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LuaDroid -- Lua interpreter for Android

How to import LuaDroid into Android project

  1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

    • gradle

      Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

      allprojects {
          repositories {
              maven { url '' }
    • maven

  2. Add the dependency

    • gradle

      dependencies {
              compile 'com.github.jie-meng:LuaDroid:V1.0.0'
    • maven


Quick start

//create instance
lua = new Lua();

String s = lua.getString("s", "");
int i = lua.getInteger("i", 0);
double d = lua.getDouble("d", 0.0);
boolean b = lua.getBoolean("b", false);

lua.setString("s", "test_string");
lua.setInteger("i", 21);
lua.setDouble("d", 3.14);
lua.setBoolean("b", true);

int type = lua.getType("s");
boolean b = lua.isInteger("i");
Pair<Boolean, String> result = lua.parseLine("s = string.lower('Text')");
Pair<Boolean, String> result = lua.parseFile("/home/user/test.lua");

//free resource