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ZODB jsonb experiment


RelStorage provides a relational-database backed storage for ZODB. It's especially useful when there is either a requirement to or existing infrastructure for storing data in an RDBMS.

RelStorage stores data in Python pickle format, making it impractical to use or even view in the hosting RDBMS.

As is typical in ZODB applications, indexing is provided via BTrees stored in the RDBMS or using an external indexing facility. The search capabilities of the RDBMS aren't leveraged directly.

Postgres 9.2 introduced a JSON data type and Postgres 9.4 introduced a more efficient JSON data type, jsonb. JSON is similar in many ways to pickles, and pickle data can be represented as JSON. Like pickle, JSON is dynamic in nature, providing much more flexibility than traditional RDBMS tables. If ZODB data were stored in JSON format, then they could be viewed and, more importantly, searched in Postgres directly.

JSON can't replace pickle for data storage, because its type system is less expressive than Python's. Conversion from pickle to JSON is lossy from a type perspective. It could be made less lossy through the addition of additional JSON data, but doing so would likely render the JSON too difficult to leverage.

Proof of concept (Phase 0)

A proof-of-concept experiment was carried out to explore the utility of storing data as JSON to make it more available in Postgres, while still supporting use in ZODB.

Test application

The application used to test the approach is a content-management system built with Pyramid. This is an application that has been in production for some time. Analysis was performed against a snapshot of the application's database.

Some points of interest about the application:

  • The database (snapshot) has 7.3 million objects.

    • 6.3 million (86%) of the objects are BTree (or BTree component) objects, used primarily for indexing.
    • .55 million objects (7.5%) are content objects
    • Remaining objects are various support objects, such as blobs.

    Postgres-level indexes have the potential to reduce database size substantially.

  • Content objects are arranged hierarchically. Collections (folders) are used to support traversal from ancestors to descendents. Parent references (__parent__ attributes) support traversal from descendents to ancestors.

    Near the top of the object hierarchy are Community objects and data are typically accessed by community.

    A access control mechanism allows access control lists (ACLs) to be defined at various places in the hierarchy. Access to a particular content objects is granted based on ACLs stored on the object and its ancestors. Moreover, queries (searches, listings of content in a folder, etc.) are permission filtered.

  • Most content is self contained, with relevant data, such as text to be searched, residing in content objects directly.

    An exception is CommunityFile objects that represent files uploaded into the system. The files are stored in ZODB blobs and the text content of the files is cached in separate _CachedData objects.

Timing data

Timing data given here should be mainly interpreted in relative terms, and perhaps as rough indications of possible performance. Times could vary widely depending on deployment consideration like network speeds, disk and CPU speeds, memory, and so on. Even on the single system used here, times varied widely from run to run even when runs were performed a few seconds apart.

Database schema

For this experiment, Pickle data in a RelStorage table were converted to JSON and loaded into a separate table.

Indexes were added to the table to support search. Here's a description of the table and the indexes created:

Table "public.object_json"

Column | Type | Modifiers

------------+-------------------+----------- zoid | bigint | not null

class_name | character varying | state | jsonb |


"object_json_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (zoid) "object_json_cached_data_id_idx" btree (cached_data_id(class_name, state)) "object_json_community_id_idx" btree (get_community_id(class_name, state)) "object_json_content_text_idx" gin (content_text(class_name, state)) "object_json_json_idx" gin (state)


AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON object_json FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE force_index_of_community_file()

ZODB data records contain two pickles, a class pickle and a state pickle. The class pickle contains the class name and any arguments (rarely used) needed to construct uninitialized instances of the class. To keep things simpler it was decided to store these as 2 separate columns, class_name and state. The class_name column only stores the class name.

The zoid column contains the ZODB object id represented as an integer. This is the representation used by RelStorage.

Aside from from the primary-key index, the indexes were application dependent:


In this application, data are organized by "community", and most searches are qualified by a community id. To get the community id for an object, you have to walk up a containment hierarchy until you find a community object. A PL/pgSQL function, get_community_id was constructed that followed parent pointers in the json data to find community ids. An expression indexed used this function to make community-id-based searches very fast.

