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psycopg2 integration with transaction

This package provides two-phase commit integration between psycopg2 and the transaction package.

Sample usage:

>>> import psycopg2, psycopg2transaction, transaction

>>> conn = psycopg2.connect(mydsn)
>>> trans = transaction.get()
>>> psycopg2transaction.join(conn, trans)

>>> ... do things with the psycopg2 connection

>>> transaction.commit()

This is just an example. The connection might come from a pool or otherwise already exist, as long as it is in a suitable state to start a distributed transaction.

Similarly, the transaction may come from the thread-local transaction manager, as shown above, or from an application-managed transaction manager.

The critical line in the example above is:

>>> psycopg2transaction.join(conn, trans)

The work done in the connection is committed by calling the transaction's commit method, typically by calling commit on the transaction's manager, as shown above.

If you use a thread-local transaction manager (as in the example above), you can omit the transaction argumet to join:

>>> psycopg2transaction.join(conn)

Connection management

Limited connection management is provided:

>>> dsn = 'dbname=test'
>>> conn = psycopg2transaction.join(dsn)
>>> conn = psycopg2transaction.join(dsn)
>>> transaction.commit()

If you pass a connection string rather than a connection to join, a connection will be opened for you and closed when the transaction is committed. If join is called multiple times with the same connection string, then the same connection is used and returned.

Using Postgres notify

You can't use two-phase commit in postgres transactions in which you've used NOTIFY (or LISTEN or UNLISTEN). You can cause NOTIFY to be used after a transaction has committed, but before a managed connection has been closed by passing a notify argument to join with a name of a notification or a sequence of string notification named. The strings may be simple names, or names followed by a comma and string data, as would follow NOTIFY in a notify expression:

>>> conn = psycopg2transaction.join(dsn, notify='myjobs')


This package provides two-phase commit integration between psycopg2 and the transaction package.







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