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A tiny parser combinator library.

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μparse is a minimal parser combinator library, providing only a very basic set of functions for consuming text and building up more complicated pattern matchers. It is specifically not focused on providing a breadth of combinators, monadic APIs, or deep error reporting.


Install using npm:

$ npm install --save uparse


μparse exposes two base combinators for consuming text: str and char. These combinators consume a string and a character respectively. In addition we have a number of combinators for building up more interesting parsers: seq, rep, opt, alt, and ref. Lastly, parse takes a parser and a string to apply the parser to. Matches return a nested object structure containing the matched substring values, while misses return null.

See the API section for more information on each of these functions.

var P = require('uparse');

var number = P.alt([
    // Either 0

    // Or a digit 0-9 followed by zero or more digits 0-9
        P.rep(P.char('0-9'), 0)
var number = P.alt([P.str('0'), P.seq([P.char('1-9'), P.rep(P.char('0-9'), 0)])]);

P.parse(number, 'Hello!');
//=> null

P.parse(number, '123Hello!');
//=> null

P.parse(number, '000');
//=> null

P.parse(number, '2017');
//=> { alt:
//->    { seq:
//->       [ { char: '2' },
//->         { rep: [ { char: '0' }, { char: '1' }, { char: '7' } ] } ] } }


WARNING: Unstable

This API hasn't been fully vetted yet, and is subject to change before 1.0.0.

parse(parser, string)

The parse function accepts a μparse parser (see below) and a string to apply the parser to. If the parser successfully matches the string, the details of what was matched are returned. Otherwise, the return value is null.

str(string, [formatter])

The str combinator accepts a string and an optional formatter function and returns a parser that consumes the exact string given.

The formatter function may be specified to map the return value of a success. By default, matches on str will return { str: 'the matched text' }.

var hello = P.str('hello');

P.parse(hello, 'hello');
//=> { str: "hello" }

P.parse(hello, 'world');
//=> null

char(characterClass, [formatter])

The char combinator accepts a character class (e.g., " ", "0-9", "a-z", etc.) and an optional formatter function and returns a parser that consumes a single character that matches the given character class.

The formatter function may be specified to map the return value of a success. By default, matches on char will return { char: 'c' }, where 'c' is the matched character.

var digit = P.char('0-9');

P.parse(digit, '3');
//=> { char: "3" }

P.parse(digit, 'h');
//=> null

seq(parsers, [formatter])

The seq combinator accepts an array of parsers and an optional formatter function and returns a parser that matches against each of the given parsers in turn. The parser only succeeds if the entire parser sequence succeeds, in the order given.

The optional formatter function may be specified to map the return value of a success. By default, matches on seq will return { seq: [<results of inner parsers>] }.

var helloWorld = P.seq([P.str('hello'), P.str(' world')]);

P.parse(helloWorld, 'hello world');
//=> { seq: [ { str: "hello" },
//->          { str: " world" } ] }

P.parse(hello, 'hello world!');
//=> null

rep(parser, n, [formatter])

The rep combinator accepts a parser, a number of minimum times to match the parser, and an optional formatter function. The returned parser matches the given parser repeatedly, as many times as possible. The parser only succeeds if the number of successful matches meets the minimum number specified.

rep may be familiar to those who are familiar with regular expression * and + operators. To replicate these operators, n should be specified as 0 or 1 respectively.

The formatter function may be specified to map the return value of a success. By default, matches on rep will return { rep: [<results of inner parsers>] }.

var number = P.rep(P.char('0-9'), 1);

P.parse(number, '42');
//=> { rep: [ { char: "4" },
//->          { char: "2" } ] }

P.parse(number, 'hi');
//=> null

opt(parser, [formatter])

The opt combinator accepts a parser and an optional formatter function and returns a parser that succeeds if the given parser matches zero or one times.

The formatter function may be specified to map the return value of a success. By default, matches on opt will return { opt: <results of optional parser> }, where <results of optional parser> will be exactly that if matched once, and null if matched 0 times.

var maybePlus = P.opt(P.str('+'));

P.parse(maybePlus, '+');
//=> { opt: { str: "+" } }

P.parse(maybePlus, '');
//=> { opt: null }

P.parse(maybePlus, 'hi');
//=> null

alt(parsers, [formatter])

The alt combinator accepts an array of parsers and an optional formatter function and returns a parser that matches against each of the given parsers in turn, immediately succeeding and consuming the match for the first parser that succeeds.

The optional formatter function may be specified to map the return value of a success. By default, matches on alt will return { alt: <result of matched parser> }.

var unit = P.alt([P.str('fahrenheit'), P.str('celsius'), P.str('kelvin')]);

P.parse(unit, 'celsius');
//=> { alt: { str: "celsius" } }

P.parse(hello, 'hello world!');
//=> null

ref(context, name)

The final combinator, ref, is very different from the others, and exists to solve the problem of defining parsers for recursive patterns. The ref combinator accepts a context object and the name of a key on the context object. The returned parser will then lazily look up the given name on the context object, treating the corresponding value to be the parser to use at evaluation time when needed.

var context = { hello: P.str('hello') };
context.helloRef = P.ref(context, 'hello');

P.parse(context.helloRef, 'hello');
//=> { str: "hello" }

P.parse(context.helloRef, 'hello world');
//=> null




Tiny parser combinator library







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