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Detecting Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers (DLAs) with Gaussian Processes, in Python!


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DLA detection pipleine for BOSS quasar spectra, in Python


This code repository contains code to completely reproduce the DLA catalog reported in

R Garnett, S Ho, S Bird, and J Schnedier. Detecting Damped Lyman-α Absorbers with Gaussian Processes. arXiv:1605.04460 [astro-ph.CO],


M-F Ho, S Bird, and R Garnett. Detecting Multiple DLAs per Spectrum in SDSS DR12 with Gaussian Processes. arXiv:2003.11036 [astro-ph.CO],

all the intermediate data products including the Gaussian process null model could be acquired via running the MATLAB version of the code: The design of this repo assumes users already had the learned GP model and the users want apply the trained model on new quasar spectra.

The parameters are tunable in the gpy_dla_detection.set_parameters.Parameters as instance attributes. The provided parameters should exactly reproduce the catalog in the work of Ho-Bird-Garnett (2020); however, you may feel free to modify these choices as you see fit.

Downloading the external DLA catalogues and the learned model

First we download the raw catalog data (requires both wget and gawk):

# in shell
cd data/scripts

The learned model of Ho-Bird-Garnett (2020) is publicly available here: The required .mat files for this Python repo are:

The above files should be placed in data/dr12q/processed/ (this folder would be created after running

Reproducing Ho-Bird-Garnett (2020) predictions

We provide a simple Python script, , to reproduce the MATLAB code multi_dlas/process_qsos_multiple_dlas_meanflux.m and create a HDF5 catalogue in the end with the posterior probability of having DLAs in a given spectrum.

(Note: we tried to make the saved variables in the output HDF5 file to be the same as the MATLAB version of the .mat catalogue file, though there are still some differences.)

All the parameters and filepaths are hard-coded in this script to ensure we can exactly reproduce the results of Ho-Bird-Garnett DLA catalogue.

To run this Python script, do:

# in shell, to make predictions on two QSO spectra.
python --qso_list spec1.fits spec2.fits --z_qso_list z_qso1 z_qso2

This is assumed the fits files are SDSS DR12Q spectra. Users can re-design the spectrum reading function by following same input arguments and outputs. The default fits file reader is gpy_dla_detection.read_spec.read_spec.

Users can run the test function tests.test_selection.test_p_dlas(10) to get the first 10 DLA predictions from Ho-Bird-Garnett (2020):

# Download the test spectra first, in bash:
python -c "from examples.download_spectra import *; download_ho_2020_spectrum(10)"
# And run the test:
python -c "from tests.test_selection import *; test_p_dlas(10)"

For developers

There are some tunable parameters defined in gpy_dla_detection.set_parameters.Parameters. The following parameters will directly affect the DLA predictions:

  • prior_z_qso_increase: float = 30000.0: DLA existence prior is defined in Garnett (2017) as (prior.z_qsos < (z_qso + prior_z_qso_increase)).
  • num_lines: int = 3: The number of members of the Lyman series to use in DLA profiles.
  • max_z_cut: float = 3000.0: The maximum search range for zDLA sampling is max z_DLA = z_QSO - max_z_cut.
  • min_z_cut: float = 3000.0: The minimum search range for zDLA sampling is min z_DLA = z_Ly∞ + min_z_cut.
  • num_forest_lines: int = 31: The number of Lyman-series forest to suppress the mean GP model to mean-flux.

The Prior class is also modifiable. This class is in charge of model priors for different GP models. Users can write a custom Prior class to reflect their prior belief on their own datasets.

Users can also write their own DLASamples class to reflect their own priors on DLA parameters, (zDLA, logNHI).

Additional feature: quasar redshift estimation

Our GP method could also be used to estimate the quasar redshift. Details could be found in Leah (2020). Note that the original MATLAB code is in Here we only translated part of the codes without the learning functionality. To use the method, we need to download the trained GP model:

For how to use the redshift estimation method, please find the notebook in notebooks/.

Python requirements

  • Python 3.5+: I use typing
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • matplotlib
  • h5py
  • astropy: for reading fits file

To prevent users have troubles setting up the environment, here is the exact packages I used to run the tests (below is my poetry .toml file):

name = "gpy_dla_detection"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Detecting damped Lyman alpha absorbers with Gaussian processes, in Python!"
authors = [""]

python = "^3.8"
numpy = "^1.19.1"
scipy = "^1.5.2"
matplotlib = "^3.3.0"
h5py = "^2.10.0"
astropy = "^4.0.1"

pytest = "^5.2"
black = "^19.10b0"
pylint = "^2.5.3"
mypy = "^0.782"
ipython = "^7.17.0"

requires = ["poetry>=0.12"]
build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"

The dependency:

astropy 4.0.1.post1 Community-developed python astronomy tools
h5py 2.10.0 Read and write HDF5 files from Python
├── numpy >=1.7
└── six *
matplotlib 3.3.0 Python plotting package
├── cycler >=0.10
│   └── six * 
├── kiwisolver >=1.0.1
├── numpy >=1.15
├── pillow >=6.2.0
├── pyparsing >=2.0.3,<2.0.4 || >2.0.4,<2.1.2 || >2.1.2,<2.1.6 || >2.1.6
└── python-dateutil >=2.1
    └── six >=1.5 
numpy 1.19.1 NumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python.
scipy 1.5.2 SciPy: Scientific Library for Python
└── numpy >=1.14.5

Known caveats

  • The Quasi-Monte Carlo sampling in dla_gp.log_model_evidences has not parallelized yet.
  • The DLA profile voigt.voigt_absorption is not very efficient.
  • The overall speed of this Python code is roughly 10 times slower than the MATLAB counterpart on a 32 core machine.


Detecting Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers (DLAs) with Gaussian Processes, in Python!








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