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Collections for state-of-the-art and novel deep neural network-based multi-view clustering approaches (papers & codes). According to the integrity of multi-view data, such methods can be further subdivided into Deep Multi-view Clustering(DMVC) and Deep Incomplete Multi-view Clustering(DIMVC).

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Table of Contents

What's Deep Multi-view Clustering?

Deep multi-view clustering aims to reveal the potential complementary information of multiple features or modalities through deep neural networks, and finally divide samples into different groups in unsupervised scenarios.


Year Title Venue Paper
2024 Incomplete Multi-view Learning: Review, Analysis, and Prospects ASC
2023 A Comprehensive Survey on Multi-view Clustering TKDE
2022 Representation Learning in Multi-view Clustering: A Literature Review DSE
2022 Foundations and Recent Trends in Multimodal Machine Learning: Principles, Challenges, and Open Questions Arxiv
2021 Survey on Deep Multi-modal Data Analytics: Collaboration, Rivalry, and Fusion TOMM
2021 Deep Multi-view Learning Methods: A Review Neurocom
2018 A Survey of Multi-View Representation Learning TKDE
2018 Multi-view Clustering: A Survey BDMA
2018 Multimodal Machine Learning: A Survey and Taxonomy TPAMI
2018 A Survey on Multi-View Clustering Arxiv
2017 Multi-view Learning Overview:Recent Progress and New Challenges IF
2013 A Survey on Multi-view Learning Arxiv

Papers & Codes

According to the integrity of multi-view data, the paper is divided into deep multi-view clustering methods and deep incomplete multi-view clustering approaches.

Deep Multi-view Clustering(DMVC)

