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v2.2.0 documentation updates, syncoid direct connection support, small fixes

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@jimsalterjrs jimsalterjrs released this 18 Jul 16:35
· 79 commits to master since this release

2.2.0 [overall] documentation updates, small fixes (@azmodude, @deviantintegral, @jimsalterjrs, @alexhaydock, @cbreak-black, @kd8bny, @JavaScriptDude, @veeableful, @rsheasby, @Topslakr, @mavhc, @adam-stamand, @joelishness, @jsoref, @dodexahedron, @phreaker0)
[syncoid] implemented flag for preserving properties without the zfs -p flag (@phreaker0)
[syncoid] implemented target snapshot deletion (@mat813)
[syncoid] support bookmarks which are taken in the same second (@delxg, @phreaker0)
[syncoid] exit with an error if the specified src dataset doesn't exist (@phreaker0)
[syncoid] rollback is now done implicitly instead of explicit (@jimsalterjrs, @phreaker0)
[syncoid] append a rand int to the socket name to prevent collisions with parallel invocations (@Gryd3)
[syncoid] implemented support for ssh_config(5) files (@endreszabo)
[syncoid] snapshot hold/unhold support (@rbike)
[sanoid] handle duplicate key definitions gracefully (@phreaker0)
[syncoid] implemented removal of conflicting snapshots with force-delete option (@phreaker0)
[sanoid] implemented pre pruning script hook (@phreaker0)
[syncoid] implemented direct connection support (bypass ssh) for the actual data transfer (@phreaker0)