The function used to create this index is fairly expensive as it may make multiple queries to find a community object. The function is normally only used when the index is updated. During a search like:

select zoid from object_json
where get_community_id(class_name, state) = '123456'

The expression: get_community_id(class_name, state) isn't actually evaluated, but is used to select the index. This provides a lot of power when data to be searched require complex computation.


This index is an inverted index supporting full-text search. It's an expression index that indexes the text-extraction function, content_text. This too is a non-trivial computation that extracts text in an object-type specific way, and, in some cases, uses queries to get an object's text from a different database record.


This is a generic JSON index that allows a variety of general queries against the JSON data. Some example queries supported by the index:

  • Find all objects that have access control information:

    state ? '__acl__'
  • Find the object with a docid field with the value 123456:

    state @> '{"docid": 123456}'

This index supports search for CommunityFile objects that reference particular _CachedData objects. It's an expression index that used a cached_data_id function to extract _CachedData object ids.

See Cross-object indexing below.

A trigger is used to deal with the fact that text for CommunityFile objects is stored in associated _CachedData objects. See Cross-object indexing below.

Cross-object indexing

There were 2 important cases where data needed to index an object required accessing other objects:

  • The community id for an object is derived from an ancestor and required inspecting all of the ancestors up to the Community ancestor.
  • CommunityFile objects store their text in separate _CachedData objects.

In both of these cases, we have to traverse objects to get the data we need. Because I used expression indexes, we do this traversal when indexes are built and the traversal is cached for us.

Consider the CommunityFile case, for example. When we add or update a CommunityFile, the text index is updated. If the associated _CachedData object is added or updated later, its data won't be reflected in the index. At the application level, these objects are typically added or updated at the same time, in the same transaction. When ZODB and RelStorage commits these changes, it may do so in any order1, because order isn't considered to be important. If we're unlucky, the CommunityFile will be updated before its _CachedData.

To address this issue, I used a database trigger function to force reindexing of CommunityFile objects whenever _CachedData objects were added or updated. It leveraged an expression index, object_json_cached_data_id_idx, to quickly find CommunityFile objects to reindex.

The content hierarchy is typically static, and descendents are typically added in later transactions than their ancestors. However, bulk loading or creation of hierarchies could cause the same problem and require a trigger to make sure that objects were indexed properly if any of their ancestors were created/updated late(r).

JSON conversion

Because conversion from pickle to JSON is lossy, the JSON data augments rather than replaces the pickle data.

Data were converted to JSON using the new xpickle package, which was created as part of this experiment2. Data were converted from a pickle serialization to a JSON serialization.

A number of changes were made in the course of the experiment that, as of this time, aren't integrated with the master branch, in part due to some outstanding issues.

Some things to note about the conversion:

  • JSON has no notion of class instances. When storing instances, an extra JSON property, :: was added to hold the class name.
  • Pickle supports cyclic data structures. When data participates in a cycle, an in-pickle id is generated and assigned to the object's serialization. When the object is referenced (after the first reference) a reference object is used:

    {"::": "ref", "id": "13"}

    Note in this example that the class is ref. Normally, classes have a module path and a class name. For classes specific to the serialization, we omit a module path, as we did here.

    Pickle doesn't actually detect cycles. It uses references whenever an object is referenced multiple times in the same pickle.

    Reference objects are very hard to deal with when using JSON data. They break simple JSON queries and they make data extraction functions much more complicated.

    One of the open changes made to xpickle for this analysis was to disable this feature. Fortunately, none of the database records used in this analysis had cycles. In ZODB databases, object cycles typically cross persistent-object boundaries and are rare within database records.

  • Pickle supports references between persistent objects (across database records. These were represented in JSON as persistent-reference objects:

    {"::": "persistent", "id": [1, "some_module.some_class"]}

    The persistent reference has a single data field, which is the id. ZODB persistent ids consist of an object id and a class identifier. The class identifier allows ZODB to construct ghost3 instances without having to load a database record.

