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这个人是钢琴伴奏者。The man is a piano accompanist.

我会为你雇个人为你伴奏。And I'll hire somebody, an accompanist for you.

在白板的世界里,雅谷与您同行!In the white board world, YAKUDO will always be your accompanist !

她是一个伟大的伴奏和独奏,而并非总是如此。She was a great accompanist as well as soloist and that isn't always the case.

鲁道夫从来没有如此熟练地驾驭过这把小提琴——他也从未有过这样一位伴奏者。Never before had Rudolf played with such mastery – or with such an accompanist.

最好是搭配有咸辣味的前菜,稍微清淡的烤肉类或者是重烹调的鱼类。As an accompanist it is best suited to savoury meals , gently roasted meat and hearty meals of fish.

本团将预备一座钢琴,唯请自备伴奏。A grand piano will be provided, however all participants will be expected to arrange their own accompanist.

当然,伴奏者必须对那些为旋律所配和弦的不同“表情”做出反应。Of course, the accompanist has to respond to the different expressiveness of the chords in supporting the melody.

她曾被邀请加入伊拉克国家交响乐团的伴奏,但现在她却成为独奏。She was invited to join the Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra as an accompanist but now appears with them as a soloist.

加强伴奏者对伴奏工作的重视,使之真正成为名副其实的“钢琴伴奏艺术”。Accompanist work to strengthen the importance of the accompaniment to make it truly become a true "art piano accompaniment."

是否就任或弃权并不重要,因为他只想成为抽象学术科研的伴随者。Whether acceding or abstaining of it was not important because he just wanted to be an accompanist of abstract academic research.

是否就任或弃权并不重要,因为他只想成为抽象学术科研的伴随者。Whether acceding to or abstaining from it was not important because he just wanted to be an accompanist of abstract academic research.

使钢琴伴奏者能够从“思”与“行”两个层面全面考虑作品音乐内涵的表达。So that the piano accompanist to the "thinking" and "transportation" fully taken into account two levels of meaning of works of musical expression.

诗班指挥及伴奏均由极有经验的志愿音乐人士担任﹐领导这个充满热力的基督教团体表演杰出及令人振奋的音乐。The Choir Director and Piano Accompanist are experienced volunteer musicians and lead this enthusiastic Christian fellowship to perform outstanding and inspiring music.

在生活中,每个人都有着自己光辉的瞬间,虽然他们可能会与伴奏者一样不被人注目,但是,这并不意味着他们的重要程度会比其他人低。In life, everybody has their moments of glory although they may go unnoticed like the accompanist. This does not mean, however, that they are any less important than anyone else.

在生活中,每个人都有著自己光辉的瞬间,虽然他们可能会与伴奏者一样不被人注目,但是,这并不意味著他们的重要程度会比其他人低。In life, everybody has their moments of glory although they may go unnoticed like the accompanist . This does not mean, however, that they are any less important than anyone else.

本文论述钢琴伴奏是音乐作品不可分割的重要组成部分,一位优秀的声乐教师应是个技术超群的钢琴即兴伴奏者。This paper points out an excellent vocal music teacher should not only have a charming voice, solid background in professional knowledge, but also be an extraordinary extemporaneous piano accompanist.