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或者所有人都反对禁俗,等等。Nobody would like abstinence and so on.

节制使你不必因着行为而被人评价。Abstinence frees you from being valued on a performance basis.

拉尔辛嗜酒如命,医生建议他采取瑜伽法戒酒。Larsen sotted. The doctor proposed him to take yoga for abstinence.

学习一下如何与你十几岁的孩子讨论禁欲与避孕的问题。Find out how to talk to your teen about abstinence and contraception.

当节制成为唯一的选择时,苦行者的念头就来得很容易。When abstinence is the only choice, an ascetic frame of mind comes easy.

所以故宫里也有斋宫,但与天坛的颜色完全不一样。Therefore, there was also a Hall of Abstinence inside the Forbidden City.

直到几年以前,避孕套和禁欲还只是仅有的预防艾滋病的方法。Until a few years ago, condoms and abstinence were alone in that tool kit.

你知道的,在结婚前让他们分开的最终目的是保持禁欲。The ultimate goal is for them to separate— abstinence before marriage, you know.

但是即使夫妇实行节欲也应当了解一些避孕套的知识。But even couples who practice abstinence can benefit from learning about condoms.

讨论在对抗性传播疾病中节制性活动的效力。Discuss the effectiveness of sexual abstinence programs in the fight against STDS.

这样的戒酒期总是有规律地被酒精滥用时期打断。Such periods of abstinence were regularly punctuated with periods of alcohol abuse.

这个项目将针对年轻人进行健康教育和性节制教育。The program will focus on teaching health education and abstinence to young people.

禁欲守贞项目着重教导青少年不要发生婚前性行为。Abstinence only programs focus on teaching teenagers to not have sex until marriage.

谈论青少年与性的问题时,首先要说的就是禁欲。When broaching the topic of teens and sex, it's never too late to talk about abstinence.

海洛因戒除者的行为冲动性不随戒除时间的延长而改善。The behavioral impulsivity in heroin abstainers did not improve along with abstinence time course.

结论半夏厚朴汤加味可改善海洛因依赖脱毒后的稽延性戒断症状。Conclusion MBHD could improve the heroin abusers' protracted abstinence symptoms after detoxification.

此外,还有很多戒酒相关组织也在宣扬提倡“饮酒节制,节制饮酒”。In addition, a lot of alcoholic abstinence organizations also convey and advocate Abstemious Drinking.

尽管现时传闻支持相反做法,但经验告诉我,彻底戒绝很少是有效的。My experience tells me that total abstinence rarely works, although anecdotes exist to support that practice.

英国社会保守人士最近声称,“在结婚之前节欲能塑造人格和自我控制力。”Social conservatives have recently argued that "abstinence until marriage builds character and self-control."

那些禁欲份子们长久以来都是出于对独角兽灭绝的担忧才保守着这个秘密的。The only reason abstinence promoters don't tell everyone about this is because then we'd run out of unicorns.