  • In this application, objects were arranged hierarchically. Content objects have __parent__ properties that referenced their parent objects. The get_community_id function used these properties to find an object's community object and it's id.

The conversion process consisted of the following steps:

  1. Data were exported from the RelStorage object_state table:

    \copy object_state (zoid, state) to STDOUT

    Here I used the psql \copy command 4 to copy the object ids and pickles.

  2. A conversion script was used to convert pickles to JSON.

    There were some cases where application-specific adjustments are necessary. For example, some objects stored text documents as blobs and cached the text data from these documents in special cache objects. The data in these objects was compressed using zlib and needed to be uncompressed before storing in the database. See

    For the most part, this is mostly a simple script that converted data in pickle format to JSON format. The special handling is in the block that start with:

    if c == 'karl.content.models.adapters._CachedData':

    The conversion took about .3 milliseconds per object.

  3. A COPY statement was used to bulk-load the converted data:

    create table object_json (
      zoid bigint primary key,
      class_name varchar,
      state jsonb);
    copy object_json (zoid, class_name, state) from STDIN;
  4. Indexes were built:

    create index object_json_community_id_idx on object_json
           using btree (get_community_id(class_name, state));
    create index object_json_content_text_idx on object_json
           using gin (content_text(class_name, state));
    create index object_json_json_idx on object_json using gin (state);
    create index object_json_cached_data_id_idx on object_json
           (cached_data_id(class_name, state));


To assess the efficacy of using JSON object representations for search, I performed a basic search:

select zoid from object_json
where content_text(class_name, state)  @@ :text::tsquery and
      get_community_id(class_name, state) = :community_id

that searched for objects containing a text term (:text above) and with a given community id. Remember that we had expression indexes for the text and community id (:community_id).

The search performance was compared to searching a dedicated text and community_id table:

Table "public.pgtextindex"

Column | Type | Modifiers

-------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------- docid | integer | not null

community_docid | character varying(100) | content_type | character varying(30) | creation_date | timestamp without time zone | modification_date | timestamp without time zone | coefficient | real | not null default 1.0 marker | character varying[] | text_vector | tsvector |


"pgtextindex_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (docid) "pgtextindex_community_docid_index" btree (community_docid, content_type, creation_date) "pgtextindex_index" gin (text_vector)

Tests searches were run multiple times directly on the database server.

Search type Search time in milliseconds


Dedicated table


It's surprising to see a difference, given that indexes are used in both cases, still the performance seems pretty reasonable in both cases.

The advantage of using JSON, despite the poorer performance is that it isn't necessary to maintain and update a separate table. The dedicated table used here was maintaining by application logic that sometimes failed. The JSON search results contained data that was missing from the dedicated table.

In addition, a security-filtered search was performed. When searching for content in a content-management system, you often want to filter results to those for which a request's associated principals (user and their groups) have a needed permission. The security filtering uses access-control information stored at some nodes in the object hierarchy5. This required using a recursive query to find and evaluate the access control lists relevant to a search result.

A template was used to generate a filtered search query from a base search query. The generated query was:

with recursive
     search_results as (
       select * from object_json
       where content_text(class_name, state)  @@ :text::tsquery and
             get_community_id(class_name, state) = :community_id
     allowed(zoid, id, parent_id, allowed ) as (
         select zoid, zoid as id,
                (state #>> '{"__parent__", "id", 0}')::bigint,
                  array[:user, :group, 'system.Everyone'],
         from search_results
      union all
         select allowed.zoid, object_json.zoid as id,
                (object_json.state #>> '{"__parent__", "id", 0}')::bigint,
                  array[:user, :group, 'system.Everyone'],
         from allowed, object_json
         where allowed.allowed is null and
               object_json.zoid = allowed.parent_id
select zoid  from allowed where allowed

Some things to note:

The filtered search was compared to a similar filtered search that used dedicated parent and acl tables.