Year Title Abbreviation Venue Paper Code
2024 SURER: Structure-Adaptive Unified Graph Neural Network for Multi-View Clustering SURER AAAI -
2024 Deep Generative Clustering with Multimodal Diffusion Variational Autoencoders CMVAE ICLR -
2023 Generalized Information-theoretic Multi-view Clustering IMC NeurIPS -
2023 Self-Weighted Contrastive Learning among Multiple Views for Mitigating Representation Degeneration SEM NeurIPS
2023 A Novel Approach for Effective Multi-View Clustering with Information-Theoretic Perspective SUMVC NeurIPS
2023 Dual Label-Guided Graph Refnement for Multi-View Graph Clustering DuaLGR AAAI
2023 Cross-view Topology Based Consistent and Complementary Information for Deep Multi-view Clustering CTCC ICCV -
2023 MHCN: A Hyperbolic Neural Network Model for Multi-view Hierarchical Clustering MHCN ICCV -
2023 Deep Multiview Clustering by Contrasting Cluster Assignments CVCL ICCV
2023 DealMVC: Dual Contrastive Calibration for Multi-view Clustering DealMVC ACM MM
2023 Self-Supervised Graph Attention Networks for Deep Weighted Multi-View Clustering SGDMC AAAI -
2023 Auto-attention Mechanism for Multi-view Deep Embedding Clustering MDEC PR -
2023 Dual Fusion-Propagation Graph Neural Network for Multi-view Clustering DFP-GNN TMM -
2023 Joint Shared-and-Specific Information for Deep Multi-View Clustering JSSI TCSVT -
2023 On the Effects of Self-supervision and Contrastive Alignment in Deep Multi-view Clustering DeepMVC CVPR
2023 GCFAgg:Global and Cross-view Feature Aggregation for Multi-view Clustering GCFAgg CVPR -
2023 Self-Supervised Information Bottleneck for Deep Multi-View Subspace Clustering SIB-MSC TIP -
2023 Multi-channel Augmented Graph Embedding Convolutional Network for Multi-view Clustering MAGEC-Net TNSE -
2022 Deep Safe Multi-View Clustering:Reducing the Risk of Clustering Performance Degradation Caused by View Increase DSMVC CVPR
2022 Multi-level Feature Learning for Contrastive Multi-view Clustering MFLVC CVPR
2022 Stationary Diffusion State Neural Estimation for Multiview Clustering SDSNE AAAI
2022 Multi-View Subspace Clustering via Structured Multi-Pathway Network SMpNet TNNLS
2022 Multiview Subspace Clustering With Multilevel Representations and Adversarial Regularization MvSC-MRAR TNNLS -
2022 Self-Supervised Deep Multiview Spectral Clustering SDMvSC TNNLS -
2022 Contrastive Multi-view Hyperbolic Hierarchical Clustering CMHHC IJCAI -
2022 Multi-view Graph Embedding Clustering Network:Joint Self-supervision and Block Diagonal Representation MVGC NN
2022 Efficient Multi‑view Clustering Networks EMC-Nets APPL INTELL
2021 Deep Mutual Information Maximin for Cross-Modal Clustering DMIM AAAI -
2021 Uncertainty-Aware Multi-View Representation Learning DUA-Nets AAAI
2021 Reconsidering Representation Alignment for Multi-view Clustering SiMVC&CoMVC CVPR
2021 Deep Multiple Auto-Encoder-Based Multi-view Clustering MVC_MAE DSE
2021 Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learning from Unlabeled Videos MCN ICCV
2021 Multi-VAE: Learning Disentangled View-common and View-peculiar Visual Representations for Multi-view Clustering Multi-VAE ICCV
2021 Graph Filter-based Multi-view Attributed Graph Clustering MvAGC IJCAI
2021 Multi-view Subspace Clustering Networks with Local and Global Graph Information MSCNGL Neurocom
2021 Attentive Multi-View Deep Subspace Clustering Net AMVDSN Neurocom -
2021 Multi-view Contrastive Graph Clustering MCGC NeurIPS
2021 Self-supervised Discriminative Feature Learning for Deep Multi-view Clustering SDMVC TKDE
2021 Multi-view Attributed Graph Clustering MAGC TKDE
2021 Deep Multi-view Subspace Clustering with Unified and Discriminative Learning DMSC-UDL TMM
2021 Self-supervised Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-view Clustering SGCMC TMM
2021 Consistent Multiple Graph Embedding for Multi-View Clustering CMGEC TMM
2021 Deep Multiview Collaborative Clustering DMCC TNNLS -
2020 Partially View-aligned Clustering PVC NeurIPS
2020 Cross-modal Subspace Clustering via Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis CMSC-DCCA AAAI -
2020 Shared Generative Latent Representation Learning for Multi-View Clustering DMVCVAE AAAI
2020 End-to-End Adversarial-Attention Network for Multi-Modal Clustering EAMC CVPR
2020 Multi-View Attribute Graph Convolution Networks for Clustering MAGCN IJCAI
2020 End-To-End Deep Multimodal Clustering DMMC ICME
2020 Deep Embedded Multi-view Clustering with Collaborative Training DEMVC IS
2020 Joint Deep Multi-View Learning for Image Clustering DMJC TKDE -
2020 One2Multi Graph Autoencoder for Multi-view Graph Clustering O2MVC WWW
2019 AE^2-Nets: Autoencoder in Autoencoder Networks AE^2-Nets CVPR
2019 COMIC: Multi-view Clustering Without Parameter Selection COMIC ICML
2019 Deep Adversarial Multi-view Clustering Network DAMC IJCAI
2019 Multi-view Spectral Clustering Network MvSCN IJCAI
2019 Multi-view Deep Subspace Clustering Networks MvDSCN TIP
2018 Generalized Latent Multi-View Subspace Clustering gLMSC TPAMI
2018 Deep Multimodal Subspace Clustering Networks DMSC STSP
2018 Deep Multi-View Clustering via Multiple Embedding DMVC-ME CoRR -

Deep Incomplete Multi-view Clustering(DIMVC)

