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This repo is a fork of and upgraded to support Laminas This library only supports Google ReCaptcha v3, for support of Google ReCaptcha v2 please use the Main repo


The system uses form_elements factories so the captcha form element cannot be directly called in the form constructor, but have to be called via an init() call

Here is an example of a registration form using captcha form element

Install the module via composer:

composer require jield-webdev/laminas-recaptcha

And modify circlical.recaptcha.local.php and change the values with the values which can be found on the ReCaptcha dashboard. Make sure you register a v3 application



namespace Admin\Form\User;

use CirclicalRecaptcha\Form\Element\Recaptcha;
use Contact\Entity\OptIn;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use DoctrineORMModule\Form\Element\EntityMultiCheckbox;
use Laminas\Form\Element\Csrf;
use Laminas\Form\Element\Email;
use Laminas\Form\Element\Text;
use Laminas\Form\Form;

use function _;
use function sprintf;

final class Register extends Form
    public function __construct(private readonly EntityManager $entityManager)

    public function init(): void
        $this->setAttribute('action', '');

                'name' => 'firstName',
                'type' => Text::class,
                'options' => [
                    'label' => _('txt-first-name'),
                'attributes' => [
                    'placeholder' => _('txt-give-your-first-name'),
                'name' => 'lastName',
                'type' => Text::class,
                'options' => [
                    'label' => _('txt-last-name'),
                'attributes' => [
                    'placeholder' => _('txt-give-your-last-name'),
                'name' => 'email',
                'type' => Email::class,
                'options' => [
                    'label' => _('txt-company-email-address'),
                'attributes' => [
                    'placeholder' => _('txt-give-your-company-email-address'),
                'name' => 'g-recaptcha-response',
                'type' => Recaptcha::class,
                'name' => 'csrf',
                'type' => Csrf::class,
                'name' => 'submit',
                'type' => 'submit',
                'attributes' => [
                    'class' => 'btn btn-primary',
                    'value' => _('txt-register'),

Register the form in the module.config.php, use a ConfigAbstractFactory pattern to register more services in the form or use an invokable when no dependencies are needed

'form_elements' => [
    'factories' => [
        Register::class => ConfigAbstractFactory::class,

The form has to be injected in the Controller via the FormElementManager, when using the ConfigAbstractFactory system this can be done as follows:

UserController::class => [

In the controller the form can be called in the following way

//To properly load the captcha, we need to use the formElementManager to get the form
$form = $this->formElementManager->get(Register::class);