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陪审团宣告无罪。The jury brought in an acquittal.

因证据不足而宣判他们无罪.Lack of evidence resulted in their acquittal.

被告方的律师为委托人的无罪开释作了有说服力的辩护。The defence lawyer made an eloquent plea for his client's acquittal.

地区法院驳回上诉人提出的无罪判决的动议。The District Court denied petitioner′s motion for a judgment of acquittal.

罗斯林如何形容她对宣判波尔塔无罪这件事有多恶心?How does Roslin describe the depth of her disgust at Gaius Baltar's acquittal?

台北检查官之后向高级法院对他的无罪释放成功提起上诉。Prosecutors in Taipei then successfully appealed to the high court against Ma's acquittal.

雅典娜的无罪奥雷斯特斯结束时的发挥是一个象征,雅典的发展进入一个新时代的文明。Athena's acquittal of Orestes at the end of the play is a symbol of Athens's progression into a new era of civilization.

国民公会安排了审理,而他的无罪释放提高了他的公共姿态和知名度。The National Convention ordered the trial, but his acquittal only served to increase his public profile and popular support.

在对德维尔潘作出无罪判决不久,萨科奇说他接受这个判决----但公检方决定提起上诉。Mr Sarkozy claimed soon after the acquittal that he accepted the verdict—and yet the public prosecutor promptly decided to appeal.

参议院宣布我无罪六天后,我去了新罕布什尔州庆祝我在该州赢得初选胜利七周年。Six days after my acquittal in the Senate, I had gone to New Hampshire to celebrate the seventh anniversary of my New Hampshire primary.

当年主审“辛普森杀妻案”的法官在辛普森被宣告无罪后说“全世界都看到了辛普森的罪行,但法律没有看到”就是这个意思。" the judge is in Xinpusen by say after acquittal " the crime that the whole world saw Xinpusen, but law did not see " it is this meaning.

称义就是神按著自己对罪人的公义原则,行使其对悔改相信基督的罪人的一种恩典和无罪的宣告。B. Justification is God's gracious and full acquittal upon principles of His righteousness of all sinners who repent and believe in Christ.

对于那些决心通过对抗性程序核实政府证据的人来说,其回报可能是无罪开释。For those who have the fortitude to test the government’s evidence through the adversary process, the reward can be an acquittal and vindication.

妨碍司法罪被判不成立,而在判定蔑视法庭罪不成立时,据媒体报道,陪审团却以7票对5票陷入僵局。She was acquitted on the obstruction of justice charge and, according to press reports, the jury deadlocked 7-5 for acquittal on the contempt charges.

自从杰克逊于2005年被证所有娈童指控无罪后,无数娱乐业内的高管都热衷于为他打造一个绚烂的回归。Since Mr. Jackson's 2005 acquittal on child-molestation charges, various entertainment-industry executives have pursued some kind of splashy comeback for him.

这位流行巨星自去年6月在加利福尼亚被宣判无罪以来,一直在欧洲旅行,很久没有露面。But the reclusive pop icon, who has been traveling in Europe since his June 2005 acquittal in California, did not perform the album title song as some expected.

再审改判无罪的,作出原生效判决的人民法院为赔偿义务机关。If a judgment of acquittal is made in a retrial, the people's court rendering the original effective sentence shall be the organ obligated to make compensation.

最高法院八月说,它已经裁决阿纳达因违反穆斯林为主的国家的法律而有罪,推翻先前的无罪释放。The Supreme Court said in August that it had found Arnada guilty of violating the predominantly Muslim nation's indecency laws, overruling an earlier acquittal.

该地区周围的立法者就精神病所作的规定声称如下,于1981年因犯有精神病而射杀美国总统罗纳德·里根的约翰·辛可里被判无罪。Lawmakers around the country imposed new restrictions on insanity claims following John Hinckley's acquittal by reason of insanity in the March 1981 shooting of U.

杰克森,自从二○○五年的性侵儿童控诉遭无罪开释,生活便像个虚拟的隐居者。他原本计画在下个月要在伦敦开办复出之旅。Jackson, who had lived as a virtual recluse since his acquittal in 2005 on charges of child molestation , had planned to launch a comeback tour in London next month.