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Reactive Form

Use forms in react easily.


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import React from "react";
import ReactiveForm from 'jibon-reactive-form/reactive-form'
import FormControl from 'jibon-reactive-form/form-control'
import FormGroup from 'jibon-reactive-form/form-group-bundle'
import Validators from 'jibon-reactive-form/validators'

export default class Home extends React.Component{
    data = new ReactiveForm({
        username: new FormControl('', [Validators.required, Validators.username]),
        email: new FormControl('', [Validators.required,])
    render() {
        return (
            <form onSubmit={e=>this.submit(e)}>
                <FormGroup form_control={'name')} name={'name'} clicked={false} />


FormGroup Component

<FormGroup /> component accepts 7 props, 3 is required and 4 is optional.

  1. form_control is a required prop. It expects a FormControl type value.
  2. name is a required prop. It expects a string type value. It will display in the placeholder of input.
  3. clicked is a required prop. It expects boolean type value to know the form is already submitted or not.
  4. className is an optional prop. It expects a string type value. It passes className to the parent div element.
  5. type is an optional prop. It expects a date|email|file|number|password|text|select|textarea type value. It determines the input type. Default is text.
  6. options is an optional prop. It expects a {name:string;value:string}[] type prop. It populates option element in select element. It is kinda required prop when you use select as a type prop.
  7. on_change is an optional prop. It expects a (Event) => void type function. Passed function runs every time input value changes.

FormControl Class

FormControl class expects 2 constructor argument, provides 5 property and 1 method.

Constructor arguments
  1. value expects a string type value. It will pre-populate the input field. Default is empty string.
  2. validators expects a ((value:string) => {[key:string]:any} | null) | ((*) => (value:string) => {[key:string]:any} | null) type function. Every time the input changes this function will run. If the function returns null then the input is valid. If the function returns other than null|false input becomes invalid and the input gets a new class named is-invalid.
  1. value returns the current value of the control.
  2. errors returns the currently attached errors in the control.
  3. dirty returns a boolean value if the control's value is changed or not.
  4. touched returns a boolean value if the control is interacted with.
  5. valid returns a boolean value if the control is valid.
  1. set_value(value:string) expects 1 string argument that is passed to the value property.

FormGroup Class

FormGroup class expects 1 constructor argument.

Constructor argument
  1. fields expects a {[key:string]: FormControl} argument.


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