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不要降低你的地位。Don't abase your apartment.

我们应该在上帝面前表示谦卑。We should abase ourselves before God.

不尊重别人的人同时也自贬了身份。A man who never respect others will abase himself.

不尊重别人的人同时也自贬了身份。A man who never respect others will abase hisself.

你永远不可以因为一个小小的错误而去贬低一个人的人格。You can never abase a person for a little mistake.

他对我使用了非常下流的语言。A man who uses bad language will only abase himself.

因请求得到他人的邀请被拒绝而使自己的威望降低。Refused to abase herself by asking for an invitation.

因请求得到他人的邀请被拒绝而使自己的威望降低。E. g. refused to abase herself by asking for an invitation.

有位妇女拒绝洗礼,结果自贬身份。One woman refused to abide by this and abase herself in this way.

过去,牧师们常常对神自责。In former times, priests used to abase themselves before the gods.

最后提出了数据库安全研究应当解决的几个问题。Finally, the open problems on research in Dat abase Security are discussed.

然后按照设计准则和设计理论设计了环面蜗轮蜗杆减速器。After that the circular worm gear reducer is designed abase on the principle.

这位首领拒绝在他的部下面前低三下四,这使得皇帝很恼火。The leader's refusal to abase himself before his followers irritated the king.

也就是说你至少还需要原数据库的控制文件。You cannot use CATALOG to catalog a file that belongs to a different dat abase.

总统不愿在全国人民面前降低自己的威信,承认自己犯了错误。The president is not willing to abase himself before the nation and admit that he made a mistake.

与传统的关系数据库相比,基于GIS的数据库具有不可比拟的优点。As compared with the conventional relational database , the GIS dat abase has a great deal of merits.

然而即使是能在神面前谦卑下来的基督徒,在世俗的事务上却也异常顽固。But even the Christians who can abase themselves in front of God , also show their stubbornness in mundane matters.

最后提出了在发挥其基本职能的基础上最大程度地降低外汇储备规模要求的五种途径。Finally the article raises5approaches that abase the demand of foreign exchange reserve scale on the basis of taking advantage of its utilization.

汉语表绿色词语因受阴阳五行学说的影响在传统的色彩观念中地位极其卑微,绿色也因初生植物充满生机而成为生命、希望的象征。Chinese characters indicating green, influenced by the school of Yin-Yang and the Five Element, abase themselves in the traditional colour concepts.