Again the absolute values aren't important but for relative comparison, the search times were:

Search type Search time in milliseconds


Dedicated table


Here, the JSON-based searches were quite a bit slower than searches using dedicated support tables, even though the JSON approach required fewer joins and, as a result, Postgres' explain output predicted that the JSON-based approach would be much faster.

The slowness of the JSON-based approach seems to be due to the fact that at run time, we're evaluating lots of JSON dynamic expressions.

Despite the difference in performance, it appears that the JSON-based search is probably fast enough that the advantages of not having to maintain separate tables may justify the added cost.

Using triggers to maintain support tables

Another alternative to maintaining support tables in the application would be to maintain them in the database using triggers.

Insert performance

The database design used here used several indexes and a trigger and requires calling non-trivial stored procedures on update. To assess the impact of this, I copied 1000 content records:

create temp table tdata as
select zoid + 900000000 as zoid, class_name, state
from object_json
where state ? '__parent__' and state ? 'docid' limit 1000;

I added an offset to the object ids to make them unique. I then inserted these rows back into the object_json table:

delete from object_json where zoid >= 900000000;
insert into object_json select * from tdata;

I did this several times. The shortest insert time was 140 milliseconds, .14 milliseconds per record. I used a bulk insert to assess the index impact without transaction or application overhead.

I performed a similar analysis on the object_state table to get a baseline for comparison:

create temp table zoids as select zoid from tdata;
create temp table pdata as
select zoid+900000000, tid, state_size, state
from object_state p
join toids using (zoid);

And I inserted:

delete from object_state where zoid >= 900000000;
insert into object_state select * from pdata;

I tried this several times, and it took at least 800 milliseconds (.8 milliseconds/record). This was very surprising. The object_state used by RelStorage:

Table "public.object_state"
Column   |  Type  | Modifiers 
------------+--------+----------- zoid | bigint | not null

tid | bigint | not null state_size | bigint | not null state | bytea |


"object_state_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (zoid) "object_state_tid" btree (tid)

Check constraints:

"object_state_state_size_check" CHECK (state_size >= 0) "object_state_tid_check" CHECK (tid > 0)

Referenced by:

TABLE "blob_chunk" CONSTRAINT "blob_chunk_fk" FOREIGN KEY (zoid) REFERENCES object_state(zoid) ON DELETE CASCADE

has fewer and simpler indexes than object_json. I decided to make a copy of the table:

create temp table object_statec as select * from object_state;

I added the same indexes and check constraints, and then tried the data inserts. For the copy of the database the insert times were a few milliseconds, or a few microseconds (effectively 0) per record.

The only other difference in configuration is the referencing foreign key constraint that could cause referencing blob chunk records to be deleted on deletion of a state record. It was impractical to set this up for the copy and it seems unlikely that this would slow inserts.

I suspect that the times for the original table were affected by fragmentation of some sort. I tried to do a full vacuum of the original table. This seemed to take too long (and use too few computing resources), so I impatiently stopped it and did a regular vacuum overnight. After the vacuum, the minimum insert time fell to about 100ms (100 microseconds/record). I may try again to do a full vacuum later. Note that the database copy should be roughly equivalent to the full vacuum. Update: I did a full vacuum and insert times dropped to 20ms (.02ms/record), which is still much slower than insert times on a copy, but is at least not orders of magnitude slower.

It appears that update overhead of the new indexes is acceptable. The update times are on the same order of magnitude as the existing update times. Of course, this performance test provides only a rough guess at what the impact might be in production.

In addition to updating indexes, pickle data must be converted to JSON. The observed cost of this is fairly low, about .3 milliseconds per record, and perhaps more importantly, the cost would be borne by clients, not the database server and would therefore not affect scalability.

It's reasonable to expect that if JSON-based indexing removed the need for application-level indexing using BTrees, the overall load of updates will be reduced, as we'll no-longer need to manage as many BTrees and the database size will be reduced substantially.

