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Drat 0.1.1

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@jivanpal jivanpal released this 02 Feb 13:18
· 135 commits to main since this release
  • Fixed bug in get_o_type_string() where the "Unknown type" output did not correctly display the hex value of the type field (o_type & OBJECT_TYPE_MASK).

  • Re-implemented (and hopefully fixed all bugs in) the B-tree routines in src/apfs/func/btree.c. Of particular note:

    • get_btree_phys_omap_val() is deprecated and replaced with get_btree_phys_omap_entry(), which allows the caller to see the XID of the returned entry.

    • get_fs_records() is now more efficient, as it no longer makes multiple descents from the root node just to access multiple records in the same leaf node. Instead, we now just walk along the leaf node, making new descents only when we need to access a different node.