run a while


Do operations on the loaded data. Please use the pre-built SH in repo ShellScript/Memliner/Cassandra/.

  bin/ycsb run cassandra-cql -p hosts="x.x.x.x" -s -P workloads/workloada

Some arguments in the workload file, such as number of threads and number of records and operations can be overwritten by command options. Learn more in Chenxi's scripts:

The pre-defined workloads are in the repo, Benchmark/Cassandra/YCSB/workloads/

The pre-defiend shellscripts are in the repo, ShellScript/Memliner/Cassandra/

cd ~
# ask Chenxi for permissions
git clone
git clone

cp Benchmark/Cassandra/YCSB/workloads/workloadMemLiner* ycsb-0.17.0/workloads/
mkdir Logs

# edit arguments before running, mainly `host_ip`, `records`, `tag`, `workload`.
# It is racommended to change `records` to 1000000, for a faster test.
${HOME}/ShellScript/Memliner/Cassandra/ load
${HOME}/ShellScript/Memliner/Cassandra/ run
# When running with remote memory, do not forget to set cgroup ON SERVER
sudo cgcreate -t $USER -a $USER -g memory:/memctl
echo 9g > /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/memctl/memory.limit_in_bytes

Run YCSB with Server Remote Control

It is possible to run several benchmarks autmatically by controlling Cassandra server via ssh on the client.

See Shi's script for more information:

# on Cassandra client
# ask Shi for permission
git clone
cd scripts-repo/cassandra
# start server, and 
./ start
./ stop
./ limit 5g
# $tag is the prefix in the client-side log file, see for more information
# $workload is the name of the workload files.
# For Mako, `workloadMemLinerInsertIntensive` and `workloadMemLinerUpdateInsert` are used for now.
./ load $tag $workload
./ run  $tag $workload
# e.g.
./ load 100 workloadMemLinerInsertIntensive
./ run  100 workloadMemLinerInsertIntensive

./ load UInsert-entry-overhead-3 workloadMemLinerUpdateInsert
./ run  UInsert-entry-overhead-3 workloadMemLinerUpdateInsert

More details

Add the Cassandra server into cgroup

Modify the sh

# 1) Modify the start sh to add the server into a cgroup

# MemLiner control
ADD_INTO_CGROUP="cgexec  --sticky -g memory:memctl"

# 2) Set the $ADD_INTO_CGROUP to null to remove the cassandra server from cgroup

Cassandra disabled swapping by pretouching and pinning the Java heap in memory

We need to modify the source code of cassandra to disable the Java heap pinning mechanism. Check the commit for more details.

Running several benchmarks with one server launch

Under the same Cassandra config and local ratio, running several benchmarks with one server launch and the order running them do not have a significant impact on the performance.

But impact of changing local cache ratio without restarting the server is untested. Every time the Cassandra config or local ratio is changed, it is recommended to stop the server, delete database data, restart the server and recreate the usertable, to ensure correct measurement of performance.

GC pause calculation

To calcluate GC pause for each run of a benchmark, extract GC logs during the period of the benchmark run from the server log file: ${cassandra_home}/logs/gc.log. Then use a script to add up all pause time.

The script to use depends on your GC and GC log option. For logs using the default Shenandoah GC log options (defined in ${cassandra_home}/conf/, you can use ${cassandra_home}/tools/ to extract GC log messages of a period of time; Use ${cassandra_home}/tools/ to calculate the GC pause time.


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  • Java 96.3%
  • Python 2.0%
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  • Shell 0.4%
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