Asynchronous updates

If synchronous updates of JSON indexes turned out to be too burdensome, it would be straightforward to provide asynchronous and nearly real-time indexing using a combination of database triggers and Postgres' notification system. (Such a system could also be used to update external indexes.)


Postgres' capability to index, leveraging expression indexes and search JSON data is compelling, as is the ability to see object data and perform generic searches using SQL.

Search and update performance is good and likely to be much better than with existing catalog-based search, especially considering:

  • Much of the work is done in C rather than Python.
  • Search leverages Postgres' query optimization, which is far more sophisticated than that used by Python catalogs.
  • Using Postgres indexes allows us to manage much fewer objects in the database.

Some downsides:

  • We loose a lot of the flexibility of indexing in Python:
    • Object-oriented dispatch for data extraction.
    • Ability to express data extraction in Python. In comparison to Python, PL/pgSQL is pretty awful. Postgres does support for Python stored procedures.
  • We could end up with a fair bit of indexing logic in stored procedures, which provides an extra maintenance burden. In the long term, however, this logic would likely replace existing logic in Python and might be a wash.

Phase 1, initial production version

We've decided to do an initial production implementation. The emphasis is on increemental changes that can be done with minimal changes to other packages.


For this phase, we won't require any changes to RelStorage, which is in the process of launching version 2.0. Rather, we'll using a separate process to update a separate table with JSON data asynchronously.

  • Table: object_json


    zoid: bigint

    ZODB object if as an integer

    class_name: text

    Persistent-object class name. Useful for type-specific logic.

    class_pickle: bytea

    A small pickle needed to instantiate ghosts.

    state: jsonb

    The object state.

  • Add a trigger on insert or upodate on object_state that notifies: object_state_changed with the of the tid (as a string of a bigint).
  • Long-running process that:
    • Listens for object_state_changed notifications with poll on timeout. (It will log notifications missed, if any.)
    • Populates object_json using data for new transactions from object_state.
    • On startup, catches up any data in object_state not in object_json (based on tids.)
  • Provide two simple query APIs
    • Takes a postgres query that results in columns zoid and class_pickle.
    • Add a ZODB API similar to get, but that accepts a class pickle so it can create ghosts without database loads.
    • Simple API that returns a sequence of obejcts that match a query.
    • Iterator API that returns an object iterator.
      • Uses server-side cursors to avoid copying all results to the client.
      • Uses a new buffering map function that buffers function application to an iterator. This will allow us to invoke ZODB's prefetch API before objects are accessed by the iterator 6.
  • Leverage query API in an application as an alternative to catalog queries and compare results (accuracy and efficiency).


  • Implented process for populating object_json.

    Note that relevent code was copied from the xpickle package and customized as described in phase 0.

  • Implemented search APIs.
    • Iterator API seems ill conceived. Batching is more likely to be done in SQL.
  • Converted an application search from a catalog search to and SQL search.

    SQL-bases search was an order of magnitude faster.

  • Will continue converting searches.

  1. To be more precise, the order is undefined. There may actually be a predictable order, but that order is an implementation detail that is subject to change.

  2. This was derived from a much older xmlpickle project.

  3. In ZODB, ghost objects are objects without state. When a ghost object is referenced, it's state is loaded and it becomes a non-ghost. Any persistent objects referenced in the state are created as ghosts, unless their already in memory.

  4. The Postgres copy mechanism provides an efficient way to do bulk data export and import.

  5. In this application, we've chosen to store access control information only where values are set directly. This makes updates inexpensive, but makes search somewhat expensive, because we search for access-control information at run time. Alternatively, we could have copied data to descendent nodes when changes were made, which would have made updates much more expensive, but would have made reads much faster.

  6. This may not work and we may need to do something else. :) RelStorage doesn't support prefetch and it looks like the RelStorage cache doesn't cache old objects, which if true, would render prefetch almost useless. An alternative would be to create some sort of multi-load API. Another option might be to allow Connection.get() to accept a full state, but we'd need to get the state using RelStorage's load connection.


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