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jiefenn8 edited this page Oct 14, 2019 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the GraphLoom Wiki.

GraphLoom Roadmap:

  • Full R2RML implementation.
  • RDF output API:
    • RDF syntax file support.
    • TripleStore support.
  • RML support.

R2RML Implementation Status:

not Feature is not implemented
part Feature is partially implemented
full Feature is fully implemented
Class Status
TriplesMap part
GraphMap not
Join not
LogicalTable part
BaseTableOrView part
R2RMLView not
SubjectMap full
PredicateObjectMap part
PredicateMap full
ObjectMap part
RefObjectMap not
TermMap part
Properties Part of class Status Note
child Join not
class SubjectMap full
column TermMap full
datatype TermMap not
constant TermMap full
graph GraphMap not
graphMap GraphMap not
inverseExpression TermMap not
joinCondition Join not
language TermMap not
logicalTable LogicalTable full
object ObjectMap full
objectMap ObjectMap full
parent Join not
parentTriplesMap RefObjectMap not
predicate PredicateMap full
predicateMap PredicateMap full
predicateObjectMap PredicateObjectMap part only as collection in TriplesMap
sqlQuery R2RMLView not
sqlVersion R2RMLView not
subject SubjectMap full
subjectMap SubjectMap full
tableName BaseTableOrView part only as variable in logicalTable
template TermMap full
termType TermMap full
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