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光化性唇炎以下唇多见。Phlogistic the following lip sees actinic sex lip more.

局部应用视黄醛类药物治疗光化学性角化病有一定效果。Topical retinoids have some effect in the treatment of actinic keratoses.

他们研究了21个从56到85岁的有光化学角质或阳光晒伤的人。They studied 21 people aged 56 to 85 with actinic keratoses and sun damage.

目的观察光触媒加消炎痛治疗光化性唇炎的效果。Conclusion Photocatalyst and Indomethacin are effection to cure Actinic Cheilitis.

光化性角化病病程发展缓慢,按年计算,常常在老年人身上初次发现。An actinic keratosis takes years to develop, usually first appearing in older adults.

目的探讨光化性扁平苔藓临床及病理特征。Objective To investigate the clinical and histopathological feature of Actinic Lichen Planus.

方法回顾性分析86例慢性光化性皮炎患者临床资料。Methods Clinical data of 86 cases with chronic actinic dermatitis were analyzed retrospectively.

不同类云对有光化性的流量和化学浓度的影响是什么?。What is the effect of cloud inhomogeneities on actinic fluxes and chemical species concentrations?

目的观察光触媒加消炎痛治疗光化性唇炎的效果。Objective To observe the effection of curing Actinic Chdilitis with Photocatalyst and Indomethacin.

许多医生认为光化性角化病是一种癌前病变,因为它能够发展为皮肤癌。Many doctors consider an actinic keratosis to be precancerous because it can develop into skin cancer.

事实上,在那些光照强烈的地区,还有人在20多岁的时候就得了日光性角化病和皮肤癌。In fact, some people who live in sun-intense areas develop actinic keratoses and skin cancer in their 20s.

应用DNA流式细胞分析法检测17例慢性光化性皮炎的皮肤活检标本。The skin biopsy specimens from 17 patients with chronic actinic dermatitis were estimated by DNA flow cytometry.

结论光化性扁平苔藓在临床及病理上均有较特异的表现。Conclusion Actinic Lichen Planus was distinct dermatoses with the special clinical and histopathological feature.

研究发现,每五天吃一次含虾青素的食物能够防止光化角化病,也就是皮肤癌的前期病症。A study found that eating one serving every five days can prevent actinic keratoses—ugly rough patches that are precancerous.

目的观察诺沛凝胶在高海拔地区治疗光化性唇炎的临床效果。Objective To observe the clinical effectiveness of Oculotect gel in the treatment of actinic cheilitis at high-altitude area.

需要把不影响运行表现、寿命以及性能的光化学效果记录下来。Actinic effects that do not affect performance, durability, or required characteristics will be recorded as observations only.

需要把不影响运行表现、寿命以及性能的光化学效果记录下来。All actinic effects, regardless of whether or not they affect performance, durability, or required characteristics, will be recorded.

湿疹糜烂型唇炎包括光化性唇炎和良性淋巴增生性唇炎。Eczema debaucjed lip is phlogistic include actinic sex lip phlogistic with benign and lymphatic hyperplasia sexual lip is phlogistic.

不仅如此,公司更进一步致力于将'光化照明'及'数码灯具'引入您的家居和工作环境。Not only that, the company further committed to ' actinic lighting' and 'digital lighting' the introduction of your home and work environment.

Goldenberg医生说,对于40多岁的女人来说,出现光化性角质病真是再平常不过了,这种病包括额头、脸颊或鼻子上出现干燥、红血丝、色斑的情况。It's not uncommon for 40-something women to develop actinic keratosis—dry, red, flaky spots, often on the forehead, cheeks, or nose, Dr.Goldenberg says.