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This distributed web scraping project is made by Python2.7. High flexible to manage and extract structured data from webpages.


alt text

Main Features

  • Automation: Autologin is to make it easier for web spider to crawl websites that require authenticaion.

    • Automiatically find login fields and can handle login that requires dynamic CSRF token.
    • Provide it with one single account credentials and persisted cookies for the duration the session and can be recalled in other activities.
    • Obtain form requests to submit from your own spider and args for spider to sumbit. No http requests and dependencies are made.
  • Dynamics:

    • Visualize result when you make selection in Ajex table and monitor it  - Dynamically visit ASP.NET pages on and scrape content from it
    • Access to AJAX pagination for the next page automatically until the end.
  • Storage:

    • Uses DataFrame to store crawled website data based on classification and creates the DataFrame automatically the first time the spider is running.
    • Optionally save large webpages to disk by mapreduce method.

Main difference from Scrapy

  • Easy to maintain and extend
  • Less Memory leak


  • BeautifulSoup4
  • python 2.7
  • Selenium
  • pandas
  • numpy
  • re

Main files

  • login with cookies
  • get guery-string parameter; AJAX pagination
  • url-generator: generate url address
  • Scape with item on a singe page and save it into local csv file.
  • Manipulate multiple large database files
  • : Deal with missing value; Convert unstructed data into structured data


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