Year Title Abbreviation Venue Paper Code
2024 Deep Variational Incomplete Multi-View Clustering: Exploring Shared Clustering Structures DVIMC AAAI
2024 Partial Multi-View Clustering via Self-Supervised Network PVC-SCN AAAI -
2024 Incomplete Contrastive Multi-View Clustering with High-Confidence Guiding ICMVC AAAI
2024 Adaptive Feature Imputation with Latent Graph for Deep Incomplete Multi-View Clustering AGDIMC AAAI -
2024 Decoupled Contrastive Multi-view Clustering with High-order Random Walks DIVIDE AAAI
2024 Incomplete Multi-View Clustering Via Inference and Evaluation IMVC-IE ICASSP
2024 Robust Multi-Graph Contrastive Network for Incomplete Multi-View Clustering RMGC TMM -
2024 Multimodal Patient Representation Learning With Missing Modalities and Labels MUSE ICLR -
2024 Contrastive and Adversarial Regularized Multi-level Representation Learning for Incomplete Multi-view Clustering MRL_CAL NN
2024 A novel Federated Multi-view Clustering Method for Unaligned and Incomplete Data Fusion FUCIF IF
2024 View-interactive Attention Information Alignment-guided Fusion for Incomplete Multi-view Clustering VAIAF ESA -
2024 Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Self-attention Networks and Feature Reconstruction SNFR APPL INTELL -
2023 UNTIE: Clustering Analysis with Disentanglement in Multi-view Information Fusion UNTIE IF -
2023 Federated Deep Multi-View Clustering with Global Self-Supervision FedDMVC ACM MM -
2023 Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Attention-based Contrast Learning MCAC IJMLC
2023 Incomplete Multi-View Clustering With Complete View Guidance IMC-CVG SPL -
2023 Information Recovery-driven Deep Incomplete Multiview Clustering Network RecFormer TNNLS
2023 Realize Generative Yet Complete Latent Representation for Incomplete Multi-View Learning CMVAE TPAMI -
2023 Semantic Invariant Multi-View Clustering With Fully Incomplete Information SMILE TPAMI
2023 Deep Incomplete Multi-view Clustering with Cross-view Partial Sample and Prototype Alignment CPSPAN CVPR
2023 Adaptive Feature Projection with Distribution Alignment for Deep Incomplete Multi-view Clustering APADC TIP
2023 Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Prototype-based Imputation ProImp IJCAI
2023 Consistent Graph Embedding Network with Optimal Transport for Incomplete Multi-view Clustering CGEN-OT IS -
2023 CCR-Net: Consistent Contrastive Representation Network for Multi-view Clustering CCR-Net IS
2023 Incomplete Multi-view Clustering Network via Nonlinear Manifold Embedding and Probability-Induced Loss IMCNet-MP NN -
2022 Robust Multi-view Clustering with Incomplete Information SURE TPAMI
2022 Dual Contrastive Prediction for Incomplete Multi-view Representation Learning DCP TPAMI
2022 Deep Safe Incomplete Multi-view Clustering: Theorem and Algorithm DSIMVC ICML
2022 Deep Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Mining Cluster Complementarity DIMVC AAAI
2022 Robust Diversified Graph Contrastive Network for Incomplete Multi-view Clustering RDGC ACM MM
2022 Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Cross-view Relation Transfer CRTC TCSVT -
2022 Graph Contrastive Partial Multi-view Clustering AGCL TMM
2021 COMPLETER: Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Contrastive Prediction COMPLETER CVPR
2021 iCmSC: Incomplete Cross-modal Subspace Clustering iCmSC TIP
2021 Generative Partial Multi-View Clustering With Adaptive Fusion and Cycle Consistency GP-MVC TIP
2021 Clustering-Induced Adaptive Structure Enhancing Network for Incomplete Multi-View Data CASEN IJCAI -
2021 Structural Deep Incomplete Multi-view Clustering Network SDIMC-net CIKM -
2021 Dual Alignment Self-Supervised Incomplete Multi-View Subspace Clustering Network DASIMSC SPL -
2020 Deep Partial Multi-View Learning DPML TPAMI
2020 CDIMC-net:Cognitive Deep Incomplete Multi-view Clustering Network( CDIMC-net IJCAI
2020 DIMC-net:Deep Incomplete Multi-view Clustering Network DIMC-net ACM MM -
2020 Deep Incomplete Multi-View Multiple Clusterings DiMVMC ICDM
2019 CPM-Nets: Cross Partial Multi-View Networks CPM-Nets NeurIPS
2019 Adversarial Incomplete Multi-view Clustering AIMC IJCAI -
2018 Partial Multi-View Clustering via Consistent GAN PVC-GAN ICDM


  title={Deep Incomplete Multi-view Clustering with Cross-view Partial Sample and Prototype Alignment},
  author={Jin, Jiaqi and Wang, Siwei and Dong, Zhibin and Liu, Xinwang and Zhu, En},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


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