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单核期是小孢子败育的主要时期。Mononucleus phase is mainly the abortive one of pollen.

虽然徒劳无获,但他们不愿中止行动、放弃搜查,因为他们知道任何失败都将导致我女儿的死亡。They knew that any abortive action would surely result in my daughter's death.

当我在与技术人员交谈的时候,我给他发了一封我异常中断扫描仪的PDF文档。While I had the technician on the Ie, I e-mailed him a PDF of my abortive scan.

不过他们没有成功,可以看作未遂,可以从轻处罚。Nevertheless they did not succeed, can regard abortive , OK and light punishment.

败育花粉的特征是花粉粒小,超微结构异常。The abortive pollen was small than normal pollen and it's microstructure was abnormal.

所有光路,光纤接口经过精心选型,可靠性筛选等措施。All fiber channels, fiber interface components is chosen and filtered by abortive method.

目的评价口服流产药物配合清宫术治疗稽留流产的疗效。Objective To evaluate the efficacy of abortive medicine combined with on missed abortion.

花粉粒败育形态多种多样,有不规则形,梭形,圆形等。Abortive shapes of pollen grains were in varied forms, such as irregular, round and spindle etc.

败育的杉木涩籽中只积累较多的脱落酸,说明了败育涩籽的衰败和失活。The abortive seeds only accumulated large abscises acid, which caused the abortion and inactivation.

飞行员拒绝了,在三次着陆失败后正要尝试第四次时,撞上了树顶。The pilot refused, making three abortive attempts to land before hitting tree-tops on the fourth try.

经历荷兰之旅及“夭折”了的英国之旅后,埃桑迪斯再没尝试过出国旅行。After Holland and his abortive visit to England, Des Esseintes did not attempt another journey abroad.

他死没有遗嘱的和每种尝试追踪他的家庭任何的成员已经流产的和不成功的。He died intestate and every attempt to trace any member of his family has proved abortive and unsuccessful.

一位财政部发言人称部分债券流拍并不意味着政府在融资方面存在问题。A finance ministry spokesman said the abortive auction did not mean the government has refinancing problems.

灵红A是以汕A为母本,用自选的灵红占为父本杂交转育而成的野败型多穗大穗优质不育系。Linghong A is a wild abortive type of male sterile line that has many spikes, big spikes and quality traits.

随着温度的升高,花粉粒发育速度加快,雄蕊败育趋势增加。With the rise of temperature , the development of pollen speeded up, the abortive trend of stamen increased.

我的顾客死了无遗嘱并且到他的家庭的任何成员已经证明不成功并且没有成功的踪迹的每尝试。My Client died intestate and every attempt to trace any member of his family has proved unsuccessful and abortive.

即使过了这么多年,基辛格还是谨慎地称这一事件“据报道是政变未遂”。Even after this long passage of time, Kissinger carefully refers to the drama as being “reportedly an abortive coup.

败育的杉木涩籽中存在着凝集素类物质,它的存在与败育无关,而在贮藏蛋白的形成中有作用。The abortive seeds contained lectins. This matter played a role in forming storage protein, independent of abortion.

他甚至解散了负责监管计划经济的苏共机构,导致强硬派发动了政变。He even went so far as to break up the party bureaus that oversaw the economy, prompting an abortive coup by hardliners.

对于数额加重犯而言,作为行为犯的数额加重犯和作为结果犯的数额加重犯都存在犯罪未遂,并应当定罪处罚。As to the basic crime, it can't be punished for it's just an attempt. There isn't any abortive crime in the result crime.