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Jina logo: The Framework for Building Cross-Modal and Multi-Modal Applications on the Cloud

The Framework for Building Cross-Modal and Multi-Modal Applications on the Cloud

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Jina is a framework that empowers anyone to build cross-modal and multi-modal applications on the cloud. It uplifts a local PoC into a production-ready service in just minutes. Jina simplifies the advanced solution engineering and cloud-native technologies, making them accessible to every developer. Specially, applications built with Jina enjoy the following features out-of-the-box:

  • 🌌 Versatile on all modalities and data types, such as text, image, audio, video, 3D mesh, PDF.
  • 🧠 Support all mainstream deep learning frameworks.
  • 🛣️ Intuitive design pattern for building high-performant microservices.
  • 🆙 Scaling at ease: set replicas, sharding via one parameter.
  • 📡 Universal gateway that supports gRPC, Websockets, HTTP, GraphQL protocols with TLS.
  • 🔁 Duplex streaming between client and server.
  • ⚡ Async and non-blocking data processing over dynamic flows.
  • 🐳 Seamless Docker integration: sharing, exploring, sandboxing, versioning and dependency control via Jina Hub.
  • ⎈ Fast deployment to Kubernetes, Docker Compose and Jina Cloud.
  • 👁️ Full observability via Prometheus and Grafana.


pip install jina
jina -v

More install can be found in the docs.

Get Started

Basic Concepts

Document, Executor and Flow are three fundamental concepts in Jina.

  • Document is a data structure contains multi-modal data.
  • Executor is a self-contained component and performs a group of tasks on Documents.
  • Flow ties Executors together into a processing pipeline, provides scalability and facilitates deployments in the cloud.

Leveraging these three concepts, let's build a simple image search service, as a "productization" of DocArray README.

Get started with Jina to build production-ready neural search solution via ResNet in less than 20 minutes

Build a service from scratch

Preliminaries: install PyTorch & Torchvision
  1. Import what we need.

    from docarray import Document, DocumentArray
    from jina import Executor, Flow, requests
  2. Copy-paste the preprocessing step and wrap it via Executor:

    class PreprocImg(Executor):
        async def foo(self, docs: DocumentArray, **kwargs):
            for d in docs:
                    d.load_uri_to_image_tensor(200, 200)  # load
                    .set_image_tensor_normalization()  # normalize color
                        -1, 0
                    )  # switch color axis for the PyTorch model later
  3. Copy-paste the embedding step and wrap it via Executor:

    class EmbedImg(Executor):
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            import torchvision
            self.model = torchvision.models.resnet50(pretrained=True)        
        async def foo(self, docs: DocumentArray, **kwargs):
  4. Wrap the matching step into an Executor:

    class MatchImg(Executor):
        _da = DocumentArray()
        async def index(self, docs: DocumentArray, **kwargs):
            docs.clear()  # clear content to save bandwidth
        async def foo(self, docs: DocumentArray, **kwargs):
            docs.match(self._da, limit=9)
            del docs[...][:, ('embedding', 'tensor')]  # save bandwidth as it is not needed
  5. Connect all Executors in a Flow, scale embedding to 3:

    f = (
        .add(uses=EmbedImg, replicas=3)

    Plot it via f.plot('flow.svg') and you get:

  6. Download the image dataset.

Pull from Cloud Manually download, unzip and load
index_data = DocumentArray.pull('demo-leftda', show_progress=True)
  1. Download from Google Drive
  2. Unzip all images to ./left/
  3. Load into DocumentArray
    index_data = DocumentArray.from_files('left/*.jpg')
  1. Index image data:
    with f:

The full indexing on 6,000 images should take ~8 minutes on a MacBook Air 2020.

Now you can use a Python client to access the service:

from jina import Client

c = Client(port=12345)  # connect to localhost:12345
print('/search', index_data[0])['@m'])  # '@m' is the matches-selector

To switch from gRPC interface to REST API, you can simply set protocol = 'http':

with f:
    f.protocol = 'http'

Now you can query it via curl:

Use curl to query image search service built by Jina & ResNet50

Or go to and test requests via a Swagger UI:

Visualize visual similar images in Jina using ResNet50

Get started with Jina to build production-ready neural search solution via ResNet in less than 20 minutes

Play with Containerized Executors

You can containerize the Executors and use them in a sandbox thanks to Hub.

  1. Move each Executor class to a separate folder with one Python file in each:

    • PreprocImg -> 📁 preproc_img/
    • EmbedImg -> 📁 embed_img/
    • MatchImg -> 📁 match_img/
  2. Create a requirements.txt in embed_img as it requires torchvision.

    ├── embed_img
    │     ├──  # copy-paste codes of ImageEmbeddingExecutor
    │     └── requirements.txt  # add the requirement `torchvision`
    └── match_img
          └──  # copy-paste codes of IndexExecutor
    └── preproc_img
          └──  # copy-paste codes of IndexExecutor
  3. Push all Executors to the Hub:

    jina hub push preproc_img
    jina hub push embed_img
    jina hub push match_img

    You will get three Hub Executors that can be used via Sandbox, Docker container or source code.

Jina hub push gives you the sandbox

  1. In particular, Sandbox hosts your Executor on Jina Cloud and allows you to use it from your local machine:
    from docarray import DocumentArray
    from jina import Flow
    index_data = DocumentArray.pull(
        'demo-leftda', show_progress=True
    )  # Download the dataset as shown in the tutorial above
    f = Flow().add(uses='jinahub+sandbox://2k7gsejl')
    with f:
        print('/', index_data[:10]))

Shell outputs running docker-compose

Containerize, share and play in one-place like a pro

Deploy the service via Docker Compose

  1. Now that all Executors are in containers, we can easily use Docker Compose to orchestrate the Flow:

    f = (
    f.to_docker_compose_yaml()  # By default, stored at `docker-compose.yml`
  2. Now in the console run:

    docker-compose up

Shell outputs running docker-compose

Deploy the service via Kubernetes

  1. Create a Kubernetes cluster and get credentials (example in GCP, more K8s providers here):

    gcloud container clusters create test --machine-type e2-highmem-2  --num-nodes 1 --zone europe-west3-a
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials test --zone europe-west3-a --project jina-showcase
  2. Create a namespace flow-k8s-namespace for demonstration purpose:

    kubectl create namespace flow-k8s-namespace
  3. Generate the kubernetes configuration files using one line of code:

    f.to_kubernetes_yaml('./k8s_config', k8s_namespace='flow-k8s-namespace')
  4. Your k8s_config folder will look like the following:

    ├── executor0
    │     ├── executor0-head.yml
    │     └── executor0.yml
    ├── executor1
    │     ├── executor1-head.yml
    │     └── executor1.yml
    └── gateway
          └── gateway.yml
  5. Use kubectl to deploy your neural search application:

    kubectl apply -R -f ./k8s_config

Shell outputs running k8s

  1. Run port forwarding so that you can send requests to your Kubernetes application from local CLI :

    kubectl port-forward svc/gateway -n flow-k8s-namespace 12345:12345

Now we have the service up running in Kubernetes!


Join Us

Jina is backed by Jina AI and licensed under Apache-2.0. We are actively hiring AI engineers, solution engineers to build the next neural search ecosystem in open source.


We welcome all kinds of contributions from the open-source community, individuals and partners. We owe our success to your active involvement.