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v1.4.8 - syncoid gets --no-stream and --no-sync-snap

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@jimsalterjrs jimsalterjrs released this 14 Mar 00:39
· 755 commits to master since this release

No changes to sanoid, but syncoid gets new features:

--no-stream : this argument tells syncoid to use -i incrementals, not -I. This updates the target with the newest snapshot from the source, without replicating the intermediate snapshots in between. (If used for an initial synchronization, will do a full replication from newest snapshot and exit immediately, rather than starting with the oldest and then doing an immediate -i to the newest.)

--no-sync-snap : this argument tells syncoid to restrict itself to existing snapshots, instead of creating a semi-ephemeral syncoid snapshot at execution time. Especially useful in multi-target (A->B, A->C) replication schemes, where you might otherwise accumulate a large number of foreign syncoid